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Posts posted by crushpker

  1. Hello, My name is Nevony Zaki, and I just returned to F2P yesterday, however, I am at a total loss of how to train up my Magic level (currently level 66). I wish to high alchemize things in mass amount (like P2pers alchemize yew/magic longbows), but I have no idea in mind of what to alchemize. I heard Steel Platebodies are good, but I am not going to mine thousands and thousands of iron and coal and smelt them into steel bars and smith them into steel platebodies. That way, it is too time-cosuming and exhausting. If I want to alchemize, say like, 20k Steel platebodies, wouldn't I need to mine 200k coal and 100k iron?? And I am not gonna buy Steel bars because if I do that, I would be suffering a huge loss. Steel bars are 500 ea, hence making one platebody would cost me 2500GP. Plus the 300GP for nature runes. Steel platebodies give much lesser than that when alchemized. So people, I need your advice on what I should alchemizeother than steel platebodies. By the way, my Smithing level is 60.

  2. My magic level is 57, and I am absolutely confused about how to level up. I am pretty poor, with not much cash, so can someone tell me what is the most effective way of leveling up from that point onwards.








    I thought about diamond-enchanting at the training arena, but 75% of it is too little. I wanted to high-alch, but I have nothing to alch and I am too lazy to smelt steel bars and smith them into steel platebodies.








    Thank you for your precious advices.

  3. Why, a very meaningful, and even touching story. Cheating ruins the game, and you. The inner meaning of the story teaches us a lesson. Be contented with what you have. If you take every minute of RS-playing lightheartedly, you will enjoy, even be grateful for whatever you receive. If you tense up everytime you play RS, then it no longer serves the entertainment purpose. It even stresses you up. I hate auto-miners, hackers and scammers. But why do that do that? Greed. Jealousy.




    They lured you into traps of all kind, and for what they risked their neck of getting permenantly banned? Their endless greed and jealousy. Those are the people who are not appreciative of what they receive/possess, and longed for what were beyond their wildest dreams. Hereby, I sincerely advise all Runescapers to be contented with what you have, and not upset or sleepless over something that you do not have as RS is just a game to relax yourself. If your mind is set on what you do not have and you will do anything to get it, SAVE YOUR BREATH. Using downright dispicable programmes/strategies to help you gain what you wanted is DISPISABLE. Sometimes, they are jealous of what you have, or your skills, so that scam/hack your account. How will they feel if their hard-earned account are raided or taken away? Pathetic. Those are selfish, heartless beasts. Justice always triumph over evil. And it will always be that way.

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