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Posts posted by BlueTear

  1. The point is being missed again. I am not saying wearing your seat belt is a bad thing. I am saying having laws forcing it is what's bad. You would be crazy to eat 10 hamburgers, but you would be crazier to make a law restricting it.

    If people were actually silly enough to eat 10 hamburgers, and then call the emergency services because their tummy hurts, the law would be motivated. I don't really mind having people who choose not to wear their seatbelt die or get hurt - call it modern darwinism - my problem is that the severity of the injuries or deaths are, one way or the other, costing other people money. Whether it's a state run healthcare system, or insurance premiums for health insurance, the fact is that the guy wearing the seat belt is unlikely to bear the full cost of his own idiocy.


    It's really a societal paradox; Ultimate individualistic liberty will not function in a collective society based on compassion. If you, by law, can't turn people down in the emergency room at a hospital, there's a bunch of stupid [cabbage] there's just no way you can allow.



    (And having said that, even if you somehow manage to crash in water more often than crash at ejection speed - which I sincerely doubt, considering the high % of roads nowhere near water - as someone pointed out earlier, wearing a seatbelt increases the chance of entering the water conscious and alert rather than having banged your head into the exploding airbag. Similarly, if your crash is violent enough to set the car on fire, or flip, or whatever, the seatbelt helps ensure that you're in a state where you can move in the first place.)

  2. It's an auto-immune disease which are always nasty and rarely have any good treatment for them. And I don't think there are actually *cures* to any auto immune disease.
    An auto-immune disease is when the immune system of an organism goes berzerk and attacks the organism's own tissue. Being infected with a virus that kills of your immune system so a common cold kills you ain't quite the same thing. The fact that viral infections are by and large untreatable via chemicals - anti-virals are nowhere near as awesome in their killing power as penicillin on bacterial infections - still makes viral infections very dangerous, but uncureable is a bit of a stretch.
  3. I'm not necessarily anti society. I am anti-collectivist. I am a whole-hearted individualist. The individual, the smallest minority on earth. The one who does not subvert himself to group nor state.
    And yet, you sit here today, surronded by technology created by a collective. Almost everything you own, everything you use, evertything you eat, can be traced to the organization of the collective and the knowledge aquired by said collective. You're at the pinnacle of an evolution of a collective society - several collective societies really - and you criticize the collective that got us here.




    Or to be blunt; You're perfectly free to praise the power of the lone individual, but if you think we'd have gotten where we are today without the organizing into religious, national, cultural or even hunter-gatherer collectives you're sort of missing something vital along the way.






    Having said that, I think Bari provided an excellent technical reason for progressive taxes, and 1_man provided an excellent philosophical dito.

  4. Some people just don't get money to spend on stuff. Does that mean these people aren't entitled to be entertained?
    So you're basically arguing that the people who do get the money to spend on stuff, should spend it on digital entertainment, causing production of digital entertainment, which can then be freely distributed based on need to the people who can't pay. Because if no one paid, there'd be no production, so there wouldn't be anything to download in the first place. So someone has to pay.




    But not the people without money. Other people pay their entertainment for them. Is that about the gist of it?

  5. I would argue that it generates an unrealistic body image that people will try to emulate
    I'm with Lateralus on this one, it's ultimately our responsibility. If it didn't work, companies wouldn't do it. It's stupid as hell, but it's a bit silly to blame the advertisers putting out what works. The sad part is, as a collective, humans are genetically hardcoded to shoot for "average" because "average" means "less genetically deviant from the succesful formula". Darwin's cousin (no joke) figured that out in, like, 1890s by accident; Averaging facial features will appear more attractive than the individual faces used to compose it.






    Secondly, I think it's pretty funny that they've taken things so far that when they start photoshopping someone who's face you recognize from a movie (where they're in makeup), the photshopped result comes out looking like someone else. Maybe I'm just paying an unnatural amount of attention to people's faces *cough* but I've seen several pictures that are so obviously photoshopped it doesn't look like the "original person" at all. I remember this exceptionally scary example of Oprah where they'd adjusted (among other things, no doubt) the distance between her eyes. Not only did it not look like her, it looked vaguely non-human.

  6. There is also undisputable evidence that these downloads are really free, effective advertising that lead to increased sales.
    While the study was certainly a good read, let's not overreach. In referencing several other studies, it brings up many good points, but it also points out that it's result differ from previous studies. Calling it undisputable when the thing itself says "this is different from this or that previous study" is, well, selective?


