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Posts posted by No_OnE


    My logic not flawed, it's just different. I rate based on the combination of effort and showability of the achievement. I'm not just rating on effort, since that, in my opinion, isn't fit for such a forum. This forum is to show your achievement. Therefore -once again- in my opinion, it's a combination of these two factors.




    If you base it merely on the effort put in, everyone (70k+ people) could post there 99 here and they'd get a high rating. In my opinion something should be worth showing. Clearly, if you're number 70k to post here (hypothetically, ofcourse) people would be all like "z0mfg, not another one".




    And, a rating is based on your opinion about the achievement showed. Therefore my rate is always correct ;) Just by the fact I don't reason with your logic doesn't mean it's flawed.




    But if you want to break it down: 7/10 for the 99, 2/10 for the showability.


    No, you're logic is flawed. First off, this forum is actually designed so that users can post their achievement and get recognition for it. No where does it say that this forum is designed for people to show an achievement in hopes that it has enough "showability" which, by the way, is not even a word. This forum is, however, for players to post achievements which is what the original poster did. In no way was his post not fit for these forums. Secondly, how you can you base your rating off of something that is going to vary between people depending on when they actually started playing RuneScape and when they actually started training the skill. I reiterate, would his achievement still deserve a 3/10 if he had started playing a month ago or if he had started working the skill a week ago? Finally, in response to your break down of the ratings, would it not have been more fitting to average your two ratings? A 7/10 and 2/10 should equate to a 4.5/10. The only way it could go lower is if you weigh the "showability" more than the achievement, and, considering this forum is specifically for achievements with no mention to "showability", I cannot fathom one weighing "showability" more.


    Lol, like if that has something to do with it. Funny how people always bring that up when they don't agree.




    Fact is, over 70k people have gotten that 99. Therefore it's nothing special to show. Sure, nice to get it.. but nothing special if you show it. So, 3/10. Still stands. Now quit whining.


    Does the lack of rarity of it make it any less of an acheivment? Almost 200 people have all 99 skills yet does that make it a 2/10? No. Same acheivement no matter how many people get it. I'm sorry that you can't see that basic logic because your too narrow minded.






    Yeah, same achievement. That's why I said it ain't particulary bad to get the 99. But if you post it here, you basically say: "look at me, I have something to show!". So, I see the pic, and realize I see 99 strength all the time, I give a low rating. It just ain't special. Or, if you want to specify it, it's just as special as 67 herblore or 65 runecraft.




    So, basically, that's my opinion, so I rate based on that. I'm very sorry I'm not all like "ZOMG IT R SO GUD 10/10" which some people tend to do at every freaking achievement that gets posted here. I'd rather be honest.




    You can whine all you like, but I'm entitled to my opinion. Whatever your opinion is, is your business, and feel free to state it. Not that I'd care, though.




    So, yeah, 3/10.


    To be honest, you're logic is quite flawed. He has something to show because he put work into something and achieved a result. The amount of work is the same whether he was the first or the 100,000th. He still had to earn the xp. If the highscore list was not there and you could not judge him by how many people had come before him, then you would have no basis by which to judge. If you're going to judge him by anything other than the sheer amount of work that went into getting that skill, you should judge by the amount of time it took him. If one started with a level 1 character today and managed to get level 99 strength by next week, would the achievement still by worth a 3/10 simply because I wasn't in the first thousand or ten thousand to get it? No. So, without any knowledge of when he started playing or how long it took him to get the 99 strength, you cannot judge by those who have come before him. This forum isn't for uniqueness, it's simply here so that one can show an achievement; so that one can show that the all the work they have put into getting a high level in a skill has paid off.

  3. Too many effects. They all have extreme contrast; the first one especially. I would use filters and effects a little less and work on creating a flow with the c4ds that you're using. They all seem a bit too saturated too. They have potential, though. Keep it up.

  4. I will not see this movie. It is just an american monster movie like the 1997 AMERICAN version of Godzilla. Man, when will you stupid americans relize that the Japanese beat you in kaiju films????


    So just because someone beats another in something, that person should just quit? Yeah, that makes sense. With your logic, we wouldn't have any of the tech we have now.




