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Posts posted by das_masta238

  1. Hi,




    ive been thinking of making a new sig so i starte drawing a ranger and need some help on what...






    1.he should be shooting at


    2.how to draw good leg muscles (im not very good at them)


    3. how im doing




    4.the picture






    ...Thanks in advance guys

  2. that si a great idea if you need to do some quick trades




    but it also atract lurers that say like they are in lumb but are at greaters in wildy and then kill you :(




    Lol that would be kinda funny, unless you had like full rune or something.....




    to get around this there could be a rule that you cant tele in or out of any level wilderness






    ok ans also i have an idea to prevent auto-[training] so you would have a screen that says- return to able body or somnthing so youll be a spirit that can only follow that certain friend to talk to him.




    what u guys think

  3. Ok so i recently lost members on my main and thought meh.




    So im now training up my new non combat skiller!! (my new main also)








    NOOB:its alive everyone bank your stuff!!!!!!!




    8-) i actually fell of my chair with laughter




    i just fell out of my chair onto my dogs sharp steak bone and it hurt cause of this

  4. heh well i have a recent one




    me:Hi there


    noob: Im reporting you for marcoing




    noob:cause you are beating me at mining all the time


    me:thats cause i have 70 mining


    Noob:that u autoed to get


    me:so what level mining are you


    noob: my main is zezima:


    Me:o really well get on him and ill wait with all my money and stuff in the wild


    Noob:i gave zezima away


    (noob changes accounts to new zezima72 and messages me)


    Noob:this is my main now it has 99 in all stats


    me: lets go fight in wild then


    noob: ok


    (i go to wild and find that new zezima72 is a level 3 with nothing


    me:really now






    lol kinda funny in game

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