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Posts posted by Greatsilverwyrm

  1. This may be off-topic, but is it legal to selll sig's for RS money? I mean, would Andrew and the Jagex team approve of it or ban people who did it?




    Just curious, that's all.








    Yes, it is.

  2. Yikes! This post just went downhill.








    Ok, all of the "Digital Thr3e", if you can't take criticism, don't post anything. Also, if another contest degrades into flaming like this, the staff will most likely not allow them anymore, so for the sake of everyone else, be nice.








    Chris, no flaming, and, going around the censor is not good, please do not do it again.








    ColAvanor, that was extremely uncalled for, any more stuff like that and you'll find yourself in an extremely unpleasant situation.

  3. I honestly can't remember, It's been over 5 or 6 years..because I haven't vomited in the house I'm at now, and I've been here for about 2.5 years, and I didn't vomit at all in the house I used to live at, which was another 2 years...and I think I hadn't vomited at the house before that for another year or two earlier..so..yeah...








    I don't get sick very easily...


    Can't none of you hang with
















    so don't even try. :lol:








    Pfft...you guys are too lazy to do anything anyways heh...








    So? There's always the thought of us hanging over everyone's head, 'cause if we can pluck up enough energy to get off our arses we decimate!

  5. Looks nice, I like the chromey effect..








    I'd say make the "you are languishing in the realm of.." closer to "eeeeediot" and slightly more readable..








    I also think you should try something other than a filterpile background...and get rid of that wierd little square in the lower left corner...or make more of 'em, either way...

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