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Posts posted by justj2

  1. the teams arnt so hard to get rid of, just find an obsticle, get them stuck behind it, run as far as you can in a straight line (they cant follow because of the obsticle) and then either hop or find the nearlest "escape" easy peasy (after the first try anyway). :twisted:




    Best of luck with it!




    But you are right, their ships are alot more orchestrated now :o.... good times ahead i forsee :)

  2. In PoH you can build rooms, demolish rooms. Within the rooms you can build items and demolish items... But you cant keep them.








    Ok so i understand that things that are made of wood tend to get broken while being "demolished" but if i want to take my legends cape or glory, or kbd/kq head down... they vanish. Even with thrones or... anything really. You get nothing back.


    Ok now onto the actual suggestion, on some items in your PoH you can get your hard earnt and very expensive items back, for example:


    In skills hall - if you take down a trophy, you get your (stuffed) item back IE: "stuffed kbd heads" but to put it back up you still need 2 mahogony plans and 2 gold leaf.




    In throne room - you remove a "gilded throne" and get back your marble blocks or maybe the chair its self and have to replace the blocks it stands on, either way.




    Those were just two examples that im sure need alot or ironing out so suggest ways to improve instead of hating me if possible :)






    Another "addon" to Con, invilving smithing:


    "ornate" items, such as "ornate iron railings" that you smith with an anvil and forge, then put into your house. Maybe you can make decorations for lights to be held in (torches) and so on.




    Again this does need alot of ironing out so try not to hate it just yet ;)






    Also, i was told if i remove my kbd heads id keep the heads, so i did... and i didnt keep them -.- so please dont tell me that its not something that needs changing.

  3. I'm pretty sure if you have a skill cape you are obligated to wear it. If you have more than one, you have to wear them all. At the same time. Or else. And so help you God, you better have that cursor on the emote button....




    Lmao, ahhh id put that in my sig if i could be bothered :)




    id usually put an "OT:" bit but after getting to the end of the first page i kinda forgot what this rant was about, capes or something :s so YEAH! (agreeing with who ever started the thread)


    never heard of tabs? or the lunar spell that allows you to do a spell in an other spellbook?


    that you need what is it, 96 mage for, and lasts 1 cast... i hardly think its the same as the idea being proposed.






    As a general, im a supporter of this idea, but maybe there could be a bit more to it? (no insperation as to what at the moment) i mean if you're ancienting in a place where you need a anti fire shield, having a book there isnt going to be much help, rendering 2 rather helpfull spellbooks, useless.




    Then again, with a little knowlege you can cut down travel time drematicly. For ancients, there's a staff that teleports you right to the pyramid (name?) and as for lunar (requires someone to already be on it) you can telegroup to lunar isle, or if not that, have your house location in rellekka and you've just cut out most of the distance then and there.




    Hope to see more development on it :)






    lol...if you think that's bad...it could be worse...someone could say/do everything in a reply to this post on here that you hate in runescape...lol




    You're right that'd really annoy me lol, but ah well if someone feels the need :P




    prob mentioned it before but i hate how people ask to be my friend when i dont know who the hell they are, or ask to be my girlfriend... think not =l




    i hate my attention span 0.0 cant train anything any more lol, not for long anyway




    (was supprised to see this back near the top of rants forum)

  6. I definatly hate d claws too! they need to bring out some uber armour or something to combat things like d claws




    I hate when simple taks take for ever -.- (like buying common things in ge)




    I hate how people say "you have no life because you play this so much".... Grow some darn braincells and find everything wrong with what you just said!




    Ahh =)

  7. i do brush it off, thats why i come to the rants forum! :thumbsup:




    I can go back to being human now with that off my chest 8-)




    Oh!!! wait!!!




    I hate the new randoms update, hardly random or challenging any more... infact nothing is challenging any more :s Darn it!




    K im done =) ... but for how long :o

  8. Well ive been inactive on these forums for a long time now, and thought as i use tipit so much i should try to come back to the forums, so ill start here!




    I try to be a nice player, help anyone if at all possible but its never good enough is it? You always want more, you cant just accept that ive helped you, gone out of my way to do it and now am having you following me about frankly its quite immature.


