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Posts posted by Red_Dog_47

  1. Nice teles in every pic 10+ wild. =D>




    But yeah, looks like you drop traded.




    Nah I Never Drop Traded and I brign tellies in lvl 10+ wildy because there are pjers. i bring a combat bracelet and a maul when people tb me i have no chance. usually when i kill some1 i get pjed by ancients. Thus is why i bring tellies. i never bring em in low lvl wildy liek 8- but when im in lvl 9+ i always bring them jic. :wink:

  2. Well Guys i am getting 60 attack tommorow wednesday so im getting it at 5-23-07 at 6:30 P.M. Eastern Time Zone World 99! Bank Your stuff if you want to come because I am getting the level in the wilderness on my friend 1eh. After I get the lvl I will dds spec a guard then we will go to edgeville bank and ill will bombard the place with rune and dragon items!(Including dmed!<3) Well Be there or be square! :) :-$ Also, if you want to drop a few items feel free to. I will not accept donations because if 1 person says he ddint see the item they will say i scammed.;/ Well Enjoy and hopefully Ill see you there! :) My pures anem is Oops ko!

  3. Well Guys i am getting 60 attack tommorow wednesday so im getting it at 5-23-07 at 6:30 P.M World 99. Eastern TIme Zone! Bank Your stuff if you want to come because I am getting the level in the wilderness on my friend 1eh. After I get the lvl I will dds spec a guard then we will go to edgeville bank and ill will bombard the place with rune and dragon items!(Including dmed!<3) Well Be there or be square! :) :-$

  4. you really need to update this. it says your turning into an initiate pure, well, in your stats there is no 20 def. you still look like a mauler to me.


    I havent updated my stats because they are pretty unbareable to see right now. every1 at my level has higher stats then me with 60 att. but, I got the most skill Imo. Here is a new Kill its a funny story i go up to this ranger and start owning him so i hit 21 with with maul then 23 with special koed. so this kid with dscim decided to pj I hit him 21 he ate. i hit 19 then 21 then 22 with spec. koed gf. 1st double kill actually worth something! :)



  5. some new pk's :) This dude In rune g was in the wilderness just hangign around he was lvl 68. i ask him to fight so we go up to lvl 10 wildy and fight.after i maul spec a 15-18-4 he runs and hes about at lvl 8 wildy. And this dude with dds comes and specs him and he was like 8 hp then poison hit him and his rol tellied him to lumby then i got his kill message so I try home telly and it didint work cus i was poisoned i sprinted for the bank and made it and got laws and tellied as soon as i picked up the loot all his other pots and shrimps <-(lol) dissapear I ran up and then he starts begging for his stuff back so i sold it back to him for 532k! :) here is the pic! And other pk's from today







  6. I am willing to gander your a 1 Iteming, PJing noob. Honestly. You give us this [cabbage] about PKing a Whip at 53 Combat, and somehow making 6M+ with your crap PK skills, 36 Woodcut, 31 Crafting.




    You only one item in deep wild. Nice. I PK MB at 67 Combat skulled with Dscim, DD, - My PK gear. Oh, I'm 13 Pray.




    Come back when you can PK and prove you can PK.




    no need to flame that much rose even though its pretty obvious he drop traded a few things




    Nah I Have never drop trade before and when you guys flame me I just laugh at how stupid you sound really, but anyways I got some new pks and here they are.




    Explain to them how you got your money then, I'd like to know aswell :-k




    Easy, I staked when I was around lvl 48 with maul and rscim i usualy did around 50 or so damage then I rscim em and i win the stake. I staked at 100k increments and Won 2/3 of them. I also Pked and got some donations from my friends when i started my acc. As I pked I learned that you make more money by maging and mauling and leaving the people no chance to eat. I know my mage is pathetic but it still gets the job done. i Hit like 10's with mage and all the leaves is about 48 damage left to do. so thats like an average of 3 16's and i can hit 24's so I ko that way. Also when i am in a good mood i ask for the fight and we fight where no pjers are or where very few people are. =P~

  7. nice job pjin a whip from a looter....well if it was rly his im dissipointed in you but






    nice stasts you inspired me =D> add my pure: harmless foe




    It gives me a great feeling that I have inspired you to make a pure. I can't put in words how great it makes me feel for you to say that. I usually only get inspired by other people but I mean its just an awsome feeling to inspire some1 thankyou Bloodrune for making my day and i will totaly add you. :)

  8. I am willing to gander your a 1 Iteming, PJing noob. Honestly. You give us this [cabbage] about PKing a Whip at 53 Combat, and somehow making 6M+ with your crap PK skills, 36 Woodcut, 31 Crafting.




    You only one item in deep wild. Nice. I PK MB at 67 Combat skulled with Dscim, DD, - My PK gear. Oh, I'm 13 Pray.




    Come back when you can PK and prove you can PK.




    no need to flame that much rose even though its pretty obvious he drop traded a few things




    Nah I Have never drop trade before and when you guys flame me I just laugh at how stupid you sound really, but anyways I got some new pks and here they are.







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