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Posts posted by ford_rule

  1. name: Ford Rule




    colour: Dark Green and sort of darkish Yellow




    style: abstract sort of along the lines bquambs sig with like a little light shining on the F and R in my name




    quotes: Trwf and if you can do animations change the text TRWF to Chili peppers Fan, i can pay you if you do the animation

  2. very nice i like the orignality of it. ive never seen anything so beautiful. did u mean for it to look like everyother abstract sig here? if so i give it a 10/10. good luck selling it.








    ps. btw i like it alot better then ur previous sigs.








    was that sarcastic lmao?

  3. err thanks ford...i think :lol:








    next time i have a project of choice im so doing it on astronomy and coming to you - was that all off the top of your head? just remembering?
















    yes of course it was off the top of my head, :D , i dont wanna brag, but i just love astronomy, and also, you can ask me anything if u wish too :)

  4. Mars is actually one of the least likely planets to have intelligent life, and Europa being the highest as it actually has an ocean similar in structure to our own near the polar icecaps.








    oh please, your not serious are you? im with lax, there noobs, and know nothing about mars or any other planet, and yes i do, its practically all i do seeing as though i want to be an astronomer... anyway.








    Mars has a thin atmosphere, recent studies show it has the possibility of being terraformed, it is the next closest habitable planet to earth, the others are gas, or too hot. Mars has water, and carbon dioxide ice at its polar caps, and the two rovers currently studying mars, spirit, and oppurtunity, have found evidence of past water. although no life has been found.








    you also mentioned europa has a similar ocean to earth, its a hypothesis yes, along with gannymede and callisto, so thats three jovian moons that may harbour sub terranean oceans. and no europa doesnt have oceans on its polar caps, the whole thing is frozen so its one big polar cap, and the reason to believe there is an ocean, a fair few kilometres under the ice is because the friction caused by the friction created by gravity from jupiter and the other gallilean moons.








    and also you others said that theres trees and plants there, of course we have only been to 8 planets in the entire universe... we havent even seen our whole solar sytem... so far we have discovered about 105 or more planets orbiting other stars... with over 200 billlion stars in our galaxy alone, with each one capable of having planets, and some of the planets are bound to have life, why not intelligent... and also there are an indefinite amount of galaxies, each with billions of stars each with planets, each might be carrying life.








    i mean seriously...do you think out of the entire vastness of the universe... like over 13 billion light years (a light year is the distance light travels in a year, roughly 9 trillion kilometres) filled with galaxies, you cannot tell me there is no other life.

  5. my one query, why do u draw the skulls as if they are poking though? im not dissing they are absolutely amazing








    also, what happened to ur original sig making thread, with the dino pictures lol, that would have been great if everyone didnt fall in love with stupid pixel sigs lmao, maybe this post will spark an interest in some dino sigs, like urs and led zeppelin's old one




    Ah, so you made a topic. Here ya go:












    Sorry to spam, but;
















    Lmao, I know. Refresh the page if you haven't seen the updated photo.








    Because you know Dex will own you? So you pretend to "not try" and be "cool" just to save face?








    Or did you run out of stock photo's to put text on?








    shut down!!, his sigs are sh*t!!

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