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Posts posted by mad4u689

  1. P.S. You know if you gave Das and Merc a party hat each, you'd definitely have one left for me ;)

    Here here :P We know you have plenty enough lol.


    Loving the old names coming out the woodwork. Have we all just been here silent all along thinking we were along without realising everyone else was here silent too?


    Not me... Adam (who I also haven't talked to in forever) messaged me in game alerting me to this thread. Its been far too long since I've frequented these boards, but maybe I will try to get back into it some time.

    I'm Exeggutor for the time being. ;)

    I think it's the reverse this time. Oldies who have been posting regularly on TIF have started checking out runescape again because free trade/wildy is back. And we've been talking to oldies who still occasionally play runescape, bringing them back to check things out. At least in my case that's what happened.


    For me it was just pretty random. I got nostalgic, came to check out tip.it, and happened to see this thread!


    Pker dude, which schools are you applying to? And did you already get in somewhere? if so, congrats!! :D

  2. @Lead: Wow, remind me to never be a customs officer. That sounds like a pain to deal with... mad shady :P I could totally see you being a small business owner, though. I can't imagine doing it myself... sounds stressful, and yeah, up and down. I like just sitting at a computer desk all day, fairly regular hours, for my job, just getting a salary :P Don't be too impressed with my future-PhDness... I haven't gotten there yet, heh :D Dusqi, on the other hand, is almost finished with his... hopefully he'll come onto this thread and brag about himself soon. (He also has an extremely successful facebook app). Right now I'm still working as a research assistant for a research center at Columbia University that studies community colleges and programs that might improve them. Unrelated, but also, I became a total beer drinker in college. What are your favorites? I'm mostly an IPA girl myself.


    @Oergg: Haha, I'm so sorry I never responded on twitter! I never read my @ messages because, well, I've usually seen them all in my twitter feed... not many people follow me or tweet at me without me following them :P But working for a liberal talk show, that's awesome! Where are you syndicated? I'm kind of addicted to liberal politics now (mostly blogs... I don't really listen to radio) so that's super exciting :D I just followed you on Twitter, fyi. It tells me we both follow @attackerman. Good times... he likes good music AND good liberal politics. (Well, although actually some of his foreign policy stuff these days isn't actually all that liberal, but, ah, well... still think he's a smart guy). Also it's also going to be my 10 year anniversary either this month or the next (I forget which), too, and that feels crazy weird. Time flies, I guess.


    @indy500fan: I don't think people really post on the darkwebz forums anymore, but there are still a couple of troopers using the #darkwebz IRC chatroom regularly... mostly dusqi, Tanya, landon, and rba! I think Jasper (aka Necro) and Ami (aka ForsakenMage I think) still stop in occasionally, too. (as do I).


    Re: party hats: I've still been signing on about once a year to parade my party hats and make people around me jealous. "Wait, is that a party hat?!" I used to have a full set, but then one time I went into the Wilderness with 3 items (mithril body, legs, and blue party hat). (I don't know how the Wilderness works these days, but then, if you hadn't killed anyone you would keep your 3 best items). But then somehow while someone was attacking me I accidentally picked up some bones on the ground just before I died - and Runescape kept the bones instead of the party hat. So now I lost my favorite party hat! It was very sad. Oh well, still 5 left. To be honest, I'd probably try to sell them for real life money if they hadn't made it so hard to do :x I'm also tempted to just go into a crowded area in RS and drop them and watch the chaos that ensues.


    PKer Dude Jr and Vaseline! Haven't thought about them in ages. Wonder what they're up to nowadays. Oh, vas... he was a funny guy.

  3. Also worth noting that all med schools are very different in their acceptance policies.


    Some put a lot more emphasis on GPA (and as far as I can tell, you should have at least a 3.7 to be competitive - lots of people applying have 4.0).

    Most have different MCAT requirements (some put a weight on your score, some have a strict cutoff that you only need to get above, some put more emphasis on verbal reasoning, etc.)


    Essentially - apply to a lot of them.


