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Posts posted by BlueTear

  1. And yet... The arming of a state where a fair portion of the citizenry support downright fascistic methods, more than half of the country's population do not believe the opposition should be _allowed_ to form a government, plauged by corruption and with a cultural complex that involvs the superiority of Russia both in terms of racism and imperialism, is hardly worth commending solely because "it's only fair"?




    Maybe it's because I live in a country relatively close to Russia yet not under the protective envelope of NATO, but when today's Russia starts rattling it's sabers, I worry.

  2. Also, stop parroting on that there are enough nukes anywhere to destroy the planet even once. The sheer amount of DET required to do that is, I believe, 10^32J, equivalent to 23,900,573,613,766,730,401,529.636711281 tons of TNT (rough calculation), as estimated from the death star calcs. For a nuclear barrage, which is certainly not DET, it would take much, much more to destroy Earth or an Earth-like planet.
    Do you mean "destroy" as in "shatter into space floating rubble" or destroy as in "make planet uninhabitable for human civilization as we know it"?
  3. It's interesting to see that this is mostly a cultural thing. Around here, school gym classes involves showering togheter with the other boys (or girls) from like, whenever you're young enough to actually have physical ed in school. And that continues well up to 18ish years of age in schools. Heck, swimming houses with showers still work that way, as do the sauna's.

  4. Yah, the gaurd spawns are ridicolous. I hate getting my rear handed to me by a guy 25 levels above me as much as the next guy, but come on? These gaurds are remnant of the dishonourable kill system, catering way, way too much to the carebears. I don't think they should be removed completely, but if you have a large enough force with you to take them out, they should actually stay down for a while. I have nothing against a system where gradual increase in spawns drives the attackers away, but there's nothing gradual to the conjuring of guards nowadays.




    I'm more into the idea of making all town zones give marks for kills to the defending side. That way, if a lvl 70 is ganking Duskwood, there's a clear incentative for a lvl 70 of the opposing faction to move there, and dispose of him. Higher levels protect lower levels from ganking and get a clear tangiable reward in return. I'd definitely do it.




    I think Blizzard are starting to realize that PvP needs more attention, mostly in light of upcoming titles like WAR. Although I personally think the way it's being thrown around the WoW forums as the answer to Life And Everything is nothing but pre-release hype, it is being designed by Mythic, the guys who originally came up with the Realm vs Realm style of play. And I agree with you on Lake Wintergrasp; A single zone is most likely going to be painfully inadequate in comparison. I sincerely doubt they'll be able to design that single zone in a fashion that makes it the answer to PvP in WoW. They could make the zone good, certainly, but enough to compete with WAR for the money of the actual PvP addicts?

  5. It's general consensus amongst us that world PvP is dead, so, therefore, what would be the point of rolling a PvP server?




    (Hypothetical question - I know my preferred server is a PvP one)

    Hmz... Not sure I'd call it dead as such, just limited in scope. Despite attempts to encourage it on a grander scale, the rewards - compared to BG grinding - are just not worth it. Oh sure, the occasional Halaa brawl or fight on the Hellfire Peninsula gives some rewards, but the risk vs reward ration on those aren't nearly interesting enough to encourage more than casual world PvP, setting the hardcore PvP in arena's (and to a much, much lesser extent, BG's).




    As to why roll on a PvP server; Because the playstyle is radically different. Played properly you always keep a sharp lookout for a human opponent that will never hesitate to strike at you when you're at your weakest. They will exploit your mistakes, momentary weaknesses and vulnerabilities in a way that no mob ever could. It takes more effort, more thinking, more skill to get what you want done on a PvP server.






    Personally, I'd like to see the various faction cities remade to encourage world PvP. Make the leaders give tangiable - and considerable - honour rewards, make killing members of the opposite faction in your city zone give some form of mark you can exchange for honour or items, and seriously rework the neverending spawns of guards.

  6. I never cleared Silithus out properly when back when I was 60 and they first introduced the money patch on my warlock. Except for the 40-50 range - which truly does suck, and I'm so glad they're remaking Dustwallow to combat it - I should be able to advance a fair bit. Atm my level 9 druid is beating his head against a wall because it's my first Night Elf ever - and I just really don't know their starting zone. I could get disc exp on my current main, and my first 60 was horde >_>






    I like Alterac Valley, because unlike Eye of Storm - which is like AB, except when you're outmatched in AB you lose, and in EotS you're just tormented until the game FINALLY ends - or any of the other BG's, it is what you make of it.




