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Posts posted by upsilon5

  1. A cape... I hate walking around without a cape :P
    Same, I always have a cape on.


    a player is nothing without his/her cape.




    i also never leave home(the bank) with out leather gloves and boots(i cant get any better) and my addy picaxe just incase i see any mining spots. ohh, and if i ever go to kill any monsters its full mith + an addy sword for warrior and grey robes , balck hat , ammy of magic and a fire staff for mage.

  2. after another trip around runescape, getting up my mage lvl i had went to varrock to buy some more air and mind runes to go (attempt) to kill scorpians and mine some iron, when i was pm'd saying "you have been reported of stealing 5 times" (or something like that). i noticed he had no namod crown at his name and his me was to origional :rs2 mod /then his name/


    i had to log off now so i asked him a plain question:


    1/i thought members had crowns beside their names?


    he said he could take his off( :roll: ) im gussing this is false...


    the computer i was using cant take screen shots (i have no idea why since i even checked the help menu and it told me the correct way)so i cant get any pics.


    he said to me that he was going to scan my profile etc then shock!! he told me to be wary or something and didn't ask for my password


    i had to log off and said by to him.




    question: can mods remove their crown?

  3. even stranger, ive seen people mining gold, coal etc with a bronze pik axe! that would take for ever unless they had a VERY high mining lvl.




    (I am in need of a rune pick at the moment though hehe )





    me too, they're just to pricy on my salery(i get on once a week currently and if i try, ill usally make 5k minius all the money i spend on runes which is alot!)

  4. i begged once at the start but (to try to get rid of me)the person went down a sewer and so did i...TO ZOMBIES! of course i died and never begged again, mabay just asked, and accepted no's








    So is spam and useless rant - trolling should be banned.




    lock please useless thread








    ??? i dont get it. this is a general form for general disscussions and not what i would call spam. if you dont want to read it then dont.

  5. thinking i was so cool i attacked a highway man..... and died :oops: (i was like lvl 5)








    also i used to mine not knowing that when someone else mined the ore u didnt get it :oops: :oops: :oops: so that made me wonder why i was getting 5 ore every 30minutes and why other players were telling me to stop wasting my time mining here (i thought they were being mean but it was accutaly good advice at the time

  6. first of all i didnt know that the arrow kews controled the camera so i spent the first half of the toutorial island with a lot of objects blocking my path. my friend had told me about runescape but i didnt relaise that the game was non-linear ( you can go anywhere you want onwards from toutorial island) and i woulf never have gussed it was as good as it acctualy is.








    after the completion of toutorial island i had the challange of figuring out which people where controlled by other players and which were just computer controlled, i guss i was in quite a daze since i didnt really know what to do next.








    after some exploring, i went to the lowest of the low...begging :oops: after one unsucessful beg i went into some sewers and was KILLED by some zombies!! NOOOOOOOOO!!! i had lost all my amazing 1gp items and spent the rest of my time searching for them (not knowing of ther general store nearby) i had no income and ahd bought my bucket back for 10gp. soon my stupid friend told me about a "junk" store for general purposes ( if he had said the correct name i would have found it faster!) i bought all my stuff back from the general store and was now in the cow hide bussiness.








    i made a lot of money out of this, but horrer struck! i was killed by a highway man i though i would attack for fun and lost 1k!!! plus some other stuff. luckely i kept my saphire which i thought would sell for lots ( i think i still have it) and ove time got my combat skills up to lvl 20 and bought full iron armour.








    now i have about 12k in my full bank, full mith armour except for a shield, and know uses smithing for money..








    you can post youre beginner stories here (if you can remember them) or just comment on my moronic beginnings.

