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Posts posted by Jake_Corsair

  1. If you give me the choice of a thief or a snitch, give me the thief every time. I know where I stand with them. They eventually get caught, and they always do, so I could dispense my own punishment without the need of an [wagon] kisser. In the end all are judged.




    I'm out.




    You may be telling the truth, but I can't believe anyone would choose to be unaware of someone stealing from them over being told.

  2. If you give me the choice of a thief or a snitch, give me the thief every time. I know where I stand with them. They eventually get caught, and they always do, so I could dispense my own punishment without the need of an [wagon] kisser. In the end all are judged.




    I'm out.




    You may be telling the truth, but I can't believe anyone would choose to be unaware of someone stealing from them over being told.


    First I never said I do this to make myself feel good about myself or to gain something from it. I do it because my morals dictate that i don't stand by and just let things happen to others if I can help prevent it.




    My standards won't allow me to turn a blind eye to stealing or scamming. Personally, I feel that someone that sees something like the above examples and doesn't do anything about them is at fault as much as the person actually committing the acts.


    "Everybody complains about the weather, but nobody does anything about it." It's easier just to whine about something than to actually take a stand against it.


    I would say the examples you used were stupid things that people somtimes do could have dealt with directly yourself by having a word. Instead you opted to report those people, thus probably they ended up fired. They could end up losing their houses or families break up etc. Now I'm not denying that this type of thing is wrong. If I'm being honest, however, I ask is this a sign of weakness because you were not strong enough to deal with this yourself? You could have done, had a word, explain it's not the done thing. If they had have continued they would have been caught eventually so they would've fell on their own sword. You will end up with a reputation for running to the boss and as soon as anyone else see's an opportunity they return the favour to you. Everyone screws up once in a while but they should be given a chance to redeem themselves via a little education. I'm sure theres a moral in this somewhere......





    How would you know if they have been warned before? Maybe everyone else was like you and warned them and then it's "not my problem" anymore. Same in game, there's no telling how many times someone might have warned someone. At some point someone needs to report them.




    And yes, eventually they'll get caught, but how much will they have taken in the time between my warning and when they get caught? How is it acceptable to sit back and be so nonchalant about a situation someone could have helped prevent. If only they had taken a bit more responsibility.




    Step to the other side for a moment. If someone were stealing from you, would you rather an employee warn someone or come to you and alert you? Yes, the warning might stop them or they could just be more careful about it continuing to steal from you until when? You find out yourself as no one feels it's their responsibility to tell you about it.




    You don't want to report then don't. But understand that others don't think the same way and actively take a stand in certain situations.


    First I never said I do this to make myself feel good about myself or to gain something from it. I do it because my morals dictate that i don't stand by and just let things happen to others if I can help prevent it.




    My standards won't allow me to turn a blind eye to stealing or scamming. Personally, I feel that someone that sees something like the above examples and doesn't do anything about them is at fault as much as the person actually committing the acts.


    "Everybody complains about the weather, but nobody does anything about it." It's easier just to whine about something than to actually take a stand against it.


    I would say the examples you used were stupid things that people somtimes do could have dealt with directly yourself by having a word. Instead you opted to report those people, thus probably they ended up fired. They could end up losing their houses or families break up etc. Now I'm not denying that this type of thing is wrong. If I'm being honest, however, I ask is this a sign of weakness because you were not strong enough to deal with this yourself? You could have done, had a word, explain it's not the done thing. If they had have continued they would have been caught eventually so they would've fell on their own sword. You will end up with a reputation for running to the boss and as soon as anyone else see's an opportunity they return the favour to you. Everyone screws up once in a while but they should be given a chance to redeem themselves via a little education. I'm sure theres a moral in this somewhere......





    How would you know if they have been warned before? Maybe everyone else was like you and warned them and then it's "not my problem" anymore. Same in game, there's no telling how many times someone might have warned someone. At some point someone needs to report them.




    And yes, eventually they'll get caught, but how much will they have taken in the time between my warning and when they get caught? How is it acceptable to sit back and be so nonchalant about a situation someone could have helped prevent. If only they had taken a bit more responsibility.




    Step to the other side for a moment. If someone were stealing from you, would you rather an employee warn someone or come to you and alert you? Yes, the warning might stop them or they could just be more careful about it continuing to steal from you until when? You find out yourself as no one feels it's their responsibility to tell you about it.




    You don't want to report then don't. But understand that others don't think the same way and actively take a stand in certain situations.


