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Posts posted by BlueTear

  1. Are you trying to say that the same people who wanted to name their kid '4real' actually named their kid superman because of what it means?




    And again I'm not against 'unique' names. However both you and I know that they did not choose this name for any other reason other than they couldn't name it what they wanted.





    But it has a meaning to them doesn't it? And either way, since no child - regardless of name - carries around a sign that explains why their loving parents decided to name them that way, does the reasoning behind it really matter? I mean, would you think 4Real would be a more acceptable name because they had a valid reason for it - ignoring the fact that who the hell are we to tell them what a "valid reason" is?


    Plus I really don't see how your explanation of what names can mean has any barring on what I said. Everyone knows who and what superman is, it isn't unique. In addition to the fact that it doesn't mean anything to these people it also was clearly taken from a popular icon.
    If he's the only guy with the name within his local area, how is not a unique name? 'cause someone in a TV show has it? A guy in my basic training unit had a last name that, translated from Swedish to English would've been 'Star'. I have an old childhood friend who's last name, translated, would be 'Firestone'. So why is a name along the lines of 'Super Man' objectionable (whoever said it doesn't mean anything hasn't been paying enough attention to what the words it's composed of, which is why I oh-so-subtly separated them)? Because it's recognizable, and breaks the magic of being a name for you with your own frame of reference?






    If all the people who posted in this thread were to post their real names, I could probably find at least two or three I could come up with some interesting jokes on. Either in English, or in my language. Worst case I'd look up the actual meanings and work on that, because again, very few names can't be traced to have a meaning of some kind. At least that many (probably more) would also be names that doesn't fall into my personal little frame of normal names. They'd be plain weird to me. And although it's unlikely, there'd might even be a name with a word with a different meaning in Swedish.




    Does this mean your parents deserve to be called morons? Does this mean their child deserves ridicule? They're just names. Not stupid, and with no requirement whatsoever of fitting the arbitarily decided mold of "ordinary" to classify as good names.

    Bluetear, do you ever think before pressing the submit button? Seriously, just shut up.
    Almost cared.




    Good try though.

  2. Havn't tried it nor paid much attention to it since I've had a WoW account for more than a year and a half, but it sounds in line with what other companies have done to their MMORPGs after a while. I'd check the webpage but I've been getting xml error all morning and it still won't work.




    Either way, the official WoW thread where we keep all our thoughts and discussions about WoW can be found here.

  3. I'm sorry but naming someone SUPERMAN is not trying to be unique, its just stupid. The biggest thing is the name its self is not even unique, it was taken by the show.






    Yeah come up with an actual unique name and I'm fine with that. But superman, what the hell?

    The fact that it was "taken by the show", hardly makes it any less unique; Adaptions of flowers, rockgroup names, objects or even something as simple as another name are fairly common. Josef Stalin for example sounds like a name, but he was born with something completely different. Stalin means "Man of Steel" IIRC. And a fair few of the names we consider common mean something completely different in other languages - Anders, a fairly common boy name around here, means 'different' or something in dutch (though the guy who asked me could've meant it means something different in dutch...). Add to that that most common names actually have meanings - and some can be traced as straight up translations from one language or the other.




    I think it's a bit silly to talk about how stupid a name is because it's so dependant on culture and the times whether it classifies as a "normal" name. I could translate something completely random from some language and you'd never notice it wasn't a real name. You understand what the name means in plain sight, and all of a sudden there's all kinds of suggestions regarding future treatment - a fair few involving puns played on a child.




    (That being said, I'd never name any of my children Superman, mostly because - as silly as it might sound - I don't find it phonetically or estethically pleasing.)




    Aren't you that guy that pops up at random times and takes the opposite approach with everyone just to be annoying?
    I suppose I could shut up when I disagree rather than when I agree, but I've always felt it adds more to a discussion when I voice the disagreements rather than the agreements. But hey, I could waste everyone's time even more by posting a series of - quite pointless - "I agree"'s.
  4. FFS, Lenin, is it so damn wrong to be ordinary once in a while?
    Actually, most of the post in this threads suggests the exact opposite - if you don't have an ordinary enough name it almost seems like most people think he deserves to be teased about it.
  5. I like to make people think and question themselves :) Always go that step further and ask why am I really doing this?
    And the answer to that question should influence ones behaviour in what way? I mean, even if helping can be argued to help yourself, that doesn't mean you shouldn't help in that manner?
  6. If you keep reading you'll notice he takes more and more elaborate turns with the english language. A personal favourite moment of mine was

    I know you think I should have set the timer on the VCR, but I deliberately didn't. The timer on our VCR has poor self-discipline and vague life goals and will often fail to work, just for kicks.
    I'm stealing that phrase. And using it every chance I get.