  7. when ever i used to make iron items really commenly for exp i used to give some away for free. there were those who sayed thanks and those who just walked away... :(




    it sadens me that peolpe can be so dam rude on this game but at least their are those who do say thanks even if its just a quick ty








    when ever i get my own computer and go on runescape more often im going to start making full iron and giving it to lvl 5-15s and also mabey some necklesses or rings if i can get enough gems








    i get i really good feeling when someone thanks me for little tasks like this person who was at the lumbridge general store was saying "can someone take me to a bank ( same question i was saying then since i couldnt understand that wizared ) so i said follo and lead him across the foresty place. he said thanks you and youre the best and went on doing his bussiness.








    that was the day i got my " walk a newbie across the road " badge

  8. limpwurt roots are worth about 750?.......mabey i should start selling them instead of not picking them up :roll: ........




    well if youre story is true then luckey you!, maby like a lot of people that person has got board" ofplayrunescape (i dont know how) and he just decided to make someone that little bit happyer :D

  9. hey, my first post thats got on to a seconed page :D




    anyway, thanks tefda and bubsa for the belief + anyone else. i would only ever look at hints and tips for games




    cheatings wrong on anygame, they destroy it, and the entire meaning of games! unless in some cases they make it funner.




    hey, just found this (dont ask how......)








    Ok...Now....There are 2 ways to do this...








    First/the hard type...




    Go to World 34 and go to Karamja and go to the fishing dock. You will see a guy named Xpopox..(20% chance) Say "good day rune bodyplate"..He will eventually wish to trade with you....then...give him 30k to confuse the runescape server...say "level 5 smithing"... It will record your smithing as 5. BUT go to dwarven mines and mine 12 copper and 12 tin. Smelt them into 12 bronze bars. Now..get a hammer and go to dwarven mines and "use" the bronze bar with the anvil. It will say "Rune Bodyplate" - 1 bar. Now, you can make as many Rune Bodyplates as you want and sell them!!








    2nd Way/Easier




    Go to Karamja at World 35 and go to the dock and say "Hi my lady-o" and a guy named xpopox will wish to trade with you. Trade with him and simply give him 15k nothing. After that, he will offer to trade with you. He will give you a cooked lobster. Go to the Goblin Village after this. Then, add a person named "runejagx". Kill 5 goblins and the fifth one will drop a Rune Bodyplate OR Rune chainmail but it will turn your smithing to level 5. (You can kill goblins anytime you want and the fifth goblin you kill will drop a Rune Bodyplate OR Runen Chainmail.











    rofl, now all the noobs in runescape will be making some guy 30k or 15k multiplyed by x (x=number of noobs iin runescape) richer while they go to get "rune" plate bodys!

  10. actually, i was looking through google for "runescape bear furs" and this webpage was the first option so i went to it, thought it was pathetic and posted it.








    and i HATE cheating on any game !!! :cry: its so sad to see people wreck a game with cheats.




    question: is bear fur useful for anything?

  11. :lol: :lol: :lol:i still can't imagine why people waste their time on such non-sense, take a look




    go to the gypsy and say you want to kiss her she will say lets gete married. she will give you 90k.




    but you need to buy her a gold ring
















    Go to the wilderness and go right to the end of the wilderness, where you will find a giant lesser demon! (don't be afraid of this creature as he will not attack you if you do not attack him)Don't attack him as he is level 82 combat.








    Just walk past him and he will say "How dare you pass the ground that i am defending!" Just hang around for a while and eventually he will say, "Oh, man you are too smart for me! As if i would ever attack you. I am very kind-hearted, but i hang around here because everyone else says i am ugly and they are scared of me. But you have braved me and you weren't afraid of me, here is 150k in gratitude to you.
















    in game, go to al kharid and examine a camel three times, you'll get 275k... i don't know which camel tho u'll have to try every one out




    this was found at








    i guss there might be somepeople that might belive some of these or mabay even they're true... :lol: :lol: :lol:

  12. i love going around with my sword i got from the quest "the knights sword"




    its so cool and diffrent from all the others since alot of people dont bother making an extra one for them selves. Also my toy horsy 8)




    people sometimes clap at me if i play with it, not forgetting my emerald ring (i only like it because i got my crafting lvl up and made it lol)

  13. how do hackers and keyloggers access youre computer,i know they can come by e-mail, and downloading dodgy programs from certian websites but there seems to be a lot of reports of people being hacked and i just wanted to be sure.









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