    I went to a little presentation on med school acceptance that was given by a med student, and he said that he applied to every school in the province, and got accepted to only one.

    I applied to 28 schools.

    Got secondaries back from about 20.

    Sent my secondaries back to about 15.

    Heard back from about 8.

    Interviewed at 3 (I have one more interview coming up next week). Got into 2.

    Still waiting to hear back from about 7 more schools.


    My biggest advice? Take the MCAT early (end of May). Apply early. That's one of the biggest factors for getting into med schools.


    Dude, so true. Anecdotally, some of my friends who have great stats (high GPA and MCAT) but applied later got only a few interviews and didn't get in anywhere. My friends who applied early (that is, send in the primaries right when they come out at the beginning of the summer, and when you get the secondaries, do them asap while still having high-quality school-personalized essays) had much better luck even with lower stats.


    That said, yeah - they applied to ~30 schools (and didn't apply to the most competitive ones) and have each gotten into only one med school each so far (though with more interviews coming up). (They both had above average grades at a top liberal arts college and MCAT scores in the mid-30s).


    Also, make sure to apply to local/state schools!! It will often be easier to get in there with the same stats than comparable schools.

  4. As a former 13-year-old Runescape playing girl, this topic is really interesting to me (and sad). I'm 23 now, and looking back, I have a very different view now than I would have then.


    There was a guy when I first started playing (age 13) who was really into me and told me somewhat often that he was in love with me. He wasn't 54, but he was in his late 20s. He wanted to get married in Runescape, but we also talked plenty over MSN, and he suggested we meet up IRL at a couple of points (even though we lived far away). He told me that age didn't matter in love. I wasn't interested in him, but that appealed to my ego: even though I was 13, I was playing RS to escape a bit from the real world (where I wasn't very popular in school) and I considered myself above most of my peers at school. I was more mature, and why SHOULD age matter? As a 13-year-old, being told you're not old enough to consent - that you're not mature enough to make your own decisions for yourself - can feel very insulting. So this guy's attention flattered me immensely: someone in his late 20s, a real adult, had fallen in love with me. People may have been totally romantically disinterested in me in real life at school, but online - where people only saw the real me, saw my personality - it was different. In the end, I got into romantic relationships via RS with other people who were closer to my age (hi merc4hire, cellkiller, and dusqi :D) because I wasn't interested in this man, but if it had been someone I was more romantically attracted to, I don't know what would have happened.


    In retrospect, I see this relationship as far more creepy than I did at the time. At 13, random adults I met over RS shouldn't be teaching me about what different sexual terms mean over MSN and then offering to drive down to see me from Canada. (To be fair, it might have been a year or two later that he offered to drive down).


    So what about this situation? Though I feel some sympathy for those saying the girl is partially at fault, with the wisdom of 10 years aging, I don't think that's true. I may have thought I was mature at the time and capable of making my own decisions, but I wasn't. I was vulnerable, and I would have been easily manipulated by someone who should have known better.


    The 54-year-old is the one responsible, and he committed rape. Though I can imagine having seen the situation differently at one time, I think that's that.


    P.s. sure hope the guy i mentioned doesn't still read tip.it :oops:

  5. Guess we've all grown up since the good old days. Weird.


    We need to chat more, last time we did - you were at the airport I believe :P


    Glad you're doing well though! PHD? thats quite a step from your early wild college days :P


    How about from my wild middle school days? Playing Runescape for hours and hours on end :D

  6. Two of my roommates just got into med school (YAY!). But before that, they went crazy studying for the MCATs (and both retook the test one time).


    So my advice: get several study review books (including Kaplan & Princeton Review), study the content hard, and take at least a couple of practice tests seriously (time yourself, no cheating, etc.). When you take the practice tests, pay attention to what you're getting wrong or having a tough with, and study those even harder. A lot of people retake (don't be scared of doing this if you don't get your target score the first time) but it's better to be really prepared going into it!

  7. I think we are drifting more and more offtopic in this off-topic thread that I should create another thread for this discussion. Hmm


    On Topic; I've tried Quorn instead of Mince and it doesn't taste the same at all. Why would you replace meat with fake meat? How is that any more ethical than eating real meat?