    It's not what he writes about, it's how he writes it. Kinda like the Hitchiker's guide and books by Terry Pratchett. Absolutely brilliant comedy.

  7. "death knight will be the only hero class"




    No. Blizzard said its going to be the first hero class.


    If Blizzard had any major intention to include two hero classes in this expansion, sheer advertising logical suggests a banner along the lines of "INTRODUCING HERO CLASSES!" would better than "INTRODUCING; DEATH KNIGHT!". Ergo, we can already at this point be fairly sure we're not going to see more than one hero class in this expansion. They've stated they intend to field an expansion once every year. So assuming they don't go throwing hero classes into regular patches - which they might, but probably won't - we're talking a year of only one hero class. Even if they start patching it in, there'll likely be a gap.




    Now, if "hero classes" are the same as basic classes balance-wise - and I cannot quite stress how much I hope that's the case - that's not really going to be an issue as such. But either way, it seems like quite a justified whine gived the information at hand.




    Suck it up. Am I the only one who thinks that having more content is a good thing?


    To a certain style of gamers "leveling" does not classify as content in this game; It's a timesink til you hit the Good Stuff. If I wanted to level, I could reroll. If I wanted quest-content, I can do the quests available - and I'd love to meet the guy who's done all the quests the game has to offer. If I want to instances, I have a few choices.




    As long as you increase the leveling cap, new instances and whatnot will not be "additional content", it will be "new content". It does not add; It replaces.




    "I've never seen X instance before and now they're making new ones!"




    The expansion isn't going to be out for a while. The expansion has been out for 6 months and many guilds have already downed illidan and plenty more are in BT/Hyjal. Don't suck and you'll see the content. And even if why should everyone else wait for new content because you're slow at leveling/raiding?




    "Many guilds?" Care to name a few/speculate as to how many players have actually done it? My server - which has been out for way more than year - has no guilds in Hyjal or BT. None, on either horde or alliance.




    Where's the logic in essentially destroying old content for the purpose of "everyone else" - who are without any semblance of a doubt the minority? Keep in mind this [cabbage] isn't about providing entertainment to a few select individuals, it's about entertaining 9 million subscribers.






    I'm not particularly impressed as of yet. It'll probably be nicer than this expansion was for me - military service seriously curbs my playtime, and with the essential restart of everyone gear wise that this expansion will undoubtly bring, I'll be in a much better starting position - but I really don't think it speaks well for the future development of the game at large.

  8. This is where I would put a "Is it 1999?" post, but since this is more of a 2006 thing it doesn't work quite as well.




    Still, the point is this was big a while ago, and once again someone on Tip.it is the last person to hear about it, and wants to share their "new find" with the rest of us.




    And as usual, the only thing people arguably care less about than "new find's", is exactly how long ago someone else saw it.






    Why the heck would you build a blender with that kind of strenght anyway? I mean, "common household appliances" seems sort of... Inaccurate?

  9. i think it's more of, if he gets another complaint against him, then he goes to jail, type of punishment




    Worth saying again. It's more likely to be an insurance that should he do something like this ever again, there'll be an additional charge to add to his name, allowing the judical system to punish him more harshly. Enforcing it as such isn't really the objective.

  10. What I think is that they should only raise the lve cap to 75, so that the lve 70's can have a bit of fun. Maybe even a instance or two (nothing like black temple though).




    The next expansion should focus more on pvp and mid lve stuff. I think they should focus more on the 30-58 and provide more instances that can be done at a lower lve plus provide more entertaining pvp at that time to allow lower lve players to learn how to pvp better.




    There's not much point in providing lower level content because the vast majority of the playerbase does not spend most of their playing time doing it. Just about everyone can be said to hit Outland content at some point, but there's just no reason for most people to go back and do new content for level <60. Heck, there's precious little reason to go back and do the level 60 content as it is.