    It is also - when compared to, Idon'tknow, the internet - limited in scope in only examining Canada, with a distinct set of laws and as well as a culture.




    And calling it free, effective advertising also appears somewhat overstated. "no direct evidence to suggest that the net effect of P2P file-sharing on CD purchasing is either positive or negative." Maybe I'm being old fashioned here, but how is it effective if there's no result in sales? "Oh, but they get more exposure!" Yeah, and what do they do with the exposure? "Sell stuff! Make money! I'M REALLY DOING THEM A FAVOUR HERE". Hrm. Yes. Wait, what? Didn't they conclude, just now, that the aggregate effect was neither positive nor negative? "But the more downloaders download, the more they buy! It says so right there!". But the net effect is still neither positive nor negative? That only works out to sense if you start taking population segments into account (which, unless I'm misreading, is what the study has done - the downloads-increase-sale effect does not actually reach out of the population segment that downloads frequently) and if you do that...






    The problem with file sharing and piracy is quite neatly demonstrated in the study. They talk of substitution - that's downloading instead of buying - and sampling - that's downloading and then buying. They note that, according to their study, taken togheter, the two appears to arrive at the [wagon]-covering statement "neither positive nor negative". Right. So what stops it from going negative? What happends when the digital divide - also mentioned at several points in the study - shifts? When the people who frequently download things off the internet grow up, become the majority of the population? The internet continues to spread and expand?




    It's not a sustainable system for ensuring production*. Screw "it's free advertising!"; You will not finance any form of digitial entertainment with your entire consumer base advertising it to eachother. Someone still has to pay, and as is that someone is selected not by ability to pay, absolutely not by consumtion of product but by, dare I say it, honesty. A willingness to do right**. I'm tempted to call it a digital-consumerized-communism; Instead of need and ability, it's desire and, well, choice, but the fact is that it's so unsolidary it'd be misleading.






    *Yes, I realize and aknowledge the theoretical argument that live performances would still ensure some form of production. That, however, does not apply to every form of digitial entertainment subject to filesharing.


    **'Fear of the law' doesn't have same ring to it, but nevertheless, it's there.

  7. The most important thing in my opinion is based on the followign: No true democracy can exist without providing free education in a way that ensures that everyone, regardless of medical or financial background of their parents, can attain the educational degree they want. This is the basic minimum and it covers everything from making sure your parents can feed you while you go to school - regardless of your parents current employment status - to paying healthcare for you and your parents.




    Once that's covered, it's really up to what works with the people you apply it to. If they're willing to pay more to get more, sure thing, if they're not willing to pay more then that's fine to. But equal opportunities needs to be covered.

  8. As I said, the current model is broken, outdated and dying. Record companies, if we focus on music, are basically making money acting as a middle man that is, more or less, no longer neccesary thanks to advances of technology. Whether it's distribution or advertising, the internet offers to tools for a lot cheaper than most record companies come near. They're like the producers of typewriters when computers game around; Their original product is not needed, and if they do not adapt they will die. Legislating to maintain their corporate integrity is ridicolous, doing so by setting aside civil liberties is worse.




    Having said that though, I think people are grossly underestimating how much work a record company puts into "grooming" artists. I think people are grossly underestimating the number of artists who didn't sell a considerably portion of their future income to a record company because they could, but because without an initial investment, they didn't really have a choice. Yeah, sure, the internet offers excellent advertising and even better means of distribution compared to record companies (though freakishly enough, real advertising agencies working the internet still do a better job that most laymen today). But NIN can do it in no small part because they've already broken the initial barrier where you can quit your day job and live of your music.




    Without the record companies, that barrier is going to get higher. I'm perfectly fine with the resulting decrease in musical production, as I suspect most people are. Not because of some fantasy about "commercialized production being less pure" - give me a break, everyone needs to eat - but mostly because I don't really think I'd notice it. And because I don't care for the alternatives.




    My problem, which is more or less related to the "side" I'm on, is the fact that neither the record companies nor the file-sharers represents sustainable systems with workable solutions that ensures "reasonable compensation"and maintains a steady production. Setting the music aside and moving back to games;






    I'm assuming that if no one pays for the game, the game won't be produced. "But I don't think it's worth paying for, so I wouldn't pay for it anyway." We're all very impressed by the moral courage to never download a game you think is worth paying, but we're also assuming A) That a significant portion of any file-sharing is done by people with a similar morality B) That you're able to properly identify a games "worth". The first, and this goes directly to what I said about sustainable system, is like leaving your front door open and unlocked because "you wouldn't break into anyone else's home". It's naive. You will not build a sustainable platform of digital entertainment on an un-enforceable "gentlemans agreement". To be completely honest, and no I'm not doing a Goodwin here, it's like communism. It would work just fine if we could rely on people do their bit for the collective - in this instance, paying for a sufficiently large portion of their "cultural consumption" to keep the production going - but there's a pretty extensive track record for how that goes. Not well for production.




