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Posts posted by Grim_Jokes

  1. wow, so many questions :)








    Yes, highest is steel we can use.












    probably maple with steel arrows, with up to studded leather items, as those are more likely to exist in the land these people come from Wink








    Now im just curious, but do we all start with basic armor on? Like maybe leather chaps and body (level 1) for the warriors and what not, and Monks robes for priest? or are those also acquired?








    Hmm, the priest and archer can start with their thair basic armour. But the warrior can't since his armour would be too heavy and would've sank. (altough cloth does get pretty heavy when wet)








    Because arrows are really hard to aquire, I suppose archers can start with a few arrows too.








    Also, keep checking the first post and see if the position you wantis taken.

  2. Hmm, since you chosed another perosn to be a monk, can I be one of the firemaking person then? I have wc lvl of 75 and 60 firemaking, so I can cut and burn oaks. Also I'm wondering if woodcutters are allowed to use rune axe to cut trees








    Yes, and no. The highest we can use is steel. (becayse where the people have come from, never had anything magical.)


    I own a level 3 pure woocutter.








    And now you think I use autos don't you? Did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't feel like training my character all over again?








    No i dont think u use an autoer. i trust u. But i dont quite understand y ppl would rather train a lvl 3 as a lvl 85 miner rather than their main thats maybe a lvl 70 combat as 85 mining......








    some1 explain..?








    I, personnaly, get bored of playing the same character over and over for one.








    Secondly, If I were level 70, I'd be surrounded by newbies and a level 3 won't.








    Thats two advantages I see right now.








    EDIT: Another advantage, I find is amusement.








    Guy: Grim Cutter (don't ask), whats your wc level? [i am cutting willows, so he should get an estimate]




    Me: 45




    Guy: But you're level3 (And he goes on rambling on how level 3's shouldn't be able to cut willos) [best day of my life]








    Day 2:








    I'm minding my own business, cutting willows and some guy walks up to me and shouts. Grim, how come you have a rune axe, you're only level 3!




    I just couldn't help laughing.








    My 2nd best day ever!









  4. Good for you, Grim! It's so refreshing to see people bringing in role playing to this game.




    Hope you have fun! :D








    Thank you very much :) Roleplaying always brings out the good side of Runescape for me (especially since you have some real use for the emotes and skills)












    We will roleplay on world 17 if possible, sadly I'm F2P at the moment because I lack a credit card and I really don't like my other options of payment.








    Can you play multiple roles? I'd like to be a cook/lumberjack(50/6Cool








    I prefer everyone to play a single role, we get more people that way.








    We'll need the lumberjack, (you'll need firemaking).

  5. Any more questions, come people, I know this can work well :)








    A little background info about the Characters.








    Well, as you all know. The characters are all part of the legion of Arroyo.








    Well, once upon a time, Arroyo was invaded by a swarm of barbarian. The barbarians would've won if it weren't for Darius (Me) and his friends (rest of the roleplayers), they would've destroyed the entire country. After one of the biggest battles, the king sent Darius and his soldiers to hunt down the barbarians. 7 Ships were sent out to follow the barbarians and they all disappeared.








    A week later, Darius woke up in a swamp near a mine and an abandoned ...hut... Lying near him was his friends.

  6. Wow...lets see.








    One my friends in 5th grade gave me a note telling me to go play Runescape. So I got on and chose mage class. I loved that hat...








    I got lost trying to get to from Lumbridge to Varrock...I ended up going to the swamp and taking forever to get back to Lumbridge. When I did get to Varrock, I felt it was a grand accomplishment. XD My frist quest was Romeo and Juliet. After that, I somehow wandered into the Scorpian pit and got killed. Thus ends my early Runescape memories from...was it 2001? :?








    Did you get to still pick a class when you made a character?








    Because I know for a fact that you could :)

  7. Well, I started the days when you could pick your very own class.








    Warrior [starts with a sword and wooden shield], Mage[some runes and staff], Ranger[bow and some arrows],Cook [Chefs hat], Miner [pickaxe] and Adventurer [axe, tinderbox and some gold coins]








    I chose miner, named my character theworker which was stolen and now I'm grim jokes, the warrior.

  8. Hi,








    I'm just wondering if anyone roleplays and wants to roleplay. If they do, they could add me on rs. (I'm F2P)








    I have a story idea:








    A ship of explorers has crashed in the swam south of Lumbridge. The explorers have come a long way, through a portal. They have never seen mythological monsters or even magic. Will our heroes survive and find a way back to their homeland?








    We could use the following








    1. 2 Miners --- Salamander and Silverchipmunk




    2. 1 Smith --- Lord_k




    3. 2 Lumberjacks (must be able to start fires and cut oak!) --- japanese_buz and blusttoy




    3. 1 Archer (he/she will be the groups scout [you'll have exploring to do]) --- ancient1




    4. 1 Warrior (must wear up to full steel nothing more.) - Grim Jokes




    5. A Hunter (Cook + Combat [except mage]! --- VortexxM




    6. A monk (Unarmed/Mace/Staff Warrior) --- Indizle




    7. A fisherman --- Ramza390












    A king (of all the cities since our heroes will have to journey from one to another)




    Some guards and servants.








    PM me OR poste here for whichever postion you need. P2P players are welcome (although their abilities will be limited, sorry guys)
























    As stated earlier, the heroes are from a far off land where there is no real magic. No monsters, no armour past mithrill, no dragon hide armour. No mage on the side of the heroes.












    Well, after the heroes some how misteriously survive going through the portal whilst their ships sank with all the equipment. They will have to search the foreign land for food and equpiment in order for them to survive.








    From there on, its up to the roleplayer on how long he or she will last.








    Once you die, that is it.








    IMPORTANT: Do NOT bring items. We will produce our own items. And if you lose anything, I'll try my best to reinburse you.

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