    Anyway, the movie looks like it should be pretty good. I'll probably see it with some friends when it comes out.

  5. It makes sense. Although it's not just gay men who have the HIV/AIDS virus, there's a higher percentage. Honestly, the number of gay men who have rare blood types probably isn't even high enough to justify risking taking blood from them. If they did allow them to donate and even one incident occurred in which a person received the virus from blood that was donated by a gay person, there would be major debates on the whole thing.

  6. Our high school gives final exam exemptions based on certain criteria. You can't have more than three absences in the said class and three tardies count as one absence, you can't have been suspended, and you have to maintain a passing average for the semester. Aside from that, it's the teacher's choice. I got exemptions from most of my teachers but my calculus teacher doesn't give exemptions. So I have to take one final next week but I can go home during the rest. It's going to one hard final. Simply hell.

  7. I play French Horn and Mellophone during our school's marching season. I prefer playing French Horn in a concert setting by far though. I'm thinking of majoring in music performance during college but I don't know if I will. I also want to do premed and since I have a passion for both, I'll probably major in premed and either minor in music or just play as a hobby.

  8. I'd say the Patriots are pretty much guaranteed to go to the Super Bowl. On the other side, I think it'll come down to the Packers vs the Cowboys. If the Cowboys start playing better than they have been lately then they might make it to and even win the Super Bowl. If the Cowboys keep playing the way the have been the Packers will be going to the Super Bowl and I would say that New England will probably win.




    To sum everything up, I predict New England will win the Super Bowl over either the Packers or the Cowboys depending on how both of the teams play in the conference championship.





    seriously i'm 13 and my index finger and ring finger can reach from green to orange easily




    index finger on red, middle finger on yellow, ring finger on blue, move when nesscicary




    (before anyone says that i'm not suitable to give advice i only need to finish One, NotB, and RB on expert)


    It should be noted that for most people, it would be easier to use the pinky once they get used to it to do the long hammer ons in fast solos in stuff. Logically, it just makes sense that four fingers would be better than three if you can get used to it.




    umm is it cheating to do those long hammer-ons with my single index finger? :oops:


    Not if you can do it. That's crazy though. I often do three notes or so but I haven't really tried to do any longer than that. Kudos to you though.





    seriously i'm 13 and my index finger and ring finger can reach from green to orange easily




    index finger on red, middle finger on yellow, ring finger on blue, move when nesscicary




    (before anyone says that i'm not suitable to give advice i only need to finish One, NotB, and RB on expert)


    It should be noted that for most people, it would be easier to use the pinky once they get used to it to do the long hammer ons in fast solos in stuff. Logically, it just makes sense that four fingers would be better than three if you can get used to it.

  11. well, after my catastrophic memory card wipe I'm now back up to Cult of Personality on expert but I'm damned if I can do it again <.<


    God that song. It was the song that got me the "Fail 10 times on a single song" achievement. It was weird though. I could never beat but the one time I did, I four starred it.

  12. It's not just video games. The word 'gay' in general has changed in meaning. Just about everyone I know uses the word 'gay' in place of stupid, unfair, etc. It's just changed in meaning.

  13. Where is everyone getting this no human contact thing from. Though I do doubt that, if written more thoroughly, the scenario would prohibit human contact, it doesn't say that now. Everyone is coming up with these illogical loopholes to escape and do all this crap but it seems that no one has thought of the far more logical human contact loophole. It's quite possible that you can, with a pen and paper, write letters to people. The scenario never says that you can't.

  14. no the guitar hero 3 guitar cant be used with the guitar hero 2 game because the guitar hero 2 game was built only for 1 and 2


    Really? I thought a guitar was a guitar. I know the Guitar Hero guitars work with Rock Band and stuff. I would've assumed that the new guitars work with all the previous games.

