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Posts posted by homer205

  1. I've recently returned to the game and have just begun divination.


    I know I can buy energy and that will improve my experience rate, I'm just in the process of working out whether its efficient to do so. 


    How many energy will I use per hour at various levels? Mainly interested in between 70 and 99 as thats where the bulk of the training will be. Also, is the energy commonly sold or a relatively quiet market?




    If I know the person I'm usually quite happy to add them, there are very few people who I dislike strongly.


    I've reduced the number of people I've added, mostly because I'd talk with someone at a party or two and now I have a bunch of friends I don't really know/will likely never see again.


    I tend not to unfriend though, usually I'll just hide posts from those I'm not interested in. I've noticed being unfriended a couple of times but they've all been people I haven't seen for a while and I look at their profiles/whatever so infrequently I don't actually know when they did it.


    Can someone explain why they keep their friends within a set number? That seems like a strange practice to me, the amount if people you want to interact with will vary over time.

    It means that, when you add people you want, you have to remove people you don't want/care about. It forces you to prune the list. You just set the number to be higher than the number of people you'll want on your facebook feed at any given time.


    Yeah I get the pruning numbers part. I'm more curious as to the how/why you determine the bolded part.

  3. If I know the person I'm usually quite happy to add them, there are very few people who I dislike strongly.


    I've reduced the number of people I've added, mostly because I'd talk with someone at a party or two and now I have a bunch of friends I don't really know/will likely never see again.


    I tend not to unfriend though, usually I'll just hide posts from those I'm not interested in. I've noticed being unfriended a couple of times but they've all been people I haven't seen for a while and I look at their profiles/whatever so infrequently I don't actually know when they did it.


    Can someone explain why they keep their friends within a set number? That seems like a strange practice to me, the amount if people you want to interact with will vary over time.

  4. In addition to the who really cares whether she wore heels or not it's not that big of a deal point, also consider that maybe she just misjudged the dress code? If it's a class opening event and (correct me if I'm wrong) you mentioned something about you both being first years at university then she might have simply thought that was going to be the dress code. I'm in my final year of uni and I'm not even sure what you mean by "class opening event".


    Good job Veiva, hopefully she'll call but even if nothing comes of it you've at least given it a shot and have a bit of practice. Nice can-do attitude.

  5. Just getting back to the new typing: I've seen a lot of discussion on what pokemon will be retyped. I'm curious as to any moves that will be retyped/new fairy moves that will be introduced to non-fairy pokemon, even if they're not getting STAB, this could give some pokemon a boost when it comes to type coverage.

  6. [hide]

    nasty double post:



    Well..story time I guess? Just as a warning, I am kind of brain dumping here so it may or may not be coherent throughout. And most likely will be a tl;dr, but whatever.


    Just as a precursor, I am younger than most of you (17), turning 18 this June; I do not think I am even close to "wise" or smart or whatever, I can be stupid, ignorant, selfish, fill-in-the-blank, on many occasions and you will see it often in my "tale", so just a warning. Haha. Oh, also I am home schooled (or was, since I graduate this coming 18th of May), so some of what I explain may sound weird or whatever, feel free to ask about that as well, if you want.


    "Relationships" have kind of been an on/off thing for me my entire highschool years. However, in the first two years they were just utter lies (e.g. boy likes girl, girl likes boy, to young/stupid to know what to do and thus doesn't do anything about, thus wasting time and attention, blah blah etc etc). Anyways. I guess, relationship-wise, the complete story begins in..December 2011. Damn, it really was a long time ago, or at least it feels like it.


    So, throughout 2011, I had been "interested" in this girl, let's call her Lynn, at the local co-op (homeschool-ese for a place were I took classes once a week, similar style to college, but easier). However, around June 2011, she told me that she couldn't "like" me anymore because she was dedicating her heart too much, etc. etc. - was a real [wagon]. So, we stopped talking for like a month-ish. On the 22nd, she suprises me with a few of my close friends and we go do something for my birthday. Was dull and the entire time we were trying to not be interested in each other, it just was a complete cluster[bleep]. But life moved on, I still liked her on-and-off for like 5 months, while she quickly moved on to 2 or 3 other guys.

    Ok, fast-froward to December. We get in a big argument, and I entirely stop talking to her (finally grew a pair, or so I thought - in the long run this was a brilliant decision).