    And for the record, in my 20 years of work, I've worked retail for about 15 of them. And I have "snitched" on workmates for various things such as stealing a soda or a bag of chips for break or leaving early and having a friend clock them out at the end of their shift. Now whether those earned me any of my promotions or not, I don't know and don't care. I wasn't reporting them for the position, I was doing it because it was what should be done. And the same goes for the game, I didn't report a lot, and I didn't do it in hopes of getting a crown. I did what I thought was right.




    EDIT: So it's a popularity contest? "No one likes a snitch" or let things slide and be well liked? I play this game for my enjoyment, not to get the approval of other players that would also be nothing more than a status symbol[/b]




    It isn't about being liked. I could go for a crown and be [wagon] kissed all I wanted, but I dont 'need' it. I don't need to go around in life snitching on others to make myself feel good or to gain something from it. People will either like me or they won't but I certainly would never drop my standards to something like the example above. All it does is give you a reputation not to be trusted or give you a persona of some weasly character running to the boss every 5 minutes to report someone else. I could do this in my job, but I don't. I have a word, and it works without stooping to things like this.




    Now you know why pmods have such a bad rep. Local_Guy says that pmods are hated by most players, and this is probably why. If you really need a crown to 'enjoy' the game there is something seriously wrong.




    First I never said I do this to make myself feel good about myself or to gain something from it. I do it because my morals dictate that i don't stand by and just let things happen to others if I can help prevent it. My standards won't allow me to turn a blind eye to stealing or scamming. Personally, I feel that someone that sees something like the above examples and doesn't do anything about them is at fault as much as the person actually committing the acts.


    "Everybody complains about the weather, but nobody does anything about it." It's easier just to whine about something than to actually take a stand against it.




    And apparently, if pmods are hated by most players, that I'm not doing it to be liked. I could do the same without the crown, but as they offered it, why not take it? It can help in certain situations (I listed in my last post) so why not use any bonus I can get.

  6. Mine was getting in a hurry to buy a ton of lobsters to train with. I can't remember the amounts but it was around 1.2 million in gold I was spending (before trade limit). For some reason when I put the amount up it didn't look right and I thought I had shorted the other player. Not wanting him to think I was trying to scam, i quickly ran to the bank and pulled out more money and put it up again. Only after we finished did I realize that I had added an extra 0 in there and instead, paid 12 million for those lobsters. That's some expensive training food, I still have them in the bank, as I don't want to eat such expensive items.

  7. [hide=]

    Sorry for the double post as I know some people have allergies towards such things.


    Why can't there be a purpose with status?




    A couple of examples:


    Skillcapes (or Firecapes) are a status item, but they offer a bonus.


    Getting the new Dragon Pickaxe.


    While having these things do provide better bonuses, you can still function well without them.


    Answered at the bottom of your post.




    Same goes for the crown, others can help players, but the crown can be even more of a bonus. I've been in situations where the fact that I had a crown was helpful in diffusing the problems. Granted there will be some that abuse this status to brag or gloat to others about it (and I'd hope that anyone seeing a pmod acting inappropriately would report them) but not all of them are like this. Most are truly helpful and are interested in following Jagex's lead to improve the community.




    A situation can be diffused without a crown. Anyone worth their salt can do this if they do it right and it doesn't require any great degree of difficulty. Players can use ignore buttons and report for themselves. It doesn't require a crown or a mute button to do this. Whoever needs a crown to diffuse a situation really should question whether they have the right skills in dealing with players.




    True but some instances, a crown or a mute is necessary. Armor trimming scammers and RS gold website advertising are (were) two prime examples. A knowledgeable player would know to ignore them, but that wasn't the player they were targeting. And if the knowledgeable ones were just ignoring and not informing others to do the same, then it's only beneficial to them. You may not NEED a crown to diffuse a situation, but it can help. No a crown isn't needed 100% of the time to help others or to stop bad players, but is it so hard to fathom that it has a purpose or a use while being a status item?





    The nature of MMOG's is mostly about status. Most times people get/do things in order to "show off" to others. Why bother with such things in a solo game that no on else would ever see?


    Generally correct, including the items you mentioned before and what you say here. The trouble with your argument is that these are earned by players, either bought or jumped through the game hoops.




    A modship (old system) was gained by reporting players. Jagex have stated this in their news release. Thats what I have a problem with. Gaining some sort of status on the backs of other players in my mind is not earned, its equivalent to getting a promotion because you snitch. And no-one likes a snitch. If any of you work, I'd suggest you try a little experiment and snitch on your workmates. Lets see how far that gets you. Thankfully they are now changing this system of pmod selection and I am in full agreement with that.




    Other aspects of the game also are earned on the backs of others, Duel Arena, Merchanting, Old Wilderness. A player had to have some skill in those, but they still earned their rewards at the expense of others.




