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Posts posted by anim7

  1. ok, i started using the coal bag today, but i noticed a bug i think..


    i put one coal in the bag while in the bank, and then i filled the bag with another 26 coal, then withdrew 8 coal and the rest iron ore

    and after i finished superheating 17 steel bars, the one extra coal i put in the bag was gone!!! it said coal bag was empty even though 17 steel bars only use 34 coal


    also, when i put the one piece of coal in the bag and then filled it with 26 coal, and i clicked inspect, the bag said there was only 26 coal!




    Maybe the bag has a hole in it?

  2. because recently not sure why my pc randomly hang and crash, so i stop training combat and go for FoG.

    i go w1, guess what, it is empty there. cant even get enough ppl to start a game

    so i go to theme world 20 and 25. omg, there are FULL of ppl there. but after play for few round, i notice the pattern of all look like bots, WTH

    now i go again, the FoG is unable to enter because of too many ppl and it need to wait before some ppl get out from there.


    my integrated graphic had serve me well for so long, but today is too lag. i had run out of ideas to solve this lag.

    i think maybe is too many people, and because of the hit splats updates.

    last resort is to try increase the amount of ram available for java from 512MB to 1GB and it does help a little.


    YA, hahaha, finally my first 5k charges.


    anim7, what dice games you talking about?


    Go world1 and its north of west bank. You will see "60x2" etc. You basically join their cc, give them your bet and they roll 1-100. If you get 60 or above, your money is doubled. Of course, its 99% scammers, but there are a few legit regulars that can be spotted easily. The odds are against you in the long run.

  3. I seem to be addicted to the dice game :ohnoes:


    I've have 10mil starting from 17mil two days ago. I just use Martingale system and I just cant stop. Yesterday, I had a reality check when I lost 200k, 400k, 800k,...6400k in a row. I was down to my last 13mil. I went to awq and bet the house. And won.


    Everytime I log on, I have a urge to go to w1. And those hosts keep pming me all the time to come play.


    It's funny because in real life, I have never bet even a single $, nor do I plan to.

  4. The other day I played dice wars. 50:50 payoff, lower scam risk.


    Me and the other guy roll 1-100 and the higher number wins. We announce the bet beforehand. If I win, I trade him the notional amount. If he wins, he trades me the notional amount. If tie, no money exchanges hands. In the long run, you should be even, but thats unless you get wiped out.


    Its like boxing, but doesnt require max stats.

  5. Completely fail for us. Range has to hit over 205 in f2p to give even 1 soak which is impossible so FAIL. Mage has to hit over 210 to get 1 soak FAIL. And even if blastbox stacks to give ~250 damage, that is 5 soak.

    Only melee hits well over 200 and if you take g2h's ~375, that soaks 15.75. F'ed in the A.

  6. Playing FoG right now, I hit 2 310's on my first opponent with a G2H. Won that match 1000 - 171. Now I'm up against a nub thats maging me in full mithril, 2187 charges and counting.

    When facing magers wearing metal armour, I usually commit suicide by running into one of the houses when I reach 1K charges.


    I did that once....boy did I get duped! That guy was an expert at running and using the houses.

  7. I think 'Water Is Nat', or now known as 'Water' got 200mil Smithing off addy platebodies =P Probably a good chance too since he used to get around 4mil smithing xp a day when he did train smithing.

    Pretty sure he did rune 2hs not addy plates.


    Also remember,there used to be a time when addy bars were 2k each, and for a year or so after jagex increased the high alch price of addy plates, it was literally free smithing xp after lvl 88. I remember distinctly trying to get 88 smith back then, only to realize that by the time I got there, addy bars were 3k. :wall:

  8. well, lets make a rollback to a slightly off topic, it was recently mentioned that rela rela5---now = dark lust, has """TRADED""" 200m dg as being rank 1 forever for a divne spirit shield. apart from that i dont understand why you would forfeit like this, how can you technically trade that beside using a generated software, which would be odd for legit top players.


    a divine spirit shield has no street price over billions, its not like a christmas cracker which is considered to be 8b or more, or a blue phat which is like 6b+, if for example rela rela5 bought 100mil slings of wisely done he would double his money easily, as the item is new and will rise a couple moths now, but srsly if you trade a divine spirit shield legimately over runescape for 550m you dont make that much of a profit, considering supply and demand of those..., its no discontinued item, its just a shield with a drop rate of 1/2500 corp beast kills?


    is sbdy able to answer me this, as i am not in touch with dungeoneering that much because i hate it :P


    Wait I understood half that post. What do you mean he "traded" 200m dung xp?