    Want to earn honour while killing stuff? Follow the zerg. Want to fight off hordes of oncoming player attacks? Defend a GY. Want 1v1 or 2v2 fights with a clear objective? Defend or recap your flags. Want a fight-for-your-life, rush infront of the zerg hoping for a ninja-cap. There's just so many different things you can do that will help the overall effort - and quite frankly, there's a crapload of people who wouldn't recognize the overall effort if it jumped up and took a bite out of their face, so the attentative player can choose his role with relative freedom.






    And personally, I don't think anything Blizzard does will "fix" world PvP. The benefits and bonuses gained from PvP victories can never be made too significant, because in a game where there are only two sides, one side will always have disadvantage. If you want to balance that properly, the first step is to have three sides, because one side will never be able to outmatch the two others. This *severly* limits the kind of Faction vs Faction PvP they can design, which is one reason for arena's. Which although fun and adrenaline pumping, still feels... a bit tame.

  7. I'm curious as to how these tests are laid out. What kind of questions are asked, what kind of preparation you do beforehand. Are the questions mostly about you memorizing something from a class or textbook, or is it about discussion around a certain issue?


    Blue - The color of sadness. If you like this color then you can trick people by saying "I'm so blue!" They will think that you are sad, but what you really mean is that you like the color blue. It's a great trick to play on your friends or, even better, on terrorists because they won't see it coming!

    I resent that.
  9. Ding 61, damn the levels are getting longer and longer, i kinda like how it went from 200k (59-60) then 500k (60-61), oh well, 58-60 were the easiest 2 levels ive done since level 35, Outlands is really great atm \'
    I've been wondering about that.




    In my mind, it's best to do all the pre-60 quests of Azeroth, in order to save as many quests as possible in Hellfire for leveling beyond 60 - because in Outland most of your leveling will be done by emptying zone after zone of quests. Since the only characters I've ever entered outland with were all level 60 well before the expansion, I don't actually know if that's true or not. And I recently started an alt to play when I don't have the time to log on to my main. It's only lvl 9, and it won't hit 60 for a long, long, long time but it renewed my interest in the idea behind staying in Azeroth for as long as possible. Any thoughts now that you're in that leveling frame?




    No, that's assault. It's defence when he's the one beating you up at that particular moment.

    If someone recurringly attacks you, defending yourself "in between" attacks can hardly be described as an unprovoked assault.
    If you can't clean up your own mess, don't bother fighting imo. You go ahead and fight to win, I'll keep my dignity.
    What? "Don't bother fighting"? "Dignity"?. You talk about how violence is the answer to problems, you talk about war, yet the kind of violence you're talking about is not a last resort after all other options have been exhausted. It's not in response to an actual threat to yourself or someone near you.




    It's to impress your peers. Poserish much?

  11. If you would have left that out, I would have been like "Hey, good for you!" But you don't deserve that since two of you took on a single guy. Idc if you were winning or not, I still see it as a pansy move to have your bro jump in too.
    You can fight to win, or you can fight to impress your peers.




    And if you want to win, you do whatever it takes with no particular regard for something as flimsy as "rules".




    And Hi9im8Here7, it isn't punishment. It's defense. There's a difference.

  12. It's hard to say really. A first character is always different, you want to see things, you don't know all the shortcuts and you don't find yourself missing skills you'll get at later levels because you've never seen them. My advice is to just happily go along, comparing all loot/quest rewards to your current gear, and using the ones that constitute an improvement. Have fun, get the exp, and don't worry much about your gear.




    (Stepping out of the "first character" shoes and into my own; There's scant little reason to bother with gear before 60+, and even then it's important to not get bogged down running a crappy instance because the hawt loot you'll replace from 5 man instance at 70 anyway. Yeah, gear helps leveling, but in the end, you'll still end up getting rid of the [cabbage]. Better then to just keep leveling to reach a point where your gear is more than a stepping stone to the next level)

  13. No, I don't think you're crazy. There's no plain logic to the actions you mentioned, more like arbitary displays of power in order to remind you of what they think is your proper place in the family. Which isn't all that uncommon when parents try to figure out how to deal with their children growing up. So you can take some small comfort in knowing that you're not alone.




    Hearing about it just makes my finger's itch with a desire to do something. But at the same time, I don't really feel qualified to give you advice along those lines because I don't know you, nor do I have any idea how your parents would react if you followed them. Still, trying to at least talk to them about it in a pre-arranged, calm, discussion seems like a good idea. Try to make them realize how it makes you feel when you're treated that way.




    (About not having music player to school because they "might be stolen"... ??? Who's friggin' problem is that then, if not the guy who lost it? All of the schools I've attended have given us frequent reminders not to leave anything of greater value in our lockers because they might get broken into. And one-way hallways is just plain asinine. Really.)