    And secondly, is the idea - and this traces right back to music - that you as a consumer gets to decide to what the product is worth in the first place. Zierro said that artists deserves "reasonable compensation". I think everyone wants that. But who ensures it? Who pays? Who makes sure the money ends up in the right place? Steam, regardless of how nice it is, sure as hell takes a cut. Is that cut reasonable? Who says it's reasonable? Why do they say it? You can build a charity around that, sure, but not a financial system working at peak effeciency. And that's completely ignoring the whole argument around whether the makers of a intellectual entertainment product has a right do that product or not (which, in turn, is separate from the makers of medical intellectual products).




    Don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying I don't believe you. I'm not saying that, assuming I do believe you, I consider the way you file share amoral. I'm saying that it's not a sustainable way to organize intellectual property within a society. There's no checks, there's no balances to keep the entire thing from falling the [bleep] over and production of digital entertainment to just, dwindle due to a lack of funding. I'm fine with that, the only form of digital entertainment I'd miss is subscription based since well over a decade anyway. Their bases are covered.




    The question that the digital entertainment heroinist tends to forget about is whether they're fine with it. If I get to choose between civil liberty in the form of a non-infrastructural internet, one of the proposed ways to deal with file sharing, and the formation of a new Beatles, I'll keep my civil liberties, thanks.






    So, to sum it up and reconnect with the thread at hand; The record companies are idiots trying to defend a business model that's dying, but the woman who lost in court got what she deserved. If you think it's too expensive, don't use it. It's a luxury product. You will not "suffer" in any significant way for not using it. At least the and record companies, outdated as they may be, are fighting for their livelyhood.






    (There's also an amusing thing to consider with the whole "reasonable compensation" argument, mainly that it is not beyond you to go out of your way to do your bit for it. Take a bill. Put it in an envelope. Send to artist, or creator, or producer. Just skip the distributor. "That's a sustainable way of doing things!". Nope. But then again, I'm not the one trying to hide behind "I'd pay, just not this much". Say you spend 5 hours a game on games you wouldn't have bought at their asking price. Where's the renting treshold? A fifth of what the game costs currently? So buy every fifth game then. Or tenth. Or twentieth - though I think that's probably pushing it considerably due to money-per-hour-of-entertainment. For a rental service - or a streaming service - to function financially over file-sharing there needs to come a point where you'd pay. If you wanted to, you could pay up to that point today. It'd be a bit of a blunt instrument, but you can easily match your expenditures on your consumption to "reasonable compensation". I've got no stakes in this discussion, I'll never know whether anyone lies or tells the truth about what they'll do, this is just a nice way for me to force myself into formulating what I think into coherent arguments. But to yourself, no need to talk about it here, would you do it?)

  9. You're right, but they can also survive without that five billion dollars. Also, one person has a very minimal impact on the market. Unless you somehow convinced every single person to boycott it along with you, your personal boycott would be pretty futile and it would be wiser to just obtain it without paying, realistically speaking.


    Yes, living off of wellfare while producing digitial entertainment from the goodness of their hearts.




    Come. On. The vast majority of the digital entertainment consumed by what we'll sloppily refer to as "the masses" is produced with a clear commercial purpose, funded by commercial interests. That means that that song you downloaded, or the game, or the movie, the soundtech ensuring a proper digital copy, had a salary. He was paid. Or the actor. Or the quest designer. Or the graphical artist. It's their respective livelyhoods (notice again how we're neatly ignoring the whole "musicicians can perform for their money!" argument by focusing on other forms of digital entertainment).




    Gina the Graphical Artist might be able to survive without the money her studious latest game would have brought in, but she sure as hell won't be making money as a graphical artist. And while you might get by just fine without her game, she probably needed that salary to buy lunch.




    Someone still has to pay. There's plenty of ways to organize that payment - the current mostly used system being old, outdated and dying - but you'll never get around it. Games do not spring into being because a richass board of directors chanted satanic verses for 21 days, they're produced by people with salaries. Salaries someone has to pay.






