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Posts posted by -Hero-

  1. I disagree, with affliction you can get some really fast games going... on my level 95 account i almost always had 150+ damage each game and they were under a minute each time








    I have managed to get over 60 points in 1 hour with affliction before - don't belive me take a look at this boat...
















    affliction changes there world like every 4 hours, its horrible.








    and most 120+ use #zps which owns rly bad.








    Must be an old picture because aka rachel is lvl 115, saw her/him yesterday

  2. The chatbox goes over the last 2 lines of a tradescreen, tradescreen requires space for a full inventory (28 spaces) and you probably couldnt fit the chatbox in even if you extended the tradescreen due too the lack of space in the RS screen and the size of RS items..




    if you understand that? :?

  3. Isn't ForsakenMAge in "TF" ??




    I beleive hes Co-Leader? or guardian knight or something...




    I just remember seeing something like that in his sig.




    EDIT: Went too 'The' forums, hes listed under 'TF' leaders..so yeh..

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