  14. Yes there have been some excellent, clean debates on this topic. You are absolutely disregarding, however, the poorer, not so clean debates on this topic. You are also disregarding, the division in off topic between users posts regarding religion, the religious debates on topics that don't even concern religion and the 'religious' teams this post has created perhaps permanently in posts to come, unless a religious post ban is in place.




    I understand that you have an ego and it certainly doesn't want to be deflated by finding weak points in the thread you've created. However, you need to wake up and smell the damn roses and get rid of those rose coloured glasses to the threads and posts you create.




    I'm not coming back to off topic until these threads are gone; it has turned in to a happy community of people who could have intelligent discussions for the past several years to a divided team of God lovers or God haters.




    This is not what off topic should be about and to cut the last slice of cake, I don't wish to be a part of a divided community.




    First of all, the reason why religion ends up being brought up in threads not exclusively dedicated to religion is because religion is an important part of people's lives. Whether the discussion is about abortion, internal politics, foregin policies or a law of your choice, there will be people on these forums whose thoughts and opinions can be traced back to a religion. In sharing those thoughts and opinions, in essence a part of themselves, they will share a small part of the religion. Living by example so to speak.




    If you have a ban on "religious discussion", you do one of two things; Either you put a gag on the people mentioned above. They're not allowed to participate fully in any debate where their thoughts and opinions can be traced to religion. Or you let them have their say, but no one can actually contest that opinion, because that would classify as a discussion.




    Call me silly, but I really fail to see how shutting people up because they disagree with something more consequential than eachother's favourite dish is something worth pursuing for any forum targetted towards people above the age of twelve.

  15. Meh, I don't have the time to actually look up the communist manifesto, but I'm fairly sure that an atheistic worldview was - at the time of the conception of communism - a neccesity. Many religions, by a varying degree and depending on time, has taught it's followers submission for a class based authority. Whether this is for the pope - who has had the power the bring down empires, the english monarch - head of state and religion - or the hindu caste system, the end result was, according to Marx, an oppression by the bourgeois. I don't think, though I'd have to look it up, there are any other contra-religious ideas. Communism is atheisticic because religion is seen as a veil hiding the oppression of the proletariat.




    Of course, it's still possible to argue that the problem here lies in communism's fundamentally violent way of bringing about change - the primary difference between communism is socialism is that of reform contra revolution - rather than an atheistic world view.

  16. Let's see. I make a statement that goes against one's belief in evolution, which we can safely say to be the faith of millions. And look what happens. I get 5 posts within 20 minutes telling me I am nothing but wrong, and that my belief held by millions wrong by proxy.
    Since when does telling someone they're wrong mean you're flaming?
  17. Sorry to burst your fear.. But warlocks are incredibly easy to play in pvp.. Its basicly just dot + fear with a few coils+drains thrown it :(
    ... you have a lot of PvP experience playing as a warlock with a non-SL specc?




    This is kind of like asking someone as a warrior if they've had experience playing as a fury spec in PvP....








    SL specs (either if its full demo, aflic/SL or Sl/destro) are the PvP specs of warlocks.

    And yet, a 43/7/11 specc is the single most popular uniform warlock specc above 2100 rating.




    Still, I only asked because there's by far too many people who get killed by a soul link warlock and then cry "fear is overpowered!" or "DoTs is overpowered!". SL is - still - stupidly useful.

  18. Which is not a good line to draw, because the child is dependant upon the mother for oxygen, food, and other needs until birth,
    Without doing any kind of research whatsoever, I feel reasonably confident when stating that no child has ever ended up outside the womb and the mother without experiencing some form of event that could be classified as a birth. If - with the aid of modern medicine - they can then manage to survive, their rights are no longer superceded by the right of the woman to her own body.
  19. In many cases, that's 2-3 weeks AFTER the birth when the child is reliant on breastmilk.
    Apologies for not making it clear that I mean outside of the mother's womb.
  20. Where do you personally draw the line?
    I know that wasn't really a general question but I've been sitting on my own answer to it for like three pages without finding an opening, so I'll throw mine in:




    When the feutus has developed far enough to be sustained outside of the mother's womb.




    edit: Fixed for clarity.

  21. I'm reminded of the story of a couple who has in Iraq - pre-invasion, post-11th September - and had a baby. They named the baby Hussein something because this made the authorities easier to deal with. So, as soon as the toddler has grown enough to make the return trip whichever country the couple was actually living in - might have been Sweden - it turns out their toddler now shares the name with someone on the same watch list.




    You find stopping a seven year old boy weird, imagine what the parents of said toddler thought...

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