    And realistically speaking, how many songs worth of sales via, say, iTunes were the record companies awarded in fines in this lawsuit? How much money are they making from essentially legalized extortion from people who'd they'd get squat from if they didn't act like they heroinists who NEEDS THEIR FIX PLZ?




    Fueling their fires.

  10. Heard of supply and demand? It's what our entire market is based on, more supply than demand and the price drops, more demand than supply and the price rises. With computers the supply of a game, song, movie is theoretically infinite. Yet the price hasn't dropped to nothing. It's run by a monopoly, as ONLY one group are selling the object, they could charge you $100 a song and you can't go elsewhere as that place will also have to charge you $100 a song or they won't be allowed to sell you the song.
    A) "theoretical infinite supply" is [cabbage], more or less. The creation of an additional copy is practically free, sure, but that first item that is being copied still has a production cost. A game - which is considerably easier to use as an example because we don't have to deal with the whole "but artists can make money from performing" - still has a development cost assosciated with it. Someone has to pay that cost, and the idea that file-sharing is fine is either incredibly naive (you don't really see that someone needs to be paid) or incredibly arrogant (you see that someone has to pay, but it sure as hell ain't going to be you). You can argue that the current costs are not reasonable, and I'll agree, you can argue that the current business model most commonly employed will never be able to charge reasonable prices, and I'll agree again.




    But someone, somewhere, still has to pay for this "theoretically infinite" supply.




    B) It's still a luxury product. Even if there was only one company in the entire world that produced music (or movies, or games) and sold it for five billion dollars a piece, you'd still survive without it. They're not selling air. They're not selling water. They're not selling food. Raving about how expensive it is is pointless; If it's too expensive, don't use it til they get the hint. The fact that you complain that it's too expensive and then consume it anyway just fuels their fires through lawsuits like this. Imagine how quickly they'd founder if all the people going "it's too expensive" would just stop using their products.

  11. I'm 14. I don't have the damned money to buy a new game every day. I don't have the money to buy the new Maxïmo Park album.
    The record companies ("the selfish nazi's") want more money than they can get. You want more digital entertainment than you can pay for ("fourteen year old without money").




    Greed's greed. Since survival without more digitial entertainment than you can pay for is still perfectly possible, I fail to see any argument in regards to the record companies greed that couldn't be turned against you. I mean, [cabbage], if you break copyright on a textbook or two to further your own education, that's one thing. But music? Video games? Movies? They're luxury products. Not a neccesity, and certainly not a right.

  12. To make a long story about my confusion short, I'm looking for a remix of the song Cities of the Future by Infected Mushroom. The problem is I can't figure out what it's called, because I can't find it except in semi-dodgy youtube links (including an AMV of Advent Children of all things) or being streamed from some random online streaming side I stumbled on. But they're all trying to pass it off as "just" Cities of the Future, but it doesn't match the Cities of the Future version that appear on Infected Mushroom's own homepage. Confuses the hell out of me, and in all honesty I've now spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to find it named _anywhere_ so I know where to get it.




    The remix is 8.12 long (+- 2 seconds) unlike any of the named remixes I've found or the original, according to their own homepage. It can be found, among other youtube links, here. Does anyone recognize this and can put a name on it?






    And since the music might be a bit to narrow for people to recognize even in a community of this size, does anyone have any general tips on how to what I could do to track it down?

  13. Nope. Sperm are simple haploid cells, unable to grow or propagate themselves through any means. Left alone, a sperm cell will forever be a sperm cell.
    Unlike a foetus, who'll when left alone develop into a human being completely unaided.




    Might want to think that one through a few times.

  14. Of course, it should be legal, as should ALL drugs. I don't understand the concept of making a drug/prostitution illegal.. really. It blows my mind that people can actually say "you can't do this with your own body." It's basically the same as saying "we own your body."
    Let's say you take a drug that impairs your judgement - we could really just use alcohol for this example. Let's say you overdose, or wander into traffic, or does something exceptionally stupid hurting yourself or others, or destroy something that shouldn't have been destroyed. No matter how you slice it, this is likely to cost someone money, or possibly hurt, or if you were really, really stupid, their life.








    I don't think anyone really gives a [cabbage] about what you do with your own life or money, the problem lies in the various drugs that'll cost other people money. "Take what you want, and pay for it". Find a way to guarantee you're the one paying for it, and knock yourself out.