    Some additional focus on PvP - world and BG - would be quite nice though.

  11. I really hope some of that is falsified... Blizzard needs to understand that hardly and guilds have entered The Black Temple, let alone cleared it. If they increase the cap all the raids will become outdated and just like when The Burning Crusade came out, nobody will do them. Really it's a dumb move, they should just add new 70 content or something, I would love to See Hyjal and The Black Temple, but I just don't see myself there soon. Either delay the release till over a year from now, way over, or don't increase the cap. :(




    /agree. Outdating some of the actually quite fun instances pre-TBC so that they are basically never done does not add content, it destroys content. You keep up "expanding" your game that way, you'll end up with a bunch of players that look at the game and go "This isn't the game I bought?" in which case you'll end up making yourself more vulnerable, not less, to new games stealing your customers. MMORPG gaming is about capitalizing on the game actually have.




    Especially since the way TBC was implemented, we didn't pay for "additional content", we paid for "new content"; The old one was irreversibly destroyed.

  12. So it's murder then - if you're the person who sold the gun that killed a person? Right :uhh:
    If a guy cracked up on heroin who mutters between breaths about how he's going to kill his girlfriend, spells out a detailed plan - including where he's going to stash the body - for you, and you then sell him a guy, you stand blameless for her death?



    In this particular case yes indeed I agree with you. I was not talking about this case however. I was suggesting if a boy in middle school continually (being the key word here) slapped my daughter on the arse (which means they have already been warned, told it's not acceptable and punished by the school) I would take action. This would not apply if the two were hypothetically friends, I'm talking in context that the boy is doing it purely for his own satisfaction after he has been told it's not acceptable because that in my opinion is sexual harassment. Perhaps I should have spoken more clearly on my intentions?











    Yes. Maybe it's because english isn't my first language, but "continually" in my mind means something like "frequently" or "often", not "even after having a conversion with the boy and the boys parents and then with the school authorities and having neither option work". And no matter how I look at it, I can't manage to infer that they aren't even friends.

  14. Bump a bit? I figured you guys would have been more interested in this.








    While the review sounded interesting, I've never heard of Gametap before. I'm guessing, by the way the review sounded, it's a bit like Steam except with a subscription, where you can dowload games much like you'd do video's in a video store?

  15. Man, shadow priests rape face. I don't even have the top rank of mind flay and I'm just destroying people. Going to undercity on PTR now to get it. :lol:








    That's one thing I really like about being a destruction specced warlock. Going up against a warlock and a shadowpriest team and having them focus on me is basically an orgie in nether protection proc's.
























    *Devour Magic Self-Macro*












    Immune - oh look, I think my Nether Protection just ate your deathcoil AND the psychic scream? Watcha gonna do next, BLEED ON ME?









  16. I really couldn't give a crap about your opinion, if a 13 year old keeps slapping my daughters arse, I will have him charged for sexual harassment. Please don't bother questioning me again.




    I really couldn't give a crap whether you want me to question you again. If you're posting on an internet forum, your opinions will be questioned, your ideas will be picked apart. If you can't handle, go write your thoughts and opinions into a .txt diary. If some choice of wording of mine offended you, I'd love to know which part because I wrote the post in earnest curiosity without any intent to belittle or offend.








    Question still stands, 'cause I'm still wondering how your logic goes; Isn't taking it up with the children and their respective parents, and then with the school, a more suitable response rather than a court of law? Shouldn't resolving as quickly and neatly as possible be the issue, rather than punishing some kid?

  17. Sexual harassment I guess, I'd take a boy to court if he continually slapped my daughters arse in middle school whether she wanted me to or not.








    Err... Shouldn't the question rather be whether she wanted him to? Or strictly speaking, if she minds?








    And in all honesty, is that something that needs to take up the time of a court? How's a simple chat with the boy, one's own daughter, and the parents of the boy. If that doesn't work out, involve the school authorities. If that doesn't work out, think of graver penalties. But... 13 year olds?









  18. are there any of the boss fights which i should read up on? Any that require much special activity from healers in particular?








    Read up on them all. There's some weird twists to a fair few fights up there, requiring you to pay attention extra attention to certain people. Netherspite in particular requires a bit more than your tank'n'spank healing due to the beams.