    And for the record, in my 20 years of work, I've worked retail for about 15 of them. And I have "snitched" on workmates for various things such as stealing a soda or a bag of chips for break or leaving early and having a friend clock them out at the end of their shift. Now whether those earned me any of my promotions or not, I don't know and don't care. I wasn't reporting them for the position, I was doing it because it was what should be done. And the same goes for the game, I didn't report a lot, and I didn't do it in hopes of getting a crown. I did what I thought was right.




    EDIT: So it's a popularity contest? "No one likes a snitch" or let things slide and be well liked? I play this game for my enjoyment, not to get the approval of other players that would also be nothing more than a status symbol




  8. Why can't there be a purpose with status?




    A couple of examples:


    Skillcapes (or Firecapes) are a status item, but they offer a bonus.


    Getting the new Dragon Pickaxe.


    While having these things do provide better bonuses, you can still function well without them.




    Same goes for the crown, others can help players, but the crown can be even more of a bonus. I've been in situations where the fact that I had a crown was helpful in diffusing the problems. Granted there will be some that abuse this status to brag or gloat to others about it (and I'd hope that anyone seeing a pmod acting inappropriately would report them) but not all of them are like this. Most are truly helpful and are interested in following Jagex's lead to improve the community.




    The nature of MMOG's is mostly about status. Most times people get/do things in order to "show off" to others. Why bother with such things in a solo game that no on else would ever see?


    These are projected numbers!




    For econimics, Jagex must make more money through members then adverts. So if M=member's profits, and N=Non-member's profits, then that means M>N.




    At that point, we find what each side pays. We know a member pays 5 bucks a month, and Non's an undifined number.M becomes member's accounts, N becomes non member PLAYERS (Not accounts!) and Y is what Non's pay through adverts. If that's true, then 5M>XY.




    Now, using estimates, Nadril figures that there are 2.5 million non-member players (If more, tell me), and Members have roughly 900,000 players. In that case, 5(900,000)>2,500,000Y, or 4,500,000>2,500,000Y.


    So you say...




    So 4,500,000>2,500,000Y


    4,500,000/2,500,000=1.8, which is>y




    So a month of ads would need to be at least $1.8 dollars to match the member's profits!


    So, 3 non-member's players are equal to $5.4 a month, compared to one member being 5. The lowest common denomonator (The point where both numbers can be evenly divided into a number, SP?) of those numbers is the number 135. At that point, it will take 75 Non-members to cover that price, a price that 27 members cover.





    congrats to the calculations there.




    but have you ever noticed that there are much more f2p than members. so the economy balances out. You guessed that there is around 3 times as much f2p players than actual members. This would mean that f2p actually gets jagex a similar amount of money than what members do.




    edit: just done the calculations, members DO pay JUST more than non-members do. in fact the actual amount f2p pay is $ 4.9986 dollars every month, per 3 people. Putting to mind that more people join every day, that number will increase. As will the amount of members. Making both sides similar in money terms.




    Actually, since the number of free and members worlds is balanced out, and the free worlds aren't really any more full than the members ones, having more free players doesn't really help with the revenue. Since a free account not logged in won't bring them any money.




    And as mentioned way long ago in this thread, of all those free players, you have to take into account that quite a few probably block ads, reducing the amount that Jagex will get.

  10. Locking, while your intentions are good, the best way to help here, is to just post on the threads that are already posted. Making a thread to "offer" help, kind of defeats the whole purpose of the Help and Advice boards. :thumbsup:

  11. All fo them do the same thing, they can each hold 1 sandwich (which you can get from the crates in Tower of Life), a banana and a cake.




    They aren't really that useful (except maybe for thieving/agility training. Also they will not stack in your bank. 2 empty red satchels will take up 2 spaces, for example.

  12. Well the bracelets have only been out about a week, and their uses don't really have any big impacts (at least nothing that I've noticed in the week).




    As for prices, I'm not sure on that, might be better off finding a good price guide just to see how things are now.

  13. Had it happen to me, I've planted all 4 fruit patches at the same time (given the time it takes to get to each one). Went back around the time they should be done, the first and last ones were done, while the 2nd and 3rd weren't. The 3rd one finished in a little under 2 hours later and the second one wasn't done until about 6 hours after it should've been.




    Yea, the times are just approximate times that it will take to grow. They aren't meant to be taken too literal. Usually whenever I plant fruit trees because of that (with super compost and farmers watching), I don't even bother to check them until at least 24 hours later.

  14. I'm going to say go with the first one. While you could raise your mining with another 11-12k coal by using a normal furnace, the time it would take to mine it yourself probably won't be worth it if you're looking to raise smithing fast.

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