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Posts posted by justj2

  1. yea quite stupidly i sold all my pure ess the day my mem ran out so i couldnt even ask my friend to make me nats, nor would i have had time to make them my self, nor enough cash to buy them and i doubt i would have had a decent gain if i igh alched them all

  2. i think the most random drop ive had (that i remember so far)








    was an ice giant... dropping a bannana.... i mean what the hell? what on earth is an ice giant going to be doing with a bannana....








    and dont say making bannana ice cream lol

  3. i retired ages ago... well how ever long ago from now lol, since i last lost mem basicly








    had a life... was good... now im guna see if i cant have a life and play RS because i do enjoy it and my friends on there are AWSOME XD








    and i cant trade members items because im f2p... but i wanted bank space, but theres no point in getting mem again as im away on fri for 9 days lol








    so i just though "oh *** it ill just clear it out" - worst decision EVER. but now i can do what i want....








    i hope that answered you question but i doubt it did because i feel i rambeled though most of that lol

  4. yea!.... i think :S iuno possibly (you'd think ive been drinking but no.... not yet)








    and i dont understand the locking of members items after 7 rows (+ a bit more) and i think i hate jagex for not making people more aware of this illusive way to save alot of time and money lol








    im guna go insane if i find out i could have just used the 7 and a half rows in the first place.... *starts to tear hair out*








    PS sorry for my bad spelling :P never was that great at english... and the lessons sucked lol

  5. over 2m worth of items because i want my bank to be free again but i cant sell my members items... was painfull dropping them all








    why cant members have somewhere to store their members items when they are f2p..... i want to quit because of that loss lol, but hey my banks free now i can make it all back up again.... (yea right) <.<








    just wondering what others thought and if they'v had to do simalar... simular.... similar.... (:s i duno how to spell it) things and how they coped lol

  6. i dont have anything against the idea =D so i support








    i hate bragging about my levels... or being bragged to, ill tell someone if they ask... occasionally help the odd lil lost new kid with stuff, but i hate how combat level based people are on how they talk to others... i get called noob by level 100+s because im "only a level 92 noob"... i mean comon, why play a game if your going to piss off the entire community bragging and insulting each other?

  7. abbyssalwhip chill lol, i made an idea once then a day later saw someone else post it, dont spam their (your) idea... its an idea to make the game better regardless of who thinks of it, so maybe help along with the idea instead of getting in a hissy about it?








    ontopic... i think this is a good idea, bound to annoy people but LIVE WITH IT if so many people didnt macro we wouldnt have the damn porblem in the first place would we?








    and over 50% of people that put an idea like this down are macroers them selvs lmao.... idiots








    anyway, good luck with the idea =) very much in support

  8. i support ^.^ would like to see my name on that list of supporters, im a..... ok i was a fond crafter before i quit and was constantly loosing my equipment, all (mostly) in one place, thats a great idea, still have to get it out to use it though? (i did read all the way though im feeling really dizzy lol)








    good luck making it happen ^.^

  9. at least somebody pointed out it was 3 words.... finally....








    i think this is a good idea but before you know it, BAM theres a new type of keylogger called a screenlogger that loggs everything that happens on your screen when the imput signal the mouse sends... is sent, like a print screen but much more annoying and harder to make because it (with new rooters and internet systems) has to get through at very least 2 firewalls and at VERY least 1 anti virus system.... then has to get back, undetected unstopped and unquestioned, which with todays computers is unlikley but they do still have great gaps in them...








    i think that was ontopic, if not this should be good idea =) i like it but it will be flawed one day, there's always someone who's really bad at the game and just has to cheat and make the whole community worse... shame really, i used to like playing with decent people ::'

  10. i think it should be craftable after a quest (im a fond crafter.... but i quit rs now :( )








    after the quest you can use a knife on say.... a swordie and you get the spine out of it or something and maybe be able to craft a silver fish head and attach it to the spine and enchant it? sounds a bit farfetched but i only throwing out a suggestion =)

  11. i like this idea =) but if someone only just turned the level to fish say... swordies and had a amulet they would (in theory) only be getting swordies and more exp.... making fishing incredibly easy








    if you were thinking just to increace your chances of getting a better fish or more often (like a charged ammy of glory for gems) i think its a perfic idea =)

  12. not sure if this one been posted yet but ill say it anyway....








    on runescape you range left handed, when you range in reality you hold the bow in your left hand and pull the string with your right (if your right handed)








    try it lol, i noticed quite a while ago and told a few people, they thought i was joking lol, then they tried and what do you know :o you range left handed on runescape








    J ^.^

  13. hey has anyone ever heard of Don Myster








    he was the reason i played rs... then he said he was having a break, that was nearly a year ago =( he has been on as a few of his skills have gone up... please tell him to get in contact with me if you see him.








    Lady Salleh ohhh how i miss you =( cant you come back for 5 mins just to say why you went?








    im near to the point of quitting my self without these two players on at least every few weeks... but noting =(








    rsn: justj2








    please get in contact if you ever see them, salleh normally on world 7 wcing willows and don.... well you never know where he may be but made lots of money some how lol, ive lost te spark since they left =(

  14. i really like this idea =) best one i seen in quite a while ^.^








    would it be like.... your post is up for 60 second then you get the items back in your invite or bank? or the banker holdes them or something...








    i understand that it would take vast quantities of space to do this on any scale but why not have your bid or objects up for say..... 20 mins








    would the people have to be in that precise bank to see your offer? same world etc... im guessing same world otherwise itd be.... huge lol




    would there be one hall? instead of being in every bank




    could you do auctions? (sp?) highest bid wins, starting bid e.g. 50k no less












    as i said, i really like this idea =) ill add the page to faves to see how it comes along in the future ^.^ im sure ill think of more things to ask about it aswell to try to expend your idea and make it clearer to my self and hopefully others








    J =)

  15. i like the idea =) "its crap" what is that about? you cant just say something crap without a reason... silly person lol








    maybe you could have shields with the god symbol on them? kinda got the idea off of the dragon shield (with the bird/scorpion on it) i can never figure out which it is lol, i think it'd make a big and positive difference to the shields, they beginning to get a bit old and boring now lol

  16. very good article =) may be the first one ive read through to the end aswell ^.^ comming from me that really means something, i think the tab idea is a really good one =) and should def get the go-ahead in the not to distant future.








    and my bank is always messy <.< on the best of days when ive just had a total cler up and organised it all.... ill still find it impossible to find anything lol








    anyway enough from me =) got crafting to do








    bye ^.^

  17. mine has to be noob....








    my att str n def all happen to be 73 every time i say my def is same as my att n str i get called a def noob.... what the hell is wrong with liking defence? kick your *** dont i? and every time i did kill them yes and made me feel better about being me ::'








    i also got called a nood..... not noob but nood..... and well... im not going to go into that one lol think for your self :XD:

  18. wooo im back :thumbsup: and ele, i dont want people to rate it -.- in fact im not even sure lol, this place seemed most appropriate (sp?) when i looked through the descriptions of the forums so my mistake ^.^








    and yes the minimum is 5... otherwise i wouldnt have made a post about it lol

  19. that would be a challenge... good idea \' ill suggest it to the other two... and anyone out there is one of the 5 tell us and we'l see if we remember you because we wana try it again to see if it was just a fluke or not ::'








    PS: im going out now but ill try to revive this post later to see what other people views are :thumbsup:

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