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Posts posted by voncritic

  1. Thanks for answering.




    OK. I found out that to get CB 120, both STR and DEF 99 won't be enough. I'll have to get several more levels up.




    So which plan is better for PKing at CB 120:




    Plan A:




    STR / DEF / HP / RNG / MAGE 99


    Prayer 80


    Attack 90




    or, Plan B




    STR / DEF / HP / RNG / MAGE 99


    Prayer 70 (remains current level)


    Attack 94




    Explainations appreciated.

  2. Dear Tipit'ers:




    My RS life as a Pker was always a frustration.




    When I had my Range-2H pure ready, old wildy was gone;




    When I trained my main to CB 101, BH was released, and I was just over-leveled for Mid-crat, and too weak for High-crat;




    Now, with all the new updates of PvP world and reaching several of my ultimate goals, I'm thinking about building my main into a High-level PKer on F2P. Last try per se.




    So here are my current stats:




    CB 110


    Attack 85


    Strength 85


    Defence 90


    Range 99


    Magic 99 (Coming soon)


    HP 95


    Prayer 70




    Now, according to the PvP world rules about level difference, a CB that can be divide exactly by 10 would have the best level difference range. (110*10%=11; while 119*10% is calculated as 11 too)




    So, for PvP world and BH, here are my questions:




    1. How would this main perform in PvP and BH? Rate me please.




    2. Should I be satisfied with my current CB, or go for 120? (126 is not in consideration ATM cos I really hate picking up Prayer training) What would be your suggestion for a CB 120 build?




    3. Are there any specific tips or guides I should study about high level PvP in F2P? All suggestions / links to previous posts appreciated.




    That's all for now, thanks in advance!

  3. you can only do that for 10 time then you have to wait for 15min for your full 10k back




    Yeah I am aware of that. Basically, my plan is to do it for 10 times, and go Yew cutting to spend the 15min and make up the loss.




    However, if 1K is not welcomed, like, they want 2K + ess, then 5 times per go is kinda waste of time.

  4. With additional QPs added to F2P players, trade limit now is 10K.




    It makes me feel that occasional Air Running with the old "GP and ess back" method is kinda doable.




    So here's my question:




    Is "GP and ess back" method still welcomed? How much GP given back would be most cost efficient and accepted? What would be a recognizable ad sentence?




    e.g. "Open 1K ess back", "Open 1K + ess ... [RSN]" is that ok?




    Thanks for your information.

  5. Yup you sure are! :thumbsup: What 3rkid said.. as long as you have never been a member you are currently qualified for this list as there is still plenty of room. ;)




    Wow! Thanks so much. Just saw my RSN ranked 27 in F2P list based on overall level. =D>




    Yes, I am a full-time F2Per and I've never been a member. I was planning to screenshot my quest list and/or music list to provide evidence in case you require it.




    Thanks all! \'

  6. Help me please...




    RS default setting stores the cache under my C:\Windows\.jagex_cache_32;




    Now my PC is kinda old, and the system disk (C:) is 90% full with the XP system and security updates and Anti-Virus software... I don't even have enough space to do a fragment check.




    Meanwhile, my partition D:\ E:\ F:\ are all kinda good.




    So, is there anyway for me to move \.jagex_cache_32 folder and files to another harddisk partition and still get the game running?




    Thanks in advance. :thumbsup:

  7. I achieved 5K FoG score (F2P) yesterday with only 7 lost games in my entire FoG experience.




    I really love this minigame in spite of getting flamed almost every game I play (I just switch my Chat to OFF in game but I check those whinning and swearing in Chat after every game for fun) and some lethal bugs that can really get you frustrated.




    So the bug report comes first:




    When your opponent (the hunted) jumps into a portal house, the normal situation is that the Target Pointing Arrow disappears from your mini-map immediately (even your opponest IS hiding in that house).




    BUG: I met this more than once that when he jumps into a portal house, the Target Pointing Arrow "freezed" at the portal house entrance, and points at an empty spot! Even worse, I ran to the other end of the map wishing to "Reload" that area's mini-map, but no matter where I go, I can see a flashing Red Arrow pointing to that direction... #-o




    I am sure that this is a bug because I finally got my eyes on my target next to another portal house, BUT, that yellow arrow was NOT above his head; it is still pointing at that empty spot. It got fixed after I started shooting my opponent again. Grrrrr (I lost that game, 2.3K to 2.9K charges).




    Here are my suggestions to make FoG more interesting and fair to play:




    1. Lower XP Gaining - including melee, range and mage. It should be as nerf'ed as Fighting Random Event NPCs (like tree spirits and river trolls). Since you get free "food", auto-retrieve arrows, and free runes for mage in FoG, and the game is NOT designed as a Dummy Hitting Arena for free experience whatsoever, in-game XP should be even lowered (or even to 0, I wouldn't reject that.)




