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Posts posted by BlueTear

  1. A fair few of you seem to be forgetting while prison is certainly intended as punishment and as a detterent (Love to see how many people who say "five years is nothing" has even tried one month doing something you'd rather not, sleeping in a bed not your own, with zero control of your own life, due to the force of law), it's also intended to remove harmful elements from society by separating them from the general population.




    "Getting them off the streets" is more than a catchy line used in cop-shows.

  2. Downing Nefarian, the endboss of Blackwing Lair in World of Warcraft for the first time.




    We went in, hardly scratched him the first try. Six hours later, he's dead, and I'm surfing a the best adrenaline high I've ever gotten out of gaming.

  3. never got to do AQ... started playing too late.




    really though i cant see anything being more annoying than these guys. You charge into a pack of 5 and by the end of the fight.. you could be winning, or you could be being overwhelmed by 17 mobs.. and its mostly down to chance.

    Heh, thought so.




    My first comment after encountering the trash and realizing what they were doing went along the lines of "This is the worst trash since the pre-Twin Emps trash, seriously, what the hell?".

  4. apparently nobody on this thread knows that mass=weight/volume, something that should have been taught in 6th grade :-k
    So since weight depends on, say, what planet you happen to be standing on, if I were to travel to Mars, my mass would dimish?




    But since mass and energy are really two aspects of the same thing, and energy is never destroyed only transformed, that mass would have to go somewhere... Hmz... Into, for example, my speed!




    I'm self-accelerating!

  5. Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds


    Billy Talent - Red Flag


    Papa Roach - Getting Away With Murder


    Rammstein - Ich Will


    Tiesto - He's a Pirate


    3 Doors Down - Kryptonite


    System of a Down - Old School Hollywood


    System of a Down - Sad Statue


    Dead or Alive - You Spin Me Right Round


    Billy Talent - Devil In A Midnight Mass

  6. Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says




    Global warming hits Mars too: study




    Or just Google "Global Warming Myths" and you'll have plenty else to think about.

    Direct quote from the second article you linked to, regarding why Mars is heating up;




    "The explanation is in the dirt. "




    Our global warming is hardly making Mars heat up, but then again, I doubt Martian dust storms is making Earth heating up.

  7. Varies a lot depending on the type of post and why I'm writing it. Usually a fair bit of time though, and I distinctinly remember doing a five hour spree on one post at least once - obviously, most of the time is spent fact checking and reading up on what I'm going to say, but it's post related. Havn't managed any of the really long ones lately though.






    Speaking of spending a fair bit of time on posts, anyone else always do ctrl + a ctrl + c before pressing submit? I started doing it because of the board gremlins back on scapeboard and I still do it. Just the other week it rescued a two hour posting project of mine on the official WoW forums and I realized I'd never have done it if scapeboard hadn't eaten some longass debate post I made once.

  8. Too much "ooo look, RICHARD GARRIOT MADE IT!" in the advertising for me. Good games advertise their systems, their approaches to common elements of game design, the - should such a thing exist in their game - new exciting concepts.




    When the main selling point seems to be a guy who made another game (or another game in itself) I get suspicioius.




    (That being said, the whole Logos thing looked kinda interesting)

  9. BlueTear is using sacrasm to express that he knows more than a TV-channel founder.. IT MUST BE TRUE!
    Ah, it appears I have once again failed to adapt my posting to my audience by making it too subtle. I shall strive to correct my error (Starting with ensuring that I don't make this particular veiled insult too veiled);




    Suggesting that having founded the weather channel (of all things) makes your conclusions in the area of climate research - after having read DOZENS of reports, no less - more accurate than, say, an international panel of 2000 scientiests reading way more than DOZENS of reports, is wrong. I'd even stretch to refering to it as downright silly, along the lines of "SOME GUY ON TV SAID IT, IT MUST BE TRUE!".




    Some random guy who happends to have presented weather on the TV and founded a TV channel says something. I fail to see how this is in any way, shape or form, qualifies as a "second opinion" to the official statements made by the IPCC, and find any attempt to equal the two to be laughable at best.






    Cue Warriors's excellent post on climate changes, that people keep ignoring because reading it over and grasping the facts it contains is a lot less easy than to believe what's being said on TV. Or by a guy who makes TV.

  10. What about the license makes you hesitate?
    By posting User Content to any part of the Site, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to the Company an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, publicly perform, publicly display, reformat, translate, excerpt (in whole or in part) and distribute such User Content for any purpose on or in connection with the Site or the promotion thereof, to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such User Content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing






    Say what?

