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Posts posted by Fetal_Servitude

  1. yes but, it backfired.




    so it went like this. i was alching rune war hammers and then i dude said ohh ils sell u 100k mage logs 250ea. so me thinking oh yea great lets go. so he said meet me at the blk nights fortress and then i got bit suspicous. so i went anyway. so then i go and meet him there. and he is just has a whip so i folo him and then he say's lag. and runs into 3 wildy. so i go and then a friend pm's me im in wildy come pking so i go "no to busy" and then we go i trade and he declines and he puts ahrims on and then. just as he goes to attk my lvl 108 friend ice barrages him 4 times and he trys to tele and he doesnt and he had no food? so then he goes stop. and i think he had no food cuz he'd kill me with no hesatation.so really funny i got 99.997 magics out of it :mrgreen:

  2. I'd like to have these stuff (i am p2p but when my member's exspires)




    1.) Castle War's (It would be awsome for this to be in f2p)


    2.) Access to lvl 47+ wildy (mage arena)


    3.) Agility shortcut's (also 1 agility trainging area)


    4.) Fishing guild


    5.) Colored boots


    6.) Ability to wear members capes (like legends cape and wildy capes)


    7.) More mining facilitys


    8.) More runecrafting ability's maybe up to laws


    9.) More Magic spells (like lvl 50 binding)


    10.) More RUNITE ORE mining facilitys


    11.) Theiving up to guards


    12.) Ability to make more potions and allow us to use super set's lol


    13.) More BANK SPACE




    Well tht is my list

  3. Yes, theres a topic about it somewhere.




    1st Leo - Boots and shirt


    2st Leo - Pants and gloves


    3st Leo - Mask




    Gloves only only covers up a part of the arm, when you have a mask your whole arm will be green, also your face.




    4st and 5st Leo are both Emotes.




    umm u dont get them in order u get them in random fashion

  4. i dont tele in f2p but in p2p i tele cuz i dont want to lose my whip :( :(


    but there is nuthing wrong with teleing or 3 items i used to do tht and im sure all of u must of dine it sumtime...i hope... 8)

  5. its all a hoax me nd my mate saw this lvl 45 in members world saying he alched his mask's so he showed us his mask and then he alchs and then shows us his money...no word of a lie i thought it was real but i noticed the prices never went down..so the trick is he alchs the mask (pretend) and then he goes to the west bank in varrock ang goes i alched my mask's ans im selling my last 1 for 18mil this was a green mask btw so we go to him and ask him and ask him to show us his masks..and this bit made me laugh my head of he accidently put out all his mask's which he said he alched lmao i was laughing my head of and then goes ohh there were my spares..so realli its all a load of "cabbage" lol

  6. if im goin wcing i take my d axe and my blk d hide and legends cape white boots and white gloves








    if i go mining i take my full d harok and rune pik white boots white gloves legends cape








    if i go training i take me whip and my full d harok or rune white gloves white boots abd legends cape








    if i go pking i take my ahrims and dds (or whip if i feel lucky) white gloves and white cape , boots








    if i go to mage arena i take dds and blk d hide and maybe acient staff or i equip when i get there








    if i go selling things i take my training stuff with me








    if i go to show of members stuff i wear my skele and db axe

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