    Meanwhile, one of my best friends, call him Andrew, asks me and one of my close-ish friends, call her Erin, (one of those friends who you don't see often but when you do talk/see each other you consider them a brother/sister, can tell them anything, you know) if we can help him pick out a Christmas gift for his girlfriend (conveniently Erin's bestfriend). So, we go to the mall, all is great and all blah blah, but Erin is acting all cuddly and just generally giving off indicators of interest.


    My first thought is to be careful, seeing as I had just gotten out of a "relationship" (though it definitely wasn't a relationship, but I had an open position for a close female friend, if that makes sense), and to not rebound. So I essentially ignored it.


    Over the next few months, because of that one shopping trip, Erin and I begin to talk more/hangout more. However, I was essentially oblivious to anything, and kept telling myself she could/wouldn't ever be interested in me and that I was in her friendzone (which I was for a time), overall just have a victimizing complex about it all, being stupid and [kitty]-like.


    So it's now April, 2012. I have decided in my mind, regardless of if I'm in Erin's friendzone or not, I may as well try for it.


    We are almost exclusively hanging out with Andrew and his girlfriend, the four of us (this should have raised my first warning flag), and one night when we're all hanging out and Andrew's girlfriend says something along the lines of "you guys need to just get it out and stop hiding it, I know you and Erin like each other" blah blah. Essentially stealing my thunder. To my surprise (and at the time happiness), I discovered she actually was interested in me. Anyways, so I had prom at the end of the month with a different girl besides Erin (she didn't have time/want to go, so I asked someone else), and thought it'd be weird to ask Erin out before that "date". So May 2nd after a prom, I asked Erin out (she said yes of course).


    All is dandy. We're honeymooning quite hard (lots of time together, entirely "selfless" about what we both want, trying to please the other, you know the whole 9 yards). But within 2 months of us dating, the like outwardness of her "interest" in me was already beginning to dwindle (if that makes sense, like general enjoying being in my presence, seeing if I want to go places with her and her friends) - this was just an observation, personally I don't know if this was good or bad. Anyways, so it's the end of July now, and we are both invited to go on this one week camping trip with about 15 other kids around our age. We say what the hell, and go for it.


    Here's were I realized how much she'd moved away. By the end of the week I literally wasn't even sure if she thought we were dating anymore (not breaking up with her afterwards = probably my biggest mistake). So, we get back from this trip and I immediately tell her we need to talk (because communication is good, right?). So we talk, blah blah, she says she was being a real [bleep] and didn't know how to act in all the different situations, I told her she wasn't being a [bleep] and general kissed ass, we made up and kept dating. Note to future me from past me: DO NOT DO THIS AGAIN.


    So, this escalated quickly from here. Within the next month, I had alot of firsts (first boob touch, etc.). Blah blah, alot of physical testing (not knowing where our boundaries are with each other, etc etc). Our good friends, Andrew and his girlfriend break up, 2 weeks later Erin tells me she wants to spend the next few days not talking so she can think (lol few days). Like 20 hours later she texts me and tells me to come over the next day.

    Next day, she breaks up with me.


    Initially was expecting it, and didn't really care. Felt freeing.


    A month later, the families we are connect with all have a big reunion/get away at a hotel in PA (it's November now) and I spend a weekend hangout with her and all of our interconnected friends. This is when things begin to hit, you know, the general time when you would be mad at your Ex and get a rebound. Well anyways, so the tension is quite high, and in it's now December, we are talking on a pretty frequent basis (probably texting every other day), and it's Christmas eve.


    She, another friend of ours, and myself go to watch a movie at our friends house and she is all touchy-feely. Like way more than ever. She asks if I can drive her home, and I didn't want to be a dick, and so I did. She pretty much just breaks down as I'm dropping her off, and becomes a crying mess. I work it out with her and she leaves.


    A week later it happens again, minus the crying mess part. A week after that she stops talking to me. No reason or explanation, just essentially ignored my existence. This continued until about February of this year.

    In February I talked to her again and asked her if she'd go out with me, since I was tired of the bull shit emotional rollercoaster and wanted something that I knew was at least somewhat steady (since with us not dating I didn't know what was to far for me to do, etc). She says no.


    Middle of March. I decide (thanks to some of the things you guys said in here actually) that I need to just stop talking to her entirely/be cold in conversations, etc. and essentially since then Erin and I have barely talked. On occasion, but not much.


    Not really sure what to say now. But yeah.


    tl; dr

    shit ton of drama

    insanely bipolar girl

    boy puts up with a lot

    boy is very selfish at times

    boy and girl on/off like each other

    girl on/off uses boy for emotional fulfillment

    boy decides to ditch the bullshit



    Guessing he's referring to this, which answers the first part of your question if not the second.