    Rela rela5 agreed to not get 200m dungeon xp first, as long as Wisely Done gave Rela Rela5 a divine spirit shield for street price. Essentially, Rela Rela5 traded rank 1 dungoneering for a divine spirit shield.




    I think divine is somewhere around ~1.1b, give or take 100m or so. I am not too sure, you could look at the Partyhats/3rd age/spirit shields thread to find out more. I am not up to date on my street prices atm, but last I remember it was purple>divine>yellow.


    Oh I see. Well wow. I guess being 3rd isn't so bad...


    Wisely Done definitely got the better end of the deal lol.


    People only remember the first guy. Almost no one cares who the 2nd or 3rd is. Who was the third person to land on the moon? What was the second largest empire ever in terms of sq miles?

  9. The following True or False questionnaire may appear to insult your intelligence. Kindly refrain from jumping to conclusions. Where your answer is false, please explain why.


    1.) You must not run in the guard room puzzle where you have to steal keys. T/F? just dont run over broken glass


    2.) Killing dinos makes you lose exp. T/F? not in the particular dungeon. but if you make it a habit of killing them, then over the very long run, you will have "lost" xp.


    3.) 5 people are required to do the lever-switch room. T/F? 1 less than number of players is usually fine.


    4.) You need to kill everything for 10% mod. T/F? not all. but most. dont remember the cutoff


    5.) The person with the lowest magic level should activate the monolith. T/F? its a myth i think. only avg combat of team affects the monster's lvls


    6.) The ferret hunter room can be done in f2p. T/F? True.


    And the last question. Mind, there is no real right answer, just preferences. In what order would you open these doors if you were keying in a party you cannot trust, which is typically most parties in world 7/117? The doors are: Guardian, Door, Key Door, Skill, Puzzle.


    Guardian first, so that I get the help of all 4 people. Then puzzle. However, if the puzzle requires all members, then puzzle first. Then, I'll open the key door, and skill door, and regular doors in no particular order.

  10. Nice guide!


    I don't quite understand the purpose of finding the spread.

    Aren't you only concerned with profit?

    It doesn't really matter what people are selling for at the time you buy these items because it will be different by the time you're able to sell.

    Unless there's something I'm just not seeing.


    The spread, although it can fluctuate over the 4 hr period, is a good indicator of the trading activity that is going on. It also helps you make decisions on whether or not you should invest in a particular item. The GE has inefficiencies in that it only increments in 1gp at a time. That means that the spread is at minimum 1gp. So even for highly liquid items (maples and elemental runes), the spread can be upwards of 6%, which is really nice.


    Tbh, if you dont find the spread, it's not the end of the world. It's just that my observations have indicated that the wide spreads usually narrow.

  11. I was in cwars the other day with combat robes, arcane blast and blastbox. I actually did pretty well against full runers and no arm'ers. I had scimmy equipped so if they took off armor, then i'd melee them. However I got thoroughly owned by rangers. Haven't gotten the staff yet but I doubt it'll be that different.

  12. Exactly, you don't think thats a little much to risk for a questionable benefit?


    If you never use it, you might as well not buy it.

    Losing dungeoneering equipment is hard for about 10 minutes, then you realize that now you have another goal to work for. :wink:


    Great minds think alike, right? ;) Haha yeah, when I lose dg stuff i usually just think, it was fun while it lasted, damn back to world7/61


    You aren't a low level. You aren't a high level either. How the heck do you use w61?

  13. He's right though. I've done my fair share of f2p pking back in the days, and unless low level full rune'rs with 600 ish hp have stopped safing/running, then you're never going to get many kills as you would with just regular melee + g2h for the KO.


    I have also pked in f2p on pures for about 4-5 years now, so I do know what im talking about. Obviously they safe and run etc, but it is not impossible to kill them. I was just asking for the max hit, thats all. FYI i have already bought the mage stuff :)

    So basically, your risking over 140k tokens, which is 30 hours of work for something that can maybe effectively kill a very small portion of the unprepared pker.


    Theres not enough rune pures miles away from the bank with no access to a teleport for it to be worth doing, may as well just range 2h.



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