  11. I don't use either, but recently, I'm starting to consider getting a facebook.




    In my personal, and I'm starting to realize, elitist opinion, a presence on the web is a website. Not blogg, not a facebook account. It's not that I'm intellectually against making new technology available to be just by anyone, I just emotionally object to the whole "trend" deal - mostly because when I was into these things (ranging all the way back to MSN messenger) no one else was, and by the time everyone was into them I'd passed them and wondered why the heck they were making such a fuss. That, and the facebook license agreement makes me hesitate.




    But recently I've been seeing/hearing all kinds of odd networking going on via sites like facebook. One company, who's name I can't remember, has a 1 hour of facebooking every friday in order to "network", and create a closer connection between the people in the company and in the business in general. It's freaky, but it makes sense is a twisted kind of way.






    ... so more on the originial topic, I'd say facebook despite never having used it, because that's what most of the people around me seem to be using, so that's what I'd have the most use for.

  12. no it isnt JUST the killers fault - he is only a part of it.


    prehaps he was bullied, like me, told but ignored, like me, hit people to stop them but it carried on, like me, then what choice did he have.

    IMHO, that's the kind of thinking that ends up creating these situations; Not holding kids responsible for their own actions, but insisting on talking about "other factors" is what creates the problem in the first place.




    Recent example around where I live (that'd be same country, I don't live that close, anyways); A 16 and a 17 year old guy were arrested charged with - englishtermenglishterm - conspiracy to commit murder. They discussed what kind of weapons they'd use in shooting people in school, they watched a video of the Columbine massacre and refered to them as cool (Ring any bells?), and they were overheard making death threats to the principal. Now one of these strapping young lads had been suspended previously for threatening a girl in his class with a knife.




    An event that was not reported to the police, because they believed the suspension was sufficient punishment. The school essentially excused a serious offense, and brougth in counselling and whatnot.




    In attempting to create an understanding society, we seem to have managed to create a society in which we fail to teach a fair amount of kids that their actions have consequences, their choices are their own responsibility. As long as we start blaming other people than the guy who brought a gun to his school, we're just making the same excuses that let's the guys' bullies get away with it. He's not a victim.

  13. I remember when [mischief] actually returned mischief1at.gif...




    Loads of good discussions over the years and interesting posts. I've learned way to many things to list both about the world and myself out of the years I've frequented this forum. Communication skills, a foregin language, I was essentially introduced to my favourite hobby through tip.it. I've gained understanding both of myself and my convictions by formulating thoughts and ideas for these forums. Considering how long I've been here, this place and it's denizens has probably had a direct influence on how I am as a person today.






    As for specific, still hilarious memories, "AOL thugz" still makes me snicker.

  14. You do realize that all of those jobs must be done over in Iraq. From what i hear on the news, a large number of casualties are just people walking from their sleeping quarters to the mess hall. American bases are constantly mortared and kill the non-front line people as well. It isn't like you have a 0 percent chance of dying. Thus, logically, you still have a chance to die even if its not in combat. Being put in a situation against your will, where there is a chance where you can die is morally wrong.
    But participating in the decision making process of the collective - that would be voting - without having the will to put your own safety and wellbeing aside for said collective is morally right?




    Has a voting citizen of a democratic nation who is not willing to put his own safety and wellbeing aside for the Greater Good really deserved the right to vote?


    But, its not the time or place to get in a talk about ethics because the draft will not be instated. There is a democratic majority in congress, so i think us strapping young lads are safe.
    Why not? We've got time, and we're in Off-Topic...
  15. tailoring & enchanting... looks like i'm farming lifes at the bog lords...




    on my realm. primal earth are 2-3g each. primal lifes are 20-30g each.

    Lol, which means any herbalist farming Skettis makes about 200-300g per hour.




    They're only worth 10g or less on my server =/ How about Primal Mana's? Farming those in Netherstorm is IMHO the easiest kind after Primal Life from Skettis. You can do Water in Skettis as well ofc, but the swimming takes longer. Better respawns in Netherstorm.

  16. What are your professions?




    If your not herbalist, I'd recommend just picking the primal with the best price/farm get loads of that, sell them, and then buy Primal Mights. If you have herbalism and you happen to play a class that can kill them, kill the Skettis trees and herb them for herbs and motes of life. Ridicolously good money in that.

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