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Posts posted by Im-A-Maniac

  1. Their updates seem to me to be getting more fun, I quit seriously playing about a year or two ago aswell, occasionally peeping back in, but I have been hooked again. What is gw by the way?




    And anyway, give it a month, its only 5 dollars.




    (I think POHS are what "they always wanted to do" as described by the engine overhaul, but still, more interesting quests have been coming.)

  2. Ahhh i'll whine about whiners before they get ahold. "DI wins! Yayayayayay!" "ZF wins! Yayayayayay!" "Cheaters!"








    Ok, now, what can we get from this? Yes, good job, absolutly nothing! The two most powerful clans now get to test thier swearing ability and thier rhetoric! Why can't we just call it a "Draw", Ignore its existance or abolish the clan ratings? If DI provides legitimate proof of ZF members participating in cheating, not other clans cheating, then we can have nothing other than a Draw. As it stands now it is a draw or ZF winning.








    Urban Oke is just one person, yes he cannot tip the balance, yes he cheated and caused his clan to forfeit. For some reason I believe that "No coming back," means no coming back, how in the world did I come to that conclusion? :shock:








    Take the draw or give ZF the win, there is not much else you can do.








    (Yes im a ZF member, no I don't want ZF #1...noobs and all showing up to flood the valley.)


    I would say nice fight but... no it wasn't. Because a lot of people kept running south :roll: And I even have pics of a guy going and logging at the zombies rofl. No honor your clan has. If you had all stayed at greaters maybe you would have won lol.








    And half of your clan came back up to fight. Your clan has honor.








    If you ever decide to fight us fair, let me know and I promise you'll get smashed.








    ZF came back after dying, DI, te and other clans were killing Devils, AND zf camped at gd's when THAT WAS AGAINST THE CONDITIONS.








    So no you did not win. You would've gotten demolished if you had fought fair.








    So much for gershwormjim saying that ZF doesn't cheat and will never cheat.












    So much for your earlier civil attitude :roll: . The defensive happened becuase devils were not there at the time, whoever was leading us told us to get in a 5x5 sq and wait. We got there around 3:35 central, I personally had been told the war started at 3:30, so I was wondering if we had the wrong hour, etc. Around 5-10 mins later you guys popped up, which at the speed you came in, the battle was fair, no 40 people died instantly.

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