  15. It actually hasn't died.
    In the unless-the-head-is-separated-from-the-body-only-a-properly-trained-professional-may-call-time-of-death sense of the phrase. Or possibly we-need-a-court-order-to-shut-of-the-respirator-and-probe-feeding-to-end-the-vegative-state.






    I don't know though... I'm still boycotting SOE over SWG, and LucasArts ain't that far behind on my personal [cabbage]list due to a strong suspicion that they meddled too much in the development. In favour is the fact that an Old Republic setting means they've got more a creative license to adapt to playability, always a plus. The focus on "story" sounds a bit funky, AFAIK SWG did contain an ongoing plotline with new quests and whatnot at regular intervalls, I know Asheron's Call certainly did. WoW is still playing around with advancing the Warcraft lore - they're know making their own money by publishing some of it in comics and books. I don't really see how you could possibly focus more on "story" than previous games without [bleep]ing the MMO qualities of the gameplay; WoW is pretty much treading the line already.


    And to be honest, I don't google anything when I am debating, becuase I really hate debating online, because face it, everyone including I, say stuff they wouldn't normally say, whether ridiculous or true, they may just throw stuff out there, or completely disregard a statement. Which is why I'm not going to debate this anymore, because I realized I don't really want my mind "changed." per se, call me ignorant, sure, but I'm happy just the way I am.

    It isn't so much about having your mind changed as it is about not subjecting everyone else to total and utter [cabbage]. You don't care whether whatever you say is accurate or makes sense, so why would anyone else care about anything you say? Are you posting because you actually have something to say that might be worth reading, or because you just enjoy pressing submit?




    I mean really, this forum isn't - or shouldn't be - a place for self-absorbed adolescents to vent their teenage angst and reaffirm their worldview. If you're not willing to at least show everyone else the courtsey and respect of making sure what you say is in some slight way connected to reality, then what the [bleep]? Why are you even here in the first place?




    I'm not saying I expect any of the debates we have here to ever change anyone or anything, but people could at least take the [bleep]ing time to make sure their posts pass a 30 second google check for reliability. If not for your own eduction - God forbid actually learning something on the internet - then for the sake of everyone else who comes here.




    (Edit: And to further clarify, it isn't solely directed at any single poster, nor only at the people in this thread. I don't want anyone to feel offended, I want them to think about why they come here.)

  17. I don't seeing what being guilty has to do with torture. And I would say most of them are guilty. There are probably a few who were captured based on bad intelligence from other tribes or something but not that many.
    While on the subject of treatment of people internet at Guantanmo, acenator stated: "My position is that we should do what it takes to save the lives of those whom these people would murder were they left to roam freely". This implies torture. My entire block of text was then directed at pointing out that because the system is not - like any system made my man - infalliable, not everyone who ends up in Guantanamo is a murderer of any kind, thus advocating their torture based on the murders they'd commit is advocating the torture of innocent people.




    Or, in not quite so many words, standing on a moral high horse in which "these people" only get what they deserve, is a [bleep]ing naive approach.


    Very well, the Geneva Accords do, in fact, restrict countries from torturing prisoners of war. One little fact we both missed: the accords only apply to the "high contracting parties" or those that have ratified the accords (Article 2). Article 1 does state that "The High Contracting Parties undertake to respect and to ensure respect for the present Convention in all circumstances," but if it really meant that the "high contracting parties" were to follow the accords "in all circumstances," then why (in Article 2) does it state that the Accords "shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them," if not to exempt nations of the restrictions of the Accords when fighting against enemies that do NOT belong to a "high contracting party" (or, in the case of terrorists, don't belong to any nation at all)?
    What, the 775 prisoners that's past through Guantanamo aren't citizens of any state?




    If you are not a Prisoner of War, then you're a civilian. In which the provisions of the Fourth Geneva convention regarding the treatment of people on occupied nations soil - regardless of who said people are (possibly exception to mercenaries if memory serves me) - in which case we've got another one of those nice statements, Article 5, 4th Convention; "Where in the territory of a Party to the conflict, the latter is satisfied that an individual protected person is definitely suspected of or engaged in activities hostile to the security of the State, " Say, terrorism. Further down, it goes on to say what you can do in the interest of your own security. Even further down, same article "In each case, such persons shall nevertheless be treated with humanity and, in case of trial, shall not be deprived of the rights of fair and regular trial prescribed by the present Convention".




    The legal vaccum whipped up by Bush regarding "illegal combatants" is not supported by ICC in Hague (or for that matter - though I might have misread something here, the US Supreme Court.).




