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Posts posted by Monky

  1. theres no reason to put a fee on f2p 07 worlds.




    When first asked about oldschool, there was a poll. It got around 450k votes, well short of the amount of votes needed for f2p oldschool support. As such, there were no f2p worlds.


    Later on, Jagex realised there was a demand from people to have f2p restricted worlds in order to pk on them. They put it to the poll, but due to a misleading wording it failed. They repolled it, making it clear what was meant and it passed, getting 75% votes.


    That is, the f2p restricted worlds for members only are due to a poll in which the community voted.


    There are no f2p worlds for non members since that would cost more for Jagex, and they don't really benefit from it. It would allow people to bot without a cost to them (currently people bot, but Jagex gets paid for it). F2p worlds could be argued to be a 'demo' to attract new players, but the game is from 2007. That is a 7 year old game. Most players are those that have played in the past, and already know what to expect and as a result don't need a 'demo'.


    The fact that you don't understand Sy Accursed's logic reveals a lot more about your intelligence than his.


    thank you for putting that info strait, and the point that you call ''butthurt kid'' over an internet forum ''logic'' i feel that you have the same 12 year old ''logic'' as sy accursed...

    i know jagex has a problem whith bots, but if 07 f2p worlds are members ... how is 07 gonna get more players :S?

    so they make 07 servers just for it to die out?


    Wow, going off topic here but damn man. Calling people out on logical capabilities with spelling like that is pure comedy. You just made my day. To answer your question, why should they be free. Jagex's Runescape division now has to run 3 games (Classic, Live and 07). Why on earth would they do it for nothing? The fact they even gave players old school servers is a big sign of loyalty to true fans.

    • Like 1
  2. I guess now I know why so few English speaking people learn French, they think the English language is hard.


    If this post offends anyone, just pm me.


    Firstly, I studied language.


    I now, study language in further education as well as working... but it is also part of my employment; to be able to understand certain languages.


    Are you joking? French is one of the easiest language to learn. Some of the structures of your sentences are actually appalling for a language so don't start. I found oriental languages to be the most difficult. English is moderate in difficulty. My first language was Welsh, so I can look at it from an outsiders view of how English was to learn.

  3. Really? No Australia? you suck Jagex.


    The US is bad enough. Why would anyone want to fly 40 hours to go from one small, dinky island to one giant, dinky island? :P


    You call us "dinky" when the funniest part is... we may be a smaller country but, we're an older and maturer country. We created the things your country is founded upon.

    British game's convention = Britain, dont care where, they should have had more options for it... but london will do if it has to be there again!

  4. May I enquire why having a (simple 4 second to use safety measure) bank pin ruins merching for you? Makes no realistic sense that it will ruin merching. You only have to enter it once when you log in... Plus if you have played for the past 7 years, had that much money... you must have a pretty good idea about this game right?


    Which is why I do not personally believe someone with that play time (a bit less than iv played for) to fall for something like that. Plus you should have known that viewing the forums does not require your log in.

  5. Hey,


    I'm looking to do the latest quest in the Majaharrat* series.


    I am 6 agility levels, 2 mining and 1 craft level away from it. Which of these are boostable.

    I know how im going to get the mining and craft levels... but for agility, im stuck...


    What would be the best xp per hour course for my 71 agility.



  6. Hello!


    Please read all of my post to understand my situation.


    My stats are below! I have access to the 4 original GWD bosses... but not nex as of yet! But I do not have overloads as you can see so I doubt anyone would want me on their team for that!


    I have experience at Corp, Bando's, KBD, Mole, KQ and DK's.


    I have watched runesharks as well as many other videos of people doing: Zammy, Arma and Sara bosses so with back up I could fight there.


    Items worthy of mentioning:


    D claws, fury, Zerker ring, Dfire sheild, Z spear and Chaotic Rapier.


    I tried to find a place to go on the RSOF but I hated the automated responses and no one would tell me their clan member count! I am willing to do work in the citadel! I do appreciate active cc's and my friends list is empty bar 3 people that come on-line, so such a high level with little to no impact or reignition in the community I can imagine is rare!


    I do not solely want to pvp and pvm, I like chilling and having fun aswell! its just now im nearing high level status I cant keep going without any friends online! Is there anyone that can help me?


    Many thanks,

    Mr Monky

  7. Hate to break it to you but Zybez radio is already the most popular runescape radio with over 40 dj''s and many talk show/events.



    hate to break it to you, but Zybez is advocating boting, many forms of scamming and gold buying, only immoral people would feel good listening to their radio. Do it OP, I'm very curious how this would turn out.


    Trying to sound smart about things you obviously have no idea about is going to get you no where.

  8. Hate to break it to you but Zybez radio is already the most popular runescape radio with over 40 dj''s and many talk show/events.

    Can there only be one?


    No, of course there can be more... But bear in mind to compete with zybez you would need to account for other peoples times zones (Zybez is 24/7), Have a large (very large) collection of music with a few dj's from different time zones willing to put their time into your station. Host events ingame during your shows... By all means go for it, i just think you wouldnt hold it out with a 3 man team.

  9. So there isnt a niche in this market... By all means make a radio... hell, id probs tune in once in a while. But with the crew and development of Zybez radio, i cant see it being better or having as many events as it.

  10. To orginal poster... this is a game, you sound like your about to slit your wrists for christ sake! if you dont want to give them money because of this update stop paying! sounds like you need a break anyway jeez.

  11. D scimi isnt as good anymore :) Alot of better weapons are out and cheapish now.


    The Saradomin Sword is good because it has the same speed as a whip and can train str.

    Korasi Sword is good, but im pretty sure its only really used as a special weapon (as its a mage special and hits high)

  12. Thanks for clearing that up Nash. Perhaps, If Jagex were to impliment this testing in the loading of a random event? or just everytime there is a load screen. Im sure the community would rather wait half a second more on loading screens than wait 10 mins more finding a bot free world.

  13. Im not accustom to the injection thing your on about. But, wouldnt botter be able to Log in>Gets tested for this program>Passes test>Launches program? lol...


    Surely they would have to run this test every so ofter, and it would lag the servers like crazy.

  14. Answer: No. I would not trade in this "Advanced" Community for the likes of cheaters.


    Out of all the fansites, I think we all know ours is the most friendly, welcoming and dare I say active. If this turned to a cheat friendly site, I would not turn to HQ, Zybez... Id have to go it alone...


    Once you have had Ribena you dont want Robinsons.

  15. Let's stick with never enter your username and password anywhere besides the Runescape, FunOrb, or JaGex site then?

    like miniclip,Oh wait


    Too bad the miniclip generation is a high percentage of the higher levelled players nowadays, eh?


    Damn that makes me feel old... and lacking these higher levels :P Meh iv not done to bad for my time.

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