    2. Better Opponent Pairing - either according to Combat Level, or to FoG score, the pairing system is really dumb and sometimes rofl funny. I've been chasing level 10s many times as a CB 109 with 96 Range! I could even 1-hit KO them when I'm the hunted and stand in the center. Unfair to those I believe, and a bit boring to me. FoG waiting room system should be able to match players with nearest Combat Levels, or nearest FoG scores (which indicates that they have similar knowledge and level of tactics in this game.)




    3. Bigger Selection and Stronger Stats of FoG Items (Especially for P2P) - While people argue about whether F2P FoG items are worth using in many cases, I asked some of my P2P friends whether they find anything useful in FoG, they said no. FoG should contain a much bigger selection of items that you can purchase with tokens, with awesome stats that everyone will be interested in picking and planning a great set of outfit. Some items could cost massive amount of tokens, and people will find it really worthy. This will be really encouraging.




    4. Finally, Additional Supporting Items Given - I used my Explorer Ring for Energy Restore for the first time in FoG yesterday during a very good fight (I won in the end). I figured, hmm, maybe giving every FoG player a 1-time running energy boost before each game would be a nice and tactical idea.




    Thanks for your time and all input is appreciated. Don't flame me please. :lol:

  8. Runescape is getting borred and I dont know what to do,...




    Maybe take a break and come back when you feel you want something from RS very much?




    I took a break over a year, and now I'm back for Range 99 and FoG ratings (F2P). I'm now 96 Range and still happy training. :thumbsup:

  9. KK. From the stats you showed in your sig, WC is the best option you have so far.




    Varrock Palace Yew might not be the best option, too many people and just 2 Yews next to each other (the 3rd one is just too far).




    Try Remmington, just 1 step south from Melzar Maze. If you have enough Law Runes, you can Tele Falardor every trip. If not, Tele cabbage and bank in Draynor, Tele cabbage again and run... repeat... is not a bad idea (hope you know what Explorer Ring is).




    Gold Mining is ok, but I kinda hate mining / waiting / and encountering conflicts, especially with tons of greedy brats in Crafting Guild. It is only an option when you alone there in a crowded world (like 1,3,17...), but that's just a daydream.




    Cockroach is not an option. Trust me. I am CB109 with 90 DEF and 96 Range. I tried both Ranging and Meleeing them, but I just let it go. Cockroach takes away too much of your food, and, there are noobs trying to take away your loot with a couple lucky 2H swings, or tank behind you with Rapid Short Bow.




    In conclusion: best GP IMO is - avoid the crowd in a crowded world, do the job which you can really own and do it alone.

  10. Stats:




    Att 85, Str 85, Def 90


    Range 99








    1. How's the attack speed of Maple Short Long Range comparing to Scimmy swing?




    2. Without picking arrows, which way will train DEF faster?




    The answer to this question will determine whether I should continue stacking training arrows, so kinda wanna know in advance. Thanks for your advice.

  11. The title says it all really. All I can say to him is "Have you got any quests for me?" and "Where can I find money?" Both of which do not lead to a shield. I have completed the dragon quest, this is really stupid, I want to complete the medium tasklist.








    Withdraw all your Anti-dragon shield, drop them before you talk to the Duke. He will give you another one.




    This part is updated, you can retrieve infinite anti-dragon shields now as long as you don't have any in your inventory or bank. So as Maze Key. :lol:

  12. Back like 2 years, you would get it almost every time, but now they just don't drop them anymore for f2p players. You can't trade them too, so it's an item that only some f2p's still have.




    :wall: OMG...




    If that's the issue, that'd be the answer to why I don't see any Shade outfit now... Aww... >_<

  13. I was lingering around Moss Giants in Wildy once and encountered this noobish Level 78 Rev. Almost killed him but another Rev came and attacked me with Mage and Range outside of the screen... I had to run. #-o




    Well, I don't see any first-hand loot record from Revs yet, so I have no idea whether F2P Revs are worth fighting.

  14. I checked RS Knowledge Base again today:




    In the section of "Prayer - Holy Attire and Equipment" I saw "Shade Robes":




    (m) = Members Only




    Shade robe top Monster Drop:


    Shade random event + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 5




    Shade robe bottom Monster Drop:


    Shade random event + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 4




    So it appears that Shade Robes are NOT P2P only, it should exist in F2P. However, in my whole history of prayer training (Level 64 right now) I've encountered many Shades random, but none of them brought me that item!




    Is it just bad luck? Does any of F2Pers have Shade Robe?

  15. im guessing this is giant spiders?




    yea for f2p that is pretty good xp.. ur getting a bit more then i was in f2p.. but then that was when i was 45 def.




    No. It is not the good-old spiders. Way too crowded there.




    I found this place with nobody but I feel the XP is pretty nice, that's why I'm asking.




    Wondering whether it is worth writing a tip about it after I reached my melee goal. \'

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