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Everything posted by Abecedar

  1. This quest is no longer members only. The requirements have changed. Non-members need to train somewhat in members skill (see requirements). REQUIREMENTS: - level 5 farming - level 5 hunting - level 5 thieving - Watering can, filled - Bucket with (super) compost - Planks, 2x - Nails, 2x - Hammer & Saw (if not on toolbelt) A DWARF WITH CRATE PROBLEMS Speak to Lakki the Delivery Dwarf. He has los a crate while on his way. Offer to help. The missing crate will be someway back from where Lakki came from: backtrack Lakki's route and search along the bushes near the steps to the west. The crate needs to be delivered at the power station. There, Drorkar has need of its content. You can peek inside the crate, to see something of a large egg of some sort. The power station is located directly west of the Dwarven Mines, above ground. Drorkar, and his assistant will be eagerly wainting. When you give the crate, Drorak will send you on your way with a letter for Brother Bordiss.Take the letter and head over to the Edgeville Monastery. Trying to read the letter will fail, it's in dwarven language. IN THE NAME OF THE ROSE Speak to Brother Bordiss. He's in the back of the monastery, in the little garden patch. Though he vowed to silence, he'll soon becomes alife when reading the letter. It appears Drorkar is building a Zamorakian smoke-machine. Suddenly, while speaking with Bordiss, all the roses in the patch disappear. Together with nearby Brother Althric it is suggested to try to revive the roses with some compost and to finish it of with watering them. First apply the compost, and then water it. Next, in a cut scene, a gnome parachutes in. It is Professor Arblenap. He lost his way: he's looking For Ice Mountain. When you give directions, the professor leaves. Follow him to Ice Mountain. ICE, ICE, BABY The professor will be at the southern mountaintop of Ice Mountain. Speak to him and find out he's trying to catch Baby Icefiends. He's unable to do this, so offer your help. The professor needs 4 Baby Icefiends, and gives you a special "Icefiend Net". Switch your weapon (if you're wielding one) for this special net, and catch those Baby Icefiends. Watch out: the professor wants the baby's, not the 'adults'. You cannot catch them all 4 at once, you'll have to catch and deliver them to the professor one by one. After you deliver the fourth one, the ground begins to shake. Another cut scene: there is an avalanche happening on the northern part of Ice Mountain. Better go have look! BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN Locate the Oracle at the northern part of the mountain. When speaking to her you'll learn that the avalanche caused her tent to fall down the mountain. Offer to fix her tent. Locate the broken tent, which is located on the western mountain side, at the bottom. Pickup the tent and return to the mountain top. Near the flagpoles you'll see "remains" of where the tent once stood. Use the tent with the remains on the mountain side - having the planks and nails ready - to rebuild the tent. The Oracle sees in the future, and mother nature is cooking! Mountains will loose their snow and ice. This has to stop. Tell the Oracle that is must me the power station Drorkar is using. Tell her you're going to do something about it. WIND MAY GUIDE YOU Head back to Drorkar to have him shut down the power station. He appears only to be following orders. He'll send you Nurmof who is down in the Dwarven Mines, selling pickaxes. But before you go... after talking with Drorkar pick his pockets for a nameless key! Go to Nurmof to confront him with the natural disasters happing. He recounts that Bordiss had said this would happen. But... his production of pickaxes is far more important, and will not budge. Yet, Nurmof does tell you that Bordiss also had a plan to power the pickaxe-making-machine. But that plan was never presented to Nurmof. So it's time to visit Bordiss again for a talk. A SILENT BROTHER SPEAKS AGAIN Back in the Monastery speak to Bordiss again, who again breaks his vow of silence. He will tell you that his plans are secured in a locked chest within the Dwarven Mines. If Nurmof can finally see this plan things might change. With the stolen key already at hand - Bordiss' key was stolen by Drorkar - go downstairs into the Dwarven Mines and locate the locked chest immediately in the eastern corridor when you come down the ladder. Open the chest (near a yellow flag) and retrieve the plan for a windmill of some kind. Take this plan to Nurmof. THAT WIND WELL Nurmof will take the plan and sees that a windmill will actually work. So the power machine needs to go. With a last cut scene the dwarves meet face to face. Drorkar has to go, the young drakelings are released, the windmill is placed. Quest finished. REWARDS - 1 Quest Point - 1 XP Lamp that gives 500 points to Farming, Hunting and Thieving (3-in-1 XP Lamp!) Thus, non-members will have no use for this lamp. - Ability to smith pickaxes - You can now use the ladder located in the power station When using it you find yourself directly at Nurmof's pickaxe shop. - 2 Treasure Hunter keys.
