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Posts posted by coolgirl15

  1. Wow anish... thanks alot. Im a noob eh?




    I sure hope ur joking with that first part of your title.




    I didnt want to sell you 100 ess. Live with it ok. And dont call people noobs just coz they didnt sell you a small amount of ess :wall: .


    I had 60k ess and i was selling in 1k+'s, i will not break my amount just coz UR buying 100 ess... :roll:




    Edit: and if you dont change that title right now, im gonna report your topic and take you off friends for good.

  2. OMFG dude, what the hell its just a funny and harmless glitch, why the heck did u report it, now they are gonna fix it....


    Omg this is freaking sad... its just a small glitch ... and theres nothing to abuse about it ffs...




    :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

  3. I think this guy quit.






    Ehh? Any detailed information? Oh...and lucky avatar =-) (Well obviously not lucky, it's just what the person who looses out usually says to blow it over as not a big deal =D)




    Last time i saw him was MONTHS ago, and i actually helped him with this guide O:) , i never seen him after that, and he never bumped this thread. I just dont think hes here anymore.

  4. I saw this guy ages ago, give me a break ok? ill try to find him from what i remember from his name. :wall:




    P.s: And dont you dare go calling people noobs for nothing. Did you even read my first reply??? . I said that guy HAS NO OTHER RANKED SKILLS. ROMEO has A WHOLE BUNCH OF OTHER RANKED SKILLS. Dont go accusing me of talking about romeo and dont call me noob for nothing. :roll:




    P.s.2: I also said ONE OF THE TOP RANKED MINERS. NOT THE TOP RANKED MINER. 'ONE OF' Means anywhere from Top-50th or something.

  5. yes lover_romeo ... ? dont call him an autoer noob he worked for that xp........he also does hav many other high stas like 99 agility and 99 fishing so dont mokc him :evil:


    No its not lover romeo... hes a mod and i highly respect him.

  6. This feels like it would be against the rules... If Jagex wanted us to be able to connect to a full world, they wouldn't have put in the unlinking feature on the main page.




    I really hope this doesn't end up being a problem... if Jagex starts noticing world servers getting overstressed or something, they are going to have to waste time recoding their webpages and it will probably increase loading times or have more inconvenient loops we'll have to go through.




    Lol what the hell are you saying. The code i provided doesnt exactly put you in the world logged in and all. It just puts you there at the screen where you have to type your login and pass. And if the world is full you will simply have to keep clicking till you get in (The java game itself, not the login screen).




    Dont go inventing stuff you are not sure of. Servers getting overstressed? LMAO. Its like someone waking up early in the morning, clicking the world 2 link and letting it load, then this guy goes to do anything else and comes in the evening, he still finds the world loaded. But obviously the number of players in world 2 has decreased dramatically due to peak hours (americans in other words).

  7. hmm...a mod as a part of the ooc.....




    but is he the official leader?




    how is it possible that after many years (i think 2 or 4 lol) of starting this ooc clan, the real leader was lost in the crowd of the recruited and now the strongest might call themselves the clan leader when really a lv 3 account named "iamdaoocleadr" is the real leader...




    maybe....just maybe...lol








    Blackbane started the cult :) And the Pmods i know of in OOC is me, allie, sledge and lulu.




    There's Tim and Sir Evans now




    Isnt there Ashmad too?


    that makes 8 Pmods :)




    Anyway :


    Cabbage owns you. 'Nuff said.




    When willy said 'me' he meant ASHMAD... coz HE IS ashmad :wink: .

  8. I think it's higher profit when alching?




    Not everyone can do high level alching.

    If you have 99 smithing, but don't have 55 magic, you should be slapped. HARD. :P




    I swear that one of the top ranked miners has 99 mining and nothing else :lol: (autoer that didnt get banned plox)

  9. once my friend showed me a screeny of him selling his 2 purple phats to the general store in for phasmatys in world 99, i was like wtf!!! im sure they dissapeared!! you coulda gave them to me .. (btw this is recent, like 2 weeks ago.)

  10. Yeah, just was killing time and watching what guys are selling for general store at world 1, there were rune plates, legs, larges etc etc, scimmys baxes etc.. then they dissapears automatically and vanishes away from runescape world, think about all that stuff goes into your bank ? Millions and millions of gp's have vanished because of this hehe.




    They don't dissappear, people buy them quickly...




    Sometimes the shop drains some.

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