    (after this rant ill try to go back to being a nice person)




    Please add your own "i hate...'s" as its good to blow off some steam sometimes =)




    I hate people who beg. Spend half as much time making money as you do begging and you'd be a millionaire, but no you have to persue in your attempt to greatly annoy everybody every time you press enter.




    I hate people who call me a noob. There was a time you'd never done any of this before and im sure things ive done that you havnt, do i call you a noob about it? no i try to help you so everyone can have a good time.




    I hate people who judge you because they have higher stats. Yes ive been playing for a LONG time and have nothing to show for it, if i wanted to get a skillcape im sure i would i dont need to be told by every tom joe and larry that i need a skillcape.




    I hate when you're quite happily killing something have been there for a while, then someone comes and tells you to hop. NO for gods sake there's more than one and by right of way i have priority to be there, as i will proberly not be there much longer you can wait and have a nice chat or shut the hell up and get lost!




    I hate when people dont say thanks in any way when you try to help them, or when i say grats for getting a level. it didnt take much for me to say grats and notice your acomplishment, so its not going to take long to say thanks for noticing me notice you exist.




    I hate people who have no bounds. My god! First you insult me, I didnt even get to say hi before you start going off at me, now you're telling me what to do? How would you like it if i came along uninvited and just rained on your happy moment, i bet you wouldnt!




    I hate when people ask your skill in something, so you tell them (i can deal with that, tends to be a conversation starter) but then they go to ask you every skill you got under the flipping sun, I mean really, cant you just look me up or something? or say what are ALL your skills? i could quickchat you that happily without much interferance in what im doing, but one by one -.-




    I hate when people come show you their money, okay so you're rich.... am i ment to care? say well done you have monies? now get a job and get some real money.




    I expect im going to get flamed to hell but oh well, its off my chest for now :D


    Please add your own hates, t'is nice to know there's more than one person who gets frustrated sometimes

  9. looked through every page of AOW but cant find a guide on meleing the fight caves (though i could have over looked it)




    Used to be a great one with guth and a hally or something but i cant for the life of me find it. Can someone give me a hand or know where one is?




    PS. mele only, not mele/range like most





  10. Unfortunately they will probably bring out some new crap stronghold near barbarian village again to help us understand it, even though everyone doesn't pay attention, we just get out as quickly as possible and claim the reward.


    Lol, true. But i'm sure some people take notice, I tend to read the first few bits and get the hint that i need to change something (like i forgot to reset my rec. Qs for over 2 years) but generally dont pay attention after that which kinda defies the point of the whole thing, the rewards are just to entice(sp?) people in, I think. Kinda sad really that jagex just wants a perfict game and all people do is try to break the rules, wait... that sounds familiar... *thinks* :|

  11. i dont hate bballer, was just pointing out that someone who calls someone something then someone has a problem with them so calls them something else isnt quite right is it?


    does that make me another profouned word for thinking that there's something wrong there? Its true that calling a black person a [racist term] is bad, but black people call black people [racist term]s all the time. When you hate someone you call them a bad wo... ah i give up i might aswell be trying to scale glass with toothpicks

  12. This is why I oppose PVP anywhere. It brings these bastards into the game.




    but is that not offencive? saying you dont like people calling others such words, then you call them bastards... Sorry something isn't clicking in my head




    Im sorry to say it, but saying that. You're no better than they are :|

  13. What has happened to rants these days? Call me old fasioned or... what ever you want really, but I used to like reading through the rants forum and like replying because I felt the same and if not the same I felt that it was worth replying to make somebody feel utterly terrible about them selvs (accident).




    I guess as something changes some people will feel the benifit but others will feel that it was a bad descision and want to lash out...




    Maybe there is a lesson to be learnt for all of us..? :shock:





  14. Well blame your internet provider then, what do you want us to do?




    when you came onto the forum, did you notice it was a rants forum? people come here to relieve frustration and share bad experiences with other players




    OT: ive had that at irons, disconnected when we were both about half hp, by the time it'd logged on again there was a steel in place of the iron! :shock: but i saved my self (just)... Its happened at barrows too, im beginning to think your internet suddenly screws up at the worst time just to annoy people, yea i died at barrows that time :x





  15. well as long as skillers dont train wc first then they'l be fine as they should have at least 1 other skill over 40 so wont fall under the requirement to be a macroer




    and for the skillers that dont talk... what the hell is wrong with you? seriously talking is good... (but im not going to go into this bit much)




    all in all, a pretty good idea!