    Of course, this is strictly an intellectual debate, because quite clearly, the US is going to do it anyway and arguing about it here is a bit pointless. All I really wanted was to point out that you are - irregardless of the application of law - advocating the torture of innocent individuals because they might be guilty.

  18. Because being released doesn't make you innocent either.
    And unless you intend to argue that everyone released is really guilty and thus deserving of torture, that's totally [bleep]ing irrelevant.




    Thanks for sharing though.

  19. Just because they are releasing them doesn't mean they are innocent. They just don't have enough for a conviction for most of them. Even Osama Bin Laden's assistant who helped him escape Afghanistan when we invaded only got 5 1/2 years. They still shouldn't have let the prisoners who they aren't going to charge with anything go until the war is over. Something like 50 have been confirmed to go back to terrorism.
    And this relates to "being arrested does not make you guilty" in what way...?
  20. Are you actually suggesting that even though we were wrong for going in, the fact that we are at war now means we must finish it?
    Leaving an Iraq to be gobbled up by islamic extremists, civil war or just plain ol' Iran is a bad idea inasmuch as that it will not actually accomplish [cabbage] for the US or anyone else. Either law and order collapses - which is an excellent breeding ground for terrorists of all sorts - or Iran gets to take a significant bite, which would be bad all itself.




    Keep in mind that while Saddam was a dictator, he was not one drawn from the islamic fundamentalist lot. The Ba'ath party is (was?) a socialistic party with some panarab nationalism thrown in. The previous government was secular and an enemy of Iran, who was (is) "exporting the revolution". Say whatever you want about Saddam, but he was a nice little counterweight to Irans ambitions. There is no easy way out.

  21. Wow, this thread took an impressive spin. We've got "just a theory", some nonsensical probability example that was probably taken horribly out of context (which is apparently another one of those I-don't-actually-have-a-clue-but-I-can-regurgitate-well examples constantly flourishing on the internet), "but it's in the bible" AND personal attacks on Darwin - neatly ignoring the centuries of additional research by thousands of scientist on the subject.




    So basically, we're just missing "not enough dust on the moon for it to be millions of years old" and "irreducible complexity" and we've got ourselves a full house. Does anyone else wish to regurgitate some useful, exciting and undoubtly factual piece of evidence for their case that will definitely manage to be both new and irrefutable?






    More on the main topic; Didn't the Catholic church - and yes, I know someone said it, but it was blown past - say this months ago anyway?

  22. If you read Articles 84 and 105 of Part 3, Section 6, Chapter 3, you would see that the trials they were set up to receive in front of a military tribunal were perfectly fine under the Geneva accords.




    As for interrogations, if you check Part 2, Article 13, you'd see that, so long as the prisoners aren't tortured to a state of health that puts their lives at risk, killed, or left to be harmed by anyone outside of the military's control, then the interrogations are perfectly legal.




    My position is that we should do what it takes to save the lives of those whom these people would murder were they left to roam freely.

    ... And Article 17 states "No physical or mental torture, nor any other form of coercion, may be inflicted on prisoners of war to secure from them information of any kind whatever. Prisoners of war who refuse to answer may not be threatened, insulted, or exposed to unpleasant or disadvantageous treatment of any kind."




    For a political treaty, I have to say I think that section is pretty [bleep]ing unambiguous. No room for "well, we weren't really going to kill him". The first sentence of Article 13 is also an interesting - albeit slightly ambiguous - statement; "Prisoners of war must at all times be humanely treated." Yes. Well done.




    What I was getting at though, was the significant number of detainees released without actually being sentenced for anything. "These people", are not guilty of anything because the US military saw fit to throw them into lock-up. Which is why so many - I believe someone quoted a number earlier - have been released. You're not talking about brutal treatment for individuals whose guilt is beyond all reasonable doubt; You're talking about brutal treatment for people who were in the wrong place, at the wrong time. The fact that the preceedent that sets for your governments actions doesn't scare the [cabbage] out of you, well, scares the [cabbage] out of me.

  23. People saying that the terrorists should get constitutional rights could be considered a less precise way of saying "poor terrorists."
    No one currently interned at Guantanamo Bay deserves Geneva Convention rights (Common or full) because they're all terrorists anyway. Would that accurately surmise your position?




    edit: Hilarious grammatical error.

  24. Im sorry. but that entire post was hilarious, every shot is potentially fatal? your not terminator.
    Humans - without the presence of trained personnel, stunt men and carefully coordinated fights - are a lot more fragile than TV makes them out to be.




    Who'd have guessed?

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