  19. Is Marxism in the modern world outdated? NO Marxism and morden day communism has just simply chang and disgust it self. Today Marxism and Communism wear's the Mask of environmentalism and Global Warming. Ture they are some environmentalism groups out there that are not Communists, but many of them have been taken over by Communists that are using the Environmentalism cause for the Communists agenda.




    That agenda now seems to be is bringin the post industrial age. enforcing Carbon Taxe's on evil pollution, and Carbon emissions. Limiting the amount of goods a small factory that can't afford Carbon credits can make, even run out of business. Imposing New Green law's that control every thing a person can or can't do. Can or can't own land.Even forceing the person to live in a certan type of house becuse it's Green Freindly from the house they all ready live in. Inculding One child policy's, just like china has. Why? Becuse of Global Warming, and over poplation.




    Well, partly in all seriousness, partly to play devil's advocate; Is a primarily capitalist system the best way to combat environmental issues, or does a socialist/communist system work better?




    Yes, capitalism is a great way to produce an economy in which the public gets what the public wants, the problem comes in explaining to the public what they will want for their own survival in a few decades. Corporations looking for their own profit margins are not, in my opinion, the ideal medium to explain environmental issues, simply because in many cases it is not in the best interest of the corporation to do so today. The State - having no profit margins to worry about - are much more suited to do so. Yes, they need to worry about reelection, but that's over a longer span of time more suited to combatting these issues.




    (And in my personal opinion, socalist ideas when it comes to education of the young are neccesary for a truly democratic society.)

  20. My server's economy is similar..




    Isn't this incredibly expensive to level?




    Can't say for sure, only had it on my orc warlock and he hasn't seen serious use by me since long before TBC. They have changed whether you gain skills for disenchanting, but the way it used to be was that up to certain points at each new stage, you could get levels from disenchanting [cabbage]. After that it's all about using the mats, so while you don't end up spending gold leveling it, you won't be earning the gold from selling the mats. I'm not sure how far up you get before it'll start pissing you off, but enchanting things for other people using their materials is quite a nice way to gain skills as well. But since you won't be leveling it while leveling like I did... Hmz... Best bet is probably to start out repeating low level instances for greens/blues to DE, and possibly look on the AH.




    Either way, the basic rule of thumb becomes not to ever vendor a green or above, always DE.

  21. Without having anything more than that too go from, I'd say enchanting.




    Tailoring is of questionable usability if you're not going for some of the, quite nice, craftable epics. As a hunter, that's pretty much a nono. Without the processing profession, you'd only be getting herbs/ores for cash, or when you run past 'em.




    But enchanting... You'll get lootable greens from all over the place while doing other things. You will always need enchanting mats - endgame enchants costs friggin fortunes, but they're so good you will be getting them - and other people always need them too, which brings the price up. If you don't feel like getting a bunch of hawt recipies; Don't. Disenchanting earns quite enough money to be worthwhile, while still keeping you stocked with mats for your own gear. I don't know how the economy looks on your server, but on mine, Large Prismatic Shards go for 15-20g. So being able to disenchant that random dungeon blue worth 4g to a vendor no one wanted is a significant markup. Same goes for most other mats.

  22. Depending on your server economy, it's a better idea to farm some other primal, mana or water for example, sell those and buy life. Primal life is a fairly common drop for herbalists, primal mana isn't. Add to that the fact that the mobs with primal mana in Netherstorm are lvl 70ish, they have a better drop rate of the primals.

  23. After tripping into the Music, Movies & Television forum now that they've moved it, while having a "PvP loop" running in the background, I started wondering what other people listen to while playing WoW - or do you just settle for the in-game sound (Some of the in-game music is quite good, Stormwind's theme and the Naxx music being prime examples)?




    Personally, it depends on what I'm doing. If it's PvP it's usually some screaming metal or something with a beat to keep my pulse high. In PvE it usually depends on what I assosciate with whatever we're doing; For example, some guy known to run a disco on the background whenever he plays looped Fatboi Slim's Right Here, Right Now for 7 hours during our first Nef kill, so while we were still doing BWL it turned into a theme song of sorts. A Tiesto remix of the Pirates of the Carribean theme ended up getting a lot of looping in Naxx, after I saw it on a video for Instructor Raz




    How about the rest of you guys?

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