    I think Quorn is absolutely delicious. I don't think it tastes much like meat (though I don't really remember because I haven't eaten meat in over 10 years), but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it in its own right. However, for marketing purposes, it's often easier to market it as "fake <meat>" because it gives you some idea how best to prepare it and reminds you that what you're eating is similar to meat in certain nutritional respects (i.e. generally high-protein).


    However, if you take the premise that it's more ethical not to kill animals that have suffered in factory farms than to kill animals that have suffered in factory farms (and I do take that premise), of course it's more ethical than eating real meat. The argument is then fairly obvious.


    So what you really question is that premise: is it ethical to kill animals that have suffered in factory farms? An either/or answer is probably insufficient here. There are ranges of morality. It's probably more ethical to kill a 90-year-old man who had only a few months to live than to kill a 40-year-old individual raising two babies in the prime of her life, but both are "unethical". It's probably less ethical to fake-out your friend with a disgusting web image than to send them a legit Youtube video, but both are generally accepted and considered "ethical."


    Personally, I think killing animals is more "unethical" than "ethical" and should be avoided if possible. I think killing a pig (very smart, as far as animals humans eat go) is far less ethical than killing a shrimp (arguably not conscious at all). I'd kill an animal for survival, or to save someone else's life, etc. However, since I'm relatively privileged and can access high-quality healthy vegetarian food, it is the right decision.

  8. Damn this is all a blast from the past. I almost forgot about how Bluerose ran Rune smithing when it first started. People were so desperate for Rune gear early on. Come to think about it, this is the first time in years that RS has even crossed my mind although I doubt my character is still available and if it is I doubt I'd remember the password for it.


    Maybe I'm misremembering, but before runite came out, didn't Bluerose have a monopoly on adamantite and high-level mithril armor smithing, too? This might have been before they changed the smithing levels so that they would be more reasonable - there was a time (I think) where you had to have insanely high smithing levels to make even basic things, so smithing was extremely tedious because you couldn't make anything remotely useful as you leveled up.




    Hi beautiful, hope you're doing well :P


    Das even got admin; he MUST be older. Hahaha
    I'm a Uni Graduate now, when we met, I think I was a sophomore in highschool?. But yeah, i'm probably one of the last people any of us oldies expected to be an admin now :P


    You really should stick around mate, the community could use intelligent folk like you and mad ;)


    Hey love :D I'm doing great. Graduated college, have an awesome job in NYC, living in an apartment with my boyfriend + some college friends, and I'm applying to Ph.D. programs next year. Less time for gaming, unfortunately, but so it goes :P


    Now you being an admin... man... true, I never would have guessed ;P Guess we've all grown up since the good old days. Weird.


    Also: hugs to everyone else here... nadril, 1manarmy, indy500fan, misplaced :D

  9. Haha because no one else has asked for a hat since I logged on...


    But seriously, cheers for the kind words. I guess the new kids of today have no idea how it was. When blueroseX controlled the rune smithing market. When a rune hatchet looked exactly like a rune battle axe. When [bleep] wasn't stackable. When I could find my way around the [bleep]ing map!


    Okay putting phone down now. I'll get in tomorrow via pc


    Thanks again for the nostalgia


    Holy wow, bluerose, now THAT is going back. I totally forgot about her! She had a good monopoly going for a while there. I thought she was soo cool and wanted to be her. :oops:


    How about the cool kids of the wilderness when it first came out? All the highest level fighters - ladykilljoy, gregechidna... good times. I used to follow them around and get them to protect my low-level self. :-D


    Good to see you, lead! hope your life is going well. how old are you now? I think I remember you being older than I was... what are you up to in life these days?

  10. Holy crap... I just logged in here for the first time in YEARS and you're the only name in OT that caught my eye. Just perused the thread real fast and saw Nadril, Dusqi, Azvareth, Rick... good times.