  2. The quest is now indeed without the need (the bother?) for another player for completing it. The curator of the Museum no longer plays a roll in this quest. THE LEGEND OF THE SHIELD OF ARRAV 01. Speak to Reldo in the Varrock Library. 02. Find the book "The Shield of Arrav" in that same library. You'll find it in a bookshelf on the east side. It's the bookshelf with a blue book in it. 03. Speak to Reldo again and find out about the Phoenix Gang. He doesn't know, but Baraek the fur trader will know. He's at the market place of Varrock. 04. Speak to Baraek. He'll talk for 10 coins. He'll give you directions. It is played as if the directions are not very clear (but they are!) Baraek will then direct you to Charlie the Tramp for better directions. He's wandering at the south gate of Varrock. 05. Speak to Charlie the Tramp. For a small bribe of 10 coins. He'll give 'better' directions. INFILTRATE THE PHOENIX GANG 06. Locate the Phoenix Gang hideout [see map]. You'll see a plague on the wall next to the door, with "VTAM Corporation". Go down the ladder and speak to the doorman. 07. Speak to Straven. You'll not be allowed to enter further. You'll need to do a little 'job': Kill Jonny the Beard in the Blue Moon Inn. And retrieve his Intel Report Straven wants. 08. Go to the Blue Moon Inn. You have the option to speak to Jonny, but he doesn't want to talk. The only option is to kill him. He's a level 1 NPC, so that will be an easy kill. When dead, take the intel report and go back to Straven. 09. Speak to Straven again. He is a gang leader and when handing over the intel report you'll be able to access the hideout of the Phoenix Gang. Find yourself a chest in the south west room. Half of the Arrav Shield is in there. 10. Speak to Straven again. He'll explain the broken Arrav Shield. Another Gang, The Black Arm Gang, has the other piece. Straven, when asked about it, will tell you the location of The Black Arm Gang. INFILTRATE THE BLACK ARM GANG 11. You're done with the Phoenix Gang, head over to the Black Arm Gang [see map]. When the directions of Straven are unclear to you, speak to Charlie again to get more information. For a little price of course. 12. Speak to Katrine. When asked about joining the gang, you'll have to do a little 'job': steal 2 Phoenix Gang crossbows. You'll find them at the Phoenix Gang weapon store [see map]. 13. Head back in the direction of the Phoenix Gang hideout, but walk past it, and enter the empty house next to the chapel. Head up the ladder and pick up 2 crossbows from the floor. The weapon master who is patrolling doesn't mind. Head back to Katrine. 14. Give Katrine the crossbows and you're a member of The Black Arm Gang. You're free to roam around now. Go upstairs in the adjacent room and find the other shield part in a cupboard south east of that room. 15. Attach both sides of the shield together. RETURN THE SHIELD TO KING ROALD 16. Return to Varrock Palace and locate King Roald. Speak to him about the shield. When you give the shield, the quest is over. REWARDS - 1 Quest Point - 1,200 coins - 2 Treasure Hunter Keys You need to first join the Phoenix Gang. This gives you access to the weapon store. The Black Arm Gang wants 2 crossbows from the Phoenix Gang. Without being a member, you'll not be able to pick up those crossbows without the weapon master preventing you from doing so.
  3. Abecedar

    Gower Guest

    In the Gower Quest you'll eventually end up in a 'cafe' called "Behind the Scenes". This cafe-thing is filled with plenty of NPC's. You need to speak to many of them. And... the cafe-thing has something strange. It's not a standard room with let's say four walls. It's not a confined place. When you walk far enough to the east e.g. you end up entering from the west. Or the other way around. Just like earth: travel long enough in one direction, and you end up where you started. Because of this, I thought a map of the Behind the Scenes cafe could help questers. Players should consider the NPC "Spiral Orb" (a giant spider working as a DJ!) the center of this cafe for a reference point. Cheers, Abededar
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