  16. and they are driving me insane!




    im a fond crafter, also love to slay so those two skills often help each other out when when im stuck with a load of rubbish assignments that arnt getting me anywhere ill go to craft til i want to slay again... (making sense so far?)


    But to buy any materials is flippin impossible, sure ill get the odd few hides or couple of d stones at reasonable prices but how am i ment to break even when blue d hides are 1.9kea? (breaking even means i finish with the same amount of money i started with)


    I mean come on, even crafting bodys will only get me 1872gp (per hide) so im at a 84gp loss per body i make and thats if i make my own nats which takes the mick these days too




    I used to happily kill green and blue drags for a friend and sell him the hides about 1kea because i knew i was still making money off him and he'd be able to buy more in the future




    What on gods earth are people thinking?! "yes we'l bankrupt those crafters so no one can buy our precious hides muahaha"


    Ok ill admit theres those rich people who buy higher to get things faster and KNOW they will make a loss but also KNOW they can get that money back quickly, some people cant you know!




    No im not finished yet! Even getting our own hides is turning out to be a bleedin nightmare because greens are full of macroers, pkers and people who kill macroers and kill everyone else then sell our hard earnt hides at extortionate(sp?) prices >.<


    "stop whining and go pick flax" NO! ill admit its good to train crafting for a while but it soon becomes too slow and even the market in that is fluctuating(sp?)


    "prices will change and get better" yea only if alching values go up... then guess what? prices go up, so its never going to happen.


    "go do something different like fletch" ....no comment (it'd be too rude)...


    "just bite the bullet and bare with it" i flippin cant if im constantly guna end up bankrupt am i? "but its just a game" yea we still need money in it




    argh >.< i could go on for so long with things that people have said and how this pisses me off so much... but ill shush now...




    any thoughts? (preferably ones that help or are selling me hides at 1.75kea or below)





  17. i need another glairals(sp?) amulet, but cant get another from the tomb (yea i have the pebble) which is really frustrating, does it change names? or anything?.... any help is muchly apreciated ^.^








    OK ive got it! wooo

  18. reminds me of when i used to protect my friend (he was the rcer) i used to go out in blue d hide legs and top with dds, super str and super att (1dose) pot up and attack the pkers... as he slipped away ^.^ so much fun, and its AMAZING how many of them tried tellying but forgot they left auto retaliate on lol.


    Ohhh... good times =)


    never really lost anything, me and my friend killed the drags to make the dh sets, had several dds' from staking and other things




    And yea they are 90% stupid (i guess i am too but i enjoy te thrill of pking pkers) and the odd few who did kill me.... soon got KOd by a few friends who owed me =P




    All in all, pkers are wosses(sp?) basic full stop, yea theres always an exception but just fight back, what do you have to lose?




    J (sorry if that wasnt really on topic it just reminded me and made me laugh)

  19. Well noob, if you weren't as nooby as you say you were M. Noob, then you wouldn't be affect, correct?


    Noob is just a word being thrown around, yet still 'offencive' to players and noobs. Just like the word fuc[/b]k. It's used so much it gets old, and only certain noobs will be offended. Catch my drift, noob?




    Theres a certian line you're not ment to step over when making a point.... and you're way over it...




    OT: HEY! im level 100 >.< but ill let that go, i hate it! i honestly wish i could turn on some kind of a thing just to kill people who go round all day "noobing" their heads off... i wonder if they say it in real life too... i know some people say lol irl, ah well, a battering for all of them i say (unorthadox but it gets the bloody job done!)





  20. you could also say that youtube promotes members a bit, people take vidoes of killing huge monsters and their great drops, or castlewars.... things like that, so for jagex, maybe they think that youtube is helping people to go mem?


    Just a though :D





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