    And I just started reading through some of my old posts... man, I was a huge moron not even a few years ago. I pray that if you all do somehow manage to remember me and my misinformed angsty antics that you forgive me xD


    **EDIT: Any of the other DarkWebz crew still hanging around? Eg Merc, Mad, and so forth?


    Heya dude! Long time no talk, heh. I don't really read tip.it anymore but just stopped in now out of curiosity to see who was around.


    Weird to think it'll soon be the 10-year anniversary of when I started playing the game... oh, Runescape!


    This whole thread was so fun to read. I love all you guys.


    Also: Everybody hug and spread the love!!! :D :D :D

  11. Ah yeah, I'd read an article similar to this in the New York Times. It's absolutely revolting.




    What really gets me is that this came out at the same time as the Supreme Court decision to ban the death penalty for child rape (a decision that I agree with). There has to be some balance here. Child rape is disgusting, deplorable, revolting - but not cause for revenge in the form of murder. However, I do think that these crimes - these so-called "marriages" - are in absolutely the same child rape category.

  12. About the ending:




    [hide=]So awesome! I hated it the first time I watched it, like everyone else. But once I started viewing the whole series as an "origin" story it took on a fascinating twist. That is, usually we see these villain's origin stories already knowing how it turns out; they typically come after we have a hero story with the hero fighting the villain. But this time, we don't realize what's happening - we wait for the happy ending, for Dr. Horrible to triumph, to get the girl. But that's not what happens. He is the villain, after all. Weird, right?[/hide]




    The music was so amazing all around. I will definitely be buying the DVD, both to support the movement (indie filmmakers and internet releases ftw) and because the series is AWESOME.

  13. I can't believe how good Neil Patrick Harris is in this role. His facial expressions are *perfect.* He somehow manages to be lovable, pitiable, and even a little horrible at the same time.




    I also love how Joss worked in some "fight the man" themes there :P Down with the evil institutions and all.




    I thought the best song so far was at the end of Act 2, A brand new day.

  14. I'd admit that it's true. I am racist, and I'm perpetuating a lot of the harmful stereotypes that exist. However, I'm actively trying to become less racist and inform myself. There are still a lot of gut feelings that I've learned through society (grip your purse more tightly when you're in a black neighborhood, for example) that are extremely racist, and which I'm trying to overcome. I'm not there yet, but I think the fact that I'm trying to be better is the important thing.




    I think most people who don't admit that they're a bit racist are lying to themselves. You can't be not racist and still "hate Middle Eastern people." I hope the paradox there is clear. Being racist doesn't mean you're a bad person, as long as you recognize that it's better not to be racist, and you try to be less racist.

  15. Some of you may know Joss Whedon, of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Angel," and "Firefly" fame. Anyway, earlier this year, when the writers' strike was still going on, he decided he wanted to prove that the whole giant telecom corporation machinery wasn't necessary to create a damn good TV show. He called on favors from a few friends in the entertainment industry, and they've created an experiment: can this online miniseries succeed with no marketing but word-of-mouth on the internet? with no funding from giant corporations and tv networks? with just the craziness and the genius of Joss Whedon & friends?




    On Tuesday, July 15th, the first episode of Dr. Horrible and the Sing-Along Blog is going to be released, for free, over the internet on its website http://www.drhorrible.com/ . It stars Neil Patrick Harris (from Doogie Houser, How I Met Your Mother, Harold & Kumar) and Nathan Fillion (Firefly, Waitress). The next two will be coming out on July 17th and July 19th, respectively.




    This sounds so sweet! I can't wait for it.

  16. I took the AP tests for US History, European History, English, Calc AB, Biology, and Environmental Science. I wound up getting 5s on all of them, but this was largely due to the fact that I had some really excellent teachers, especially in Bio, Calc, European History, and English. I'd recommend taking AP classes for sure. I learned a tremendous amount more in them than I would have in regular classes - and not only that, but they were actually more interesting, being more focused on the theory and a deeper understanding instead of memorizing facts.


    Blosssom, I have no idea what you were trying to say in any of that.




