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Everything posted by louie_de_vancreiger

  1. Wow, everyone is making such a big deal out of Zezima having an interview..sheesh like half of us haven't been playing since 02..I have, even though i'm only freakin lvl 76 ~_~ I joined at my library, seen abuncha other kids playing it so I played abit there before we had the net, I live out in the country where dialup is 20 bucks for 26kb connections, and theres only like 2 services out here that are local so you dont get long distance charges ya know? and yea..my parents had a 1gighert comp, which I played on for probably a month then my cousin got me into roleplaying on yahoo so I gave up for abit, then I wasn't really allowed on the parent's computer much so I bought my own for 75 dollars, it was an old pentium 1 with 113megahert processor with 64megs of ram, I played runescape on it abit, you call it rs-classic...but wow, way back when I joined they actually had a choice, like a class you choose, it had Adventurer, mage, miner, knight and like 1-3 other choices, cant fully remember, it was nice, I died first time when I crossed over into Al-kharid after getting 10 coins..omg that was so hard lol, I was so majorly confused...but I did it only to be slaughtered, then I had to get up and leave the library..yea..man what a fun time lol. that was way back before I started playing on my parents, that was like the first or second time i played...but anyway yea I played abit on the pentium 1 major lag though, it was really hard mining, back when you could mine without the ore's disapearing, way back before the rocks were even colored to suite the ore's that they held, you actually HAD to prospect to know whatw as in them until you was familiar with them lol, now you really dont have to...wow, legs going to sleep, had it on my knee..but yea that was fun, I do get disapointed though in myself....but basicly the reason im such a low lvl is my lack of computer power, even with the FASTEST computer i've owned myself, which currently is a pentium 2, yea I know its horrid, at only 400 megaherts with 128megs of ram it still lags on low detail, im hoping the new game engine gives it the boost I need..my parents comp broke awhile back, just after this kid from my local library stole my stuff...he asked for my irl name, which currently then I trusted as my password, no its not that now hahaha, i've changed it like 10 times since then *very worried.*Now its abuncha letters and numbers which I got hid in my dresser draw cause i myself cant even remember it whoot...yea, its all caps and un caps and caps and un caps boochia chang chang..hmm..okay its 6:23, got off the phone with my ex, been begging for her back LOL ~_~ yea...lvl 76 or 77 after playing since july 02...thats what my password was last clocked at before I changed it from that little freak stealing my r2h and rune legs WHICH I WORKED SO HARD FOR!!...*Growls.* Lol, but now I got alot more then that and im a member whoot, I got my parents to pay for the membership since I finished all the quests and stuff, you know, not much else to do but yea, thats what makes it good, the games always free forever which rocks. Anyway...I know something Jagex could put into there system, an update...alot of us should reccomend this. They need to add a Hiscore table like thing for the people who have been playing longest, like to see how long there acct has been around and then also clock the hours minutes and seconds to how long its been logged in...god that would take alot of time though, I doubt its even possible, to trace back all of those accts back to july 01 when the game was released..and i joined in 02..and am such a low lvl..but I'de love to be on there and have people see me, such a long ago player, on that list..probably in the top 50 atleast ya know? give some people some sort of odd weird hope LOL!...I hope someday to atleast even see the D2h, yea, I aint seen one yet, but im saving up law runes to sell to get it, also fighting and lvling things aswell...*yawns*would be so much more fun though if I had irl friends to play with me...yea, homeschooled and in the country=no friends irl ya know?...by the way, check my profile if ya wanna talk to me in or around the game Louie_bloodlust_prince2 is my yahoo i.d and [email protected] is my msn, but I rarely use msn, i use yahoo always, even during playing runescape, everytime im logged online im on yahoo, so ya can catch me anytime, always looking for new friends, again its Louie_bloodlust_prince2 and [email protected] yea the 2 is cause my old one yahoo messed up and stopped giving me offliners, but it works now...even after I copied my list over ~_~ all that work, but I use the 2 now cause its got more friends..anyway im outtie now, time for bed..cya!!
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