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Posts posted by Tha_Hanzz

  1. There are 61 member servers with an average of 800-900 players on at a time. (52K)


    There are 71 freeplay worlds with an average of 1200 players. (85K)


    That's at a time where most Americans are at school and most Australians are asleep, but since the numbers are linear, we'd get the same results on peak times.




    So actually, it would be more like 15% - not 10. I'm rounding up because a large deal of the f2p are always at full capacity and you can't include the average of those worlds in excel.




    To adress your answers:




    1) Ever considered that one of the reasons the RS clan system is so popular is because it isn't official? We don't need Jagex's interference, in fact, I'm glad they don't interfere.




    2) I'm lvl100 on RSC, 124 on RS2 (have been maxed out for almost 2 years now) so I know how it feels to reach these goals. Back in RSC I would've strongly agreed with you, but now? There is so much more variety in RS now, and don't say WoW never gets repetitive either because most of the quests there are terribly boring, similar to the quests we got on RS 2 years ago. Bring "x" amount of to .


    RS has PoH's, many more skills apart from combat, constant updates and one of the most interesting PvP aspects. WoW has great Players versus monsters fights, they have great graphics, characters look completely different etc. So yes, both have their strong points and both can be played in a thousand ways. If you find a mmorpg that much of tiring grind, blame your lack of creativity, not the game.




    3) Forums keep you in touch with the game while also enhancing the social aspects of the game. As far that is concerned, from what I've heard players on WoW are generally a lot more polite but at the same time, very boring because you don't have the chance to get to know many of them like you do on Rs.




    Oh and just because you consider yourself an experienced player of RS doesn't mean you, and only you are right about this. I'm just as experienced as you, I've been playing this game far longer than 90% of the people reading this and unlike many, I don't go with the mainstream and actually have my own opinion. My opinion about WoW, however, is mainly based on the opinions of people I know, both from Rs and irl. They all tell me the quests are boring and they all tell me the PvP is useless, so there must be something true about it, correct?




    But yeah, to each his own like you said. Personally I don't have the time or dedication to start all over again with a mmorpg and yes, I've tried WoW before but it simply doesn't appeal to me. And fyi, as I clearly stated in my last post, I didn't mean to bash you but you did sound a bit like one of those Nintendo/Sony/Xbox fanboys who'd rather die than to admit there are some flaws in their systems.

  2. You make it sound as if Blizzard paid you to make this post. WoW and RS both have their advantages. To quickly sum up some of the bad points of WoW:




    ~ The cost. I am not willing to pay that much money for a game, because me and many other people simply don't have the time to be online every single day.


    ~ You can't access your WoW account from just anywhere without installing it.


    ~ You need much better computer specs.


    ~ You can't multitask while playing WoW. One of the best things on RS is being able to play the game while browsing the forums. Keeps you in touch with other people.


    ~ Put it whatever way you want, but the PvP is very weak on most servers. I don't know whether or not it's more fun than on RS, but only very few people do PvP combat there.


    ~ The clan (guild) community is nowhere as good as on Runescape. That's something that made a lot of Wow players come back to RS. It may be a fun game, but if the multiplayer aspects are as good as useless, the fun is gone.


    ~ Way too easy to level up; you can get a lvl60 in 2 weeks if you nolife.




    I could go on but I think you got my point. RS has a lot of bad sides, but no more than WoW. I don't blame you for liking one of the games so much but in due time you will realise it isn't all that good as some people make it out to be.




    Personally, I'd say the clan community like it is on RS can't be seen anywhere else. I'm not saying it's perfect because some of the things said and done about clans is just unacceptable but generally speaking, the rivalry between clans is exactly what a mmorpg should be about in my opinion. Granted, there are a lot of better games than Runescape but when it comes to mmorpgs, RS is the best to me because of the community.




    Not trying to sound harsh here, just stating some facts because you were as kind to only bring up the good sides of Wow and the bad sides of RS. :P


    Only thing that truly bothers me are the people who post on RS forums all the time, but have a WoW logo in their signatures. That's a whole different story though, but it does prove my point about the lack of a good community (or a tight community, at the very least).

  3. DI declares on DS, DS does not answer back, DS re-declares on DI, Di does not answer back. Basically thats what your saying VOV. I do not think thats what Metal meant, although his wording could have been better. By the way, THE WAR IS OFF, not sure how all you people are going to loot a non-existant fight.




    There was no such thing as a "re-declaration"; the only thing Metal succeeded in doing was making another topic to gain the support from the public, which - yet again - backfired. I know for a fact Brian sent 2 PM's which were ignored, and you can hardly come out of nowhere and claim DS re-declared when they did no such thing.




    Although your efforts on bringing a topic up which has been dead for more than a week are appreciated, the war has already been declined by DS as you clearly stated yourself, so just put an end to all the random speculating because it's not going to happen.




    And for the record - there are no two sides of the story either, just one storyline which I can back up with various pieces of proof that show this isn't just one story.

  4. Rank Clan Name Members Skill Avg HP Avg Cmb Avg Website


    1 Damage Incorporated 201 1553 98.229 121.617 Click Here


    2 The Dynasty 58 1551 97.724 120.307 Click Here


    3 Runescape Dinasty 167 1587 97.21 119.672 Click Here


    4 Dark Slayers 195 1482 96.713 119.484 Click Here




    If anyone is interested. :P

  5. Imp champion has been confirmed a few days ago.
















    Lvl14, only rule is that no specs are allowed.








    Again, please give the author of that picture full credit for it, I only copied it.








    I wish I was as good in finding champion scrolls as I was in gathering information, though. :(

  6. From the Giants Champion:












































    (Full credit goes to megagamer056 for those pics; posted on RSC).












    Other info: Earth warrior champ - you can't use prayer in the fight.




    Lesser Demon: Can't use weapons or armour in the fight, he uses melee and mage attacks.




    Skeleton: Range only fight.








    Pics of those 3 are scattered around the net. Someone also confirmed the Imp champion, but no pictures came with that. Can't remember the details but it's on the official Rs forums.

  7. Since the last post about hobgoblins was quite inaccurate:








    1: Hobgoblin, lvl28




    2: A scroll was dropped. (Brown coloured)




    3: Scroll message:








    4: You have to go there yourself.




    5: Not sure, it's impossible to die against him TBH.




    6: Not sure on the HP, but as for the name & lvl:








    7: No melee allowed (so you get to choose between maging or ranging.)




    8: Reward:
















    I killed about 20 hobgoblins for that scroll.

  8. There is no honour left ... You could say that logging when being teamed badly, I don't know whether to agree with that statement or not but we could argue about that for months. I personally don't care either way because what is rune worth these days anyway?








    If you would define 'honourable' as not praying in single, not teleporting and that kind of things I'd say I'm a honourable pker myself because I never do any of that. However I don't think anyone cares about these things anymore ... Praying in single combat is very lame, but apart from that, everything seems to be generally accepted by people.

  9. i dotn think this is a 'high note' end, ive always liekd livin, and this blows my mind he would CLOSE the clan, i mean cmon, draven gave him it, elt someone else take it over








    Exactly ...








    I'm proud to know I've been part of the best clan in the Runescape history, and it's really sad to end it like this. Many times have I fought and died for RSD, but I suppose that's over now. I'm quitting RS; my clan was the only thing that kept me playing.

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