    Were you trying to say lim x + 1=undef as x ÃÆââââ¬Ã Ã¢ââ‰â¢ ÃÆâÃâ¹Ã¢â¬Â Ãâ¦Ã¾?





    Well, my presentation got a bit messed




    May I take this chance to myself clear - when the value of x in the function f(x) = x+1 gets closer to closer to infinite, the value of f(x) also gets closer to infinite




    This is a valid result




    However, I don't think the statement "ÃÆâÃâ¹Ã¢â¬Â Ãâ¦Ã¾+1=ÃÆâÃâ¹Ã¢â¬Â Ãâ¦Ã¾" is valid. A concept (ÃÆâÃâ¹Ã¢â¬Â Ãâ¦Ã¾) cannot be added up, unfortunately




    Hope that your concern will be resolved




    ***I'm NOT an expert so if anyone here is an maths major in university, please come out and kindly solve our problems




    Never fear, for I am a math major! (I suppose that gives me some knowledge on the topic)




    The lim x+1 as x approaches infinity is infinity. Why would it not be? Picture the graph in your head. It clearly goes on forever, so it is not undefined. You can add 1 to infinity, but there isn't much point seeing as it is infinite. The lim x as x approaches infinity is inifinity, so x+C(a constant) will also aproach infinity.




    I hope that clears things up.




    Right :) But blosssom, you had the right idea by saying that you didn't think you could add a concept; "ÃÆâÃâ¹Ã¢â¬Â Ãâ¦Ã¾+1=ÃÆâÃâ¹Ã¢â¬Â Ãâ¦Ã¾" doesn't really make sense, but it makes sense to say that x+1 -> ÃÆâÃâ¹Ã¢â¬Â Ãâ¦Ã¾ as x->ÃÆâÃâ¹Ã¢â¬Â Ãâ¦Ã¾... and that's a more logical way to think about it, really :D




    Aww, math.




    Also, demonreape, never fear: you'll never see "the actual amount of numbers after the decimal it is." It has been proven that pi is an irrational number and thus can't be written as a fraction. (and any number that can be written in decimal form without tricks that rely on picking up some pattern - like, .01001000100001.... doesn't count - can be written as a fraction)

  18. Resolutions need to set a specific goal otherwise they're pointless. Don't say "do better in school", instead say "complete my math homework by the day it is set, don't cheat in tests any more, aim for a B".




    I also recommend only setting really small and specific goals. I had much success giving up pizza and fizzy drinks in successive Lents. It's only a tiny thing, so it is achievable. Others might laugh at it when Lent started, but by the end of it they will have broken their self-promises and I was the only one who got anything out of it.




    Can promise yourself a reward too. "Get a B in math and I'll buy myself... x".




    Probably worth writing it down too, so that you have a real commitment made on paper.




    Hehe. I was just posting my resolutions on another site, and I was going to say "keep up good grades" originally, but then for some reason stopped myself and realized it wasn't specific enough, and wrote instead "keep going to the library during my spare time, and finishing my work in time". Then I came to this thread on tip.it, and realized it was most definitely your influence that made me change. Sigh :D


    The kisses we are talking about are mouth to mouth, you see. Or at least mouth-cheek. Mouth-ear is just weird. And it feels disgusting, at least on the receiving side.




    Yeah, it's like a wet willy squared. :XD: Not that pleasant, tbh.




    Reeeally? I think it's one of the most pleasant sensations, period!!! Especially if they breathe warm air... very little turns me on more than that.

  20. I'm not sure if you'll find this relevant, but my philosophy is largely nihilist, and I also don't hold science/rationalism as an end-all.




    In fact, I think that most modern day nihilism stems from quite the opposite; there is a sense of "meaninglessness" of everything and everyone in the universe precisely because we don't feel there is any all-encompassing theory that defines it.




    Science and rationalism, like religion & faith, does begin to provide some kind of meaning for an individual. It's when people start realizing that their faith in the scientific method is just as arbitrary as faith in God, that there are no absolutes or objective truths even in methodology, that people begin to feel lost and truly nihilist. (Though some, myself included, find this idea somewhat freeing)

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