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  1. not bad not bad at all.... Have fun peeps!! :D
  2. Those pictures are absolultely hilarious. Good one!! :lol:
  3. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: YAY, i finally sold those fast healing tuna spuds for 1k ea.... I have orders already from players willing to pay for 1.5k each!!! There is a market out there ppls....just have to advertise when you are fighting/pking, thats what i did! :wink:
  4. Been trying to sell for 500gp....i can't believe no one is even slightest interested... I don't think the world is ready for this yet... Wellz...for those of you who can make this delicious 22hp one bite tuna pototo, might as well have them yourselves... If i have any luck...i'll let u guys know.... :roll:
  5. A very interesting detail story you got there Leesters... Oh the other hand, i didn't feel like it it was a chore making these, yes it does take a long time growing all those sweetcorn, but u dun have to wait for crops to grow, you can be doing something else... :lol: hiryuuko: thanks for taking interest in this, how many tuna potatoes you have at the moment? I had 100 to start with, but it tastes so yummy i ate almost half of it...will be making more now... How many do you think we will need? rsn:laputasky
  6. After the last post that i wrote, i have been thinking... :roll: How about a Trial Taster? :arrow: To prove that it really heals 22hp in one bite!!!!!!!!! :wink: Players that can provide these tuna potatoes including myself can be teamed up and locate themselves in a FOOD hot spot place like the fightpits etc. AND... Give out Delicious fast healing tuna potatoes at a discounted price of 500gp for this trial period!!! :D (We will be needing Chefs and Buyers) Who will be interested in this :?:
  7. I have been trying to sell them too, thought it would go like hot cakes...i just don't think the people are ready for them yet... Still thinkin of promotion strategies... :lol: How can u refuse them? Tuna Potatoes = 22 hp in one bite!!!!! :D
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