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  1. haven't played in a while jus wonderin the best spot i forget thanks.
  2. well just went from 92-94 str in one day at pc. I know this is bad but i would be happy if they made the game harder after i get flat 99s :twisted:
  3. first of all heart is 95+ i think so dont bother if ur not. it is average of 50 second games. everyone starts complaining if the game reaches 2min. anywayz like i said bfor i am not complaining because i am mass xping there but if i had flat 99s bfor this came out i would be PISSED
  4. not the point its still 2x faster than bfor. im pesting right now and just heard somone say 95-99 in 5 days..
  5. its ez heres the formula x = your level (x^2/6)*1.1 = xp for 1 ticket (^ means to the power of because i dont know how to do that =p)
  6. you must make zeal which is 50 damage (unless u build a fence or somethin which no one does) so damage = hits hp no matter what.
  7. I dont know but organized pest control is super fast xp. if i play for 5 hours i easily get 700k xp. it's crazy. about half a year ago i was range training. at 95 or so it took me a week to get each level. so it took me about a month to get from 96-99. My friend got 94-99 range in one week. yes he played more than me but still it's no comparison. i just wonder how this affects runescape. I have seen it late at night when i went pking one day. you basically have to be 120 cb to pk at mage bank alone. Is it like inflation of combat levels?
  8. good advice except for the switch between skills. very inefficient and waistes time and money usually.
  9. i like the pest control and bandit idea. pest control would save me a lot of cash. probably about 100mil (i calculate it will cost about 240mil using tip it calc to get 99) i like the bandit idea cause theres always a ton of em in the small area. cws they all pray and switch to dhide and stuff that would be more if i got bored and wanted to kill people :)
  10. where should i use ice barrage to get me to 99 mage? sorry i searched but the search is too wide range so ican't get the info i wanted. help plz. o and if u could tell me about how much xp per barrage u get at that spot that would be helpful too.
  11. druids rope white phat and whip...im really really white when i wear this lol it looks kool i think. i look holier than thou
  12. dragon slayer required 31 magic or so for telegrab with wizzy bomb to grab one of the map pieces in rsc
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