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  1. lol, thats Jagex's customer support for ya :D
  2. The thing is, he was right by me the whole time, but yeah, its a glitch, nothing bad came out of it except scaring me a bit :XD: . Lol @ LatinoKing , couldn't think of a better name for the topic :D
  3. Lol yeah, true. Just thought something weird happened where Guthan was out to get me :ohnoes:
  4. oh...so it doesnt matter that Guthan hit a 20 on me that should've healed him, it still happens with the other bros :|
  5. guess it only happens with Guthan then. :-k
  6. Lol yeah..I guess Guthan got po'ed when I got his plate a few trips earlier and wants it back :P But yeah, you guys are probably right, maybe the game glitched. The odd thing is though that Guthan did hit a 20, and it should of healed him 20 hitpoints, I hit a 2 right after and I guess that was what his previous hp was before he hit a 20, yet it somehow registered before his spec..? :-s
  7. It was Guthan. Karil was the one in my tunnel, I just decided to save Guthan for the tunnel as well.
  8. Well I was doing barrows and had guthan left to kill in the tunnels. He appears when I open the door and I fight him like I usually do. I have him redbarred, he hits a spec which lands a 20 on me which should of healed but I hit a 2 right after and he instantly fell down. Then in the chat box it says "We'll finish this later". I still got the kill count..but...wtf?? :-s Has anyone else ever had this happen? :-k
  9. Wow I cant believe it, a 110 :shock:
  10. Oh ok so thats where it was taken at, didn't know the location. Well I believe it, dont really care what my friend says.
  11. Yeah thats what I have been telling my friend, but he's too stubborn to listen. Says the image is edited, he made the splash damage icon "bigger" to fit 3 digits into it. If he did, it would've been easy to tell it was a fake...right?
  12. 110...that seems a little farfetched. Also, by the looks of this pic, it seems like Piety wasn't released. My friend said the friends/ignore smileys look different then the current ones.
  13. I saw this picture a while ago of a guy named Golvellius07 hitting a 100 with dh. To me, the image looks real. No way the guy could've edited the splash icon to contain 3 digits without it looking fake. My friend on the other hand, disagrees saying the max hit possible is 95.
  14. Wow rob im proud of you you gots good pics for a change to prove your point :XD: Ya I dont mind the helm now after seeing these pictures now, does look quite well with full dragon NOW when do we get our dragon boots??? :XD: *cough* look at the name *cough* :D
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