  7. While I think it would be better if people could make their own armour at lower levels like this, I do wonder how you would then balance the experience rates? If you leave them as is, then a person with level 50 smithing would be able to get the same xp rates as someone with smithing in the 90's currently can. Leaving aside the ability of higher levels to acquire the resources in larger numbers. If you lower the experience received from making armour then until you add the things such as enhancements etc, you're making it very slow for higher levels to train smithing.

  8. It is true that the idealism which surrounds relationships when you're in your teens starts to wear off after a few failed attempts, and that people learn lessons from those failures.


    Perhaps the middle ground we can agree on is that while relationships are generally a source of optimism and happiness for the two individuals involved and their friends/family, and should therefore be encouraged, people are more likely to enter relationships which will fail if they haven't fully realised why they're entering the relationship in the first place. Is it really because their new partner is that great, or is it that they're just too needy at that point in time, and "any port in a storm" will do.


    Exactly. The last paragraph is entirely true.

    And I think to often people seeking relationships because evryone else is.


    Someone was saying earlier that in order to view and interact well in a relationship, you have to be ok AND enjoy being single.


    Personally I see relationships as a continuation of a very goodfriendahip with someone of the opposite gender (this being how I would govern a relationship). Thus I willnot even consider "dating" someone if I have not be "friendzoned" by them prior. If that makes sense. I want to be entirely comfortable with the person and underatand how they react to situations and if their reactions would compliment mine, if not it's setup for failure.


    This does make sense to some people. In fact it reminded me of something Randox posted previously about the different kinds of ways we develop attraction.



    @Ginger Warrior


    Agree with most of that, though relationships can grow out of friendship, called a storgic relationship (from the word storge, which refers to love from familiarity and similarity. The relationship puts the emphasis on friendship above everything else, including the sexual component, and the relationship is borne of a bond of understanding rather than physical attraction. It is one end of the extreme spectrum of balance between emotional and physical, placing the entire emphasis on an emotional bond.


    The best example I can think of off hand are in home caregivers, where it's not entirely uncommon for hired caregivers to develop feelings for the people they take care of. This would generally be a storgic relationship.


    The problem most people would encounter is the lack of passion, which really comes more from a sexual attraction and focus, and this can lead to boredom.



    On the far end opposite storge, you have relationships that revolve entirely around a sexual component (such as trophy wives), where the focus is (almost) entirely on a physical bond with little to no emotional bond.


    I figure the norm is some balance between the two extremes, so you need more than friendship, you need a physical bond as well, so you shouldn't expect a romance to develop as an extension of friendship, because there is no expectation that you fill the other criteria needed for a relationship of that sort.


    EDIT: actually, the good people at wikipedia have a list of 6 styles. You don't neccesarily have to agree with the classifications, but it seems like a reasonable classification of how people love to me. Eros would be what I was talking about as 'normal':

    • Eros – a passionate physical and emotional love based on aesthetic enjoyment; stereotype of romantic love
    • Ludus – a love that is played as a game or sport; conquest; may have multiple partners at once
    • Storge – an affectionate love that slowly develops from friendship, based on similarity (kindred to Philia)
    • Pragma – love that is driven by the head, not the heart; undemonstrative
    • Mania – obsessive love; experience great emotional highs and lows; very possessive and often jealous lovers
    • Agape – selfless altruistic love

    Pragma was the one that really jumped out at me (as in pragmatic love). Not the one for me, but an interesting concept. And as clairifcation, you could also add Philia to the list itself, which would also be considered "true friendship". A friendship so deep that it is itself love. If that makes sense to anyone else.

  9. People claim alot of things. The reports i've heard are that it degrades in 12 hours of combat stance. The issue you are having is likely the virtus hood comparison at KK, but you have to consider that at a 6 ticks per attack pace and fast kills with enough people, the virtus hood could last more than 70 hours of combat. Again, there are different reports out there, and if it's anything less than 12 hours it would be fixed 100%, but to my mind, the 12 hours of real combat is reasonable, while discussing a potential bug isn't. And again- everyone thought =/= reality.


    I thought you didn't trust Jagex to fix stuff like this?


    I'm still baffled by your complete and utter trust in jagex. I have no idea how you can call yourself an oldschool player and have that. I lost any ''trust'' i had in them over 9 years ago.




    On a different note, seeing as the increased trade good totems are useless for the moment, what should I spend my excess jade on if I have fourth ship, all crew and upgrades?

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