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Everything posted by sanguinariun

  1. Chapter 2 is now up..read to enjoy
  2. OMFGORZ!! T4hts Aw3s0m3 Pl()x wr1te M0 D0o0d lol thats funny...some people r such losers using their dumb rs lingo...
  3. Ch. 1 In a cave The wind blew my hair out of my eyes and my helmet was giving me a headache. I would take it off but if a Zamorak archers arrow came flying I would be dead. I sat on a sturdy branch of an oak tree waiting a Zamorakian to pass under. I had my bow in my right arm with an arrow in my left...ready for anyone. A large war came from behind. Screams so far away sounded like whispers, but they drew closer. Eventually they came so close I had to cover my ears. A large evilish looking man with a giant halbred walked under the oak I was in.I aimed my bow ready to shoot but then another person passed under...then another. Then hundreds more passed under me. I unequipped my arrows and stayed as quiet as possible. The army had passed about four hours ago but I still sat in the tree wishing I could go back home..wishing..."Raaaargh"! It was a giant ogre. He swung his club knocking me out of the tree onto my back. I turned around to run and tripped. In the spot I lay I fainted. I awoke the next morning. I opened my eyes and couldnt see clerly, just a blur. I smelled fish and could hear crackling. I rubbed my eyes and pulled myself up. I was in a cave. Wet, damp, and cold. Being in the cave wasnt the ironic part. Sitting next to an ogre was. He was cooking a salmon over a fire. The salmon was burnt crisp and a stick was the only thing holding the fish over the fire. "Fhoood"? The ogre asked. The ogre looked at the food and looked back at me trying to accept it. "Errm, Umm, sure I said in a not so sure kind of way" The ogre pulled out a knife and held it at me. I jumped back scared out of my wits. "Strong knife, made by my parents" the ogre stated. "Parents found me. Me got too big. Parents abandoned me. Me come here to this cave..Home" The ogre cut me a peice of the salmon and a peice for himself. I ate the peice quickly and the ogre cut the rest of the fish. It was gone in about two minutes or less. The ogre went to a small box and pulled out my bow and my quiver. "Yours"? the ogre asked. "Yes, thankyou" I replied. He handed me my bow and quiver. "Why did you knock me out of the tree". I asked the ogre. He replied "Thought you was a barbarian. The barbarians hate ogres and will attack any of us that they see". All of the sudden a howl came from behind me. A hellhound. Behind him i could see the light from the exit of the cave. I drew my bow. Ch.2 Beyond the Caves Walls The hell hound lunged right at my face getting an arrow through his jaw. He was bleeding heabily but not about to stop. He lunged again. Again I shot only this time the arrow hit him in the foot. It didn't seem to hurt him one bit. He pummeled me over biting at my shirt ripping and shreading it as if he were giving an example of what he would do to me. Suddenly the ogres club swinging rapidly smacked the hound againts the wall of the cave. He wimpered for a second, growled at us, then ran towards the exit of the cave. "That was a close one. Thank you" I said to the ogre. "Never before has hellhound came down me path. They must smell you." the ogre replied. "Maybe I should leave" I stated. "I wouldnt want to get you hurt or worse, killed" The ogre looked at me and turned away. "Me want you to stay. Me had no company since..since.." "Since when" I asked "Since my wife and daughter left me. Me not a good enough father" He said almost ready to cry. "I can stay here if you want me to" I said. The ogre didnt reply he jsut walked towards the exit of the cave. I followed. When we got to the exit I could hear something from outside. It sounded like feet..millions of feet. As we exited I found out that it wasnt feet, but we were on the bank of a river and the feet I heard was rippling water. "This where me get food" The ogre said. Up against a big willow tree there was a tackle box and a fishing pole. The pole was long and made form the wood of an oak. The hook still held a worm. I walked down the bank a little further and you could actually see the fish in the water swimming. There must have been thousands of them. Salmon, trout, pike, anchovies, and shrimps. "Best fishin spot there is!" the ogre yelled to me with his pole already casted out. "I can tell" I yelled back. As the day came to a sunset we returned to the cave. The ogre carried all his catches in a big rope net. That night I ate a trout and had some shrimps with it, and It filled me completly up. That night the ogre laid out some straw and put some kind of sheet over it. He used the same kind of bed exept his was twice the size of mine. I layed by my bow. I had done it since I was a kid. My mother always said, "better safe than sorry". When I layed there I thought for a long time. I still hadn't asked where this cave was located and if it was safe from the Zamorak army. I figured I would just ask the next morning. For now I needed rest.
  4. He was a rich and wealthy man, she was working over a frying pan. He was wearing all kinds of party hats, she was feeding all her cats. He rode a white stalling through the town, she walked so much the skin on her feet wore down. He gave free armour, money, and rings, she was in lumby begging for things. He saw her his eyes widened, she saw him and felt delighted. She bowed her head in shame, he came to her and asked for her name. She said "I'm Suzy, and i am poor so you don't have to talk to me anymore". He shook his head and took her by the hand, "You can come live with me" he said. She lived with him, for a long while. Now they are married, and have a child. Let this be a lesson, to all who dont belive, Love can be found, no matter how much money.
  5. Blood stains the dirt, people come in fine but leave hurt. A smell of fresh flesh, whirls by me. I hide behind the nearest tree. I hear a weap, and then a cry. I look around, I see a young boy about to die. His head is gashed, his eyes are red, he has a cut across his head. I pick him up just in time, because here comes a team of nine. I fight off three, then four. I don't have the food to kill anymore. I run South, Towards the edge of the wild. My left arm my sword, my right arm the child. Im getting tired, short on energy. I stop behind a big oak tree. I had a decision to make, and that I did. I put down my sword, and I ran with the kid.
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