  15. [hide]I thought the movie was really good, it wasn't as scary as I had hoped though. A thing that confused me was when he sees "Fred" in some random spot (That was funny too, "If you're real Fred, say so now!"), how did that trap get there? Did the "things" set it up somehow? I thought they weren't smart enough to do something like that. And he was hanging upside down for probably atleast 6-7 hours, wouldn't he die by then? I was also confused as to how that one grenade at the end killed all of them. I mean sure grenade explosions are powerful, but to wipe out almost the entire city of monsters?[/hide]


    [hide]I'm thinking that the one monster that saw Will set the original trap up copied it. I think that particular monster has a higher level of intelligence than the rest as he seems to give orders to the other ones. As for the grenade, the fire that resulted looked like it was being fueled by different chemicals and such in the room. It didn't need to kill the entire city, just the ones in the room that knew where Anna and Ethan were hiding. The only thing I was wondering was what they're going to do with the vaccine. I mean, the remaining people in the colony are already immune so the vaccine would only be good for the infected ones but they're pretty flipping hard to catch. Oh well. I still loved the movie.[/hide]

  16. 5. BioShock -


    It gave something new to the pool of video games today. It was fun and certainly held my interest. I loved the early nineteenth century environment. The enemies were great also. Though, after beating the game, I haven't touched it much since. The campaign brought it into my top 5 but there was nothing else to bump it higher.




    4. Half LIfe 2: EP2 -


    My friend told me that I had to play this game. He was right. It was great. The game was never repetitive or boring. It was, quite simply, fun. That's all I can really say.




    3. Halo 3 -


    The campaign failed. Miserably. It crashed and burned. I promised myself that I wouldn't play multiplayer until I finished campaign when I finally did scrape through campaign, I almost regretted buying them game. Luckily, I loved the multiplayer. Forge in particular. I like matchmaking and all but Halo 3, for me, is all about Forge and custom games. I never get tired of jumping in to a custom game and now, with Forge, there's this whole new level of customization. My friends and I have created some of the stupidest gametypes you can imagine but we love them and play them hour after hour.




    2. Call of Duty 4 -


    This game surprised me. I've always loved the Call of Duty series. I'll get the game, play the campaign, touch multiplayer and leave satisfied. This game, however, had much more. The campaign was fun as always but the multiplayer really hooked me. I haven't bought the game for myself, yet, but my friend has it and I've played it with him. I can't say too much because I didn't play it for that long but, from what I did play, I can tell it's great.




    1. Guitar Hero III -


    Possibly my second favorite game series of all time (behind Zelda). There's no point in explaining the game because it should be known to most. I'm addicted to it. It's that simple.

  17. Room A: Request a lockpicker clone, then IN A SEPARATE REQUEST, request all the tools (s)he needs to crack the lock. Then have the clone crack Room As lock, go into the main room, have him crack Room Bs lock. Then, take the gun and bullet. Shoot the camera in Room A, and hide the gun. Then request ammunition (Since ammunition ALONE can't be used to kill/escape).Request a billion dollars in a check. Request an extremely heavy item (A steel girder), and request Superman. Have Superman X-ray ALL walls in Room A, B, and the main room, to determine which wall is the thinnest. Then have Superman throw the steel girder at the thinnest wall. Be sure to take the billion dollar check and the gun. Hold up the scientists at gunpoint, and force them to let you go.




    There you have it! You leave one billion dollars richer, and it only took a few minutes. Plus you got to meet Superman!


    Because scientists are just that stupid.

  18. Another thing.




    If you got, say, a golfball, couldn't you lodge it in your throat and suffocate yourself? What about holding your breath in for too long?




    You could also order lots of greasy, fatty, foods to give yourself a heart attack.


    If you were suffocating, they would come in and save you almost instantly. You can't hold your breath and die because you would pass out and start breathing again. As for greasy foods, the scientists would take you off of that diet the second they get the chance. The situation is supposed to set in stone so any loopholes you people find won't exist. You can't just escape or take the gun and bullet from room B and go kill some people. It's either 20 years with no electronics or a swift suicide. A or B. The only in between is locking both doors.

  19. Choice A.








    I'd request a backpack filled with a month of supplies, 2 AK-47s with plenty of ammo, 2 silenced 9mms with plenty of ammo, 2 stealth suits, a seldgehammer, pliers, electrical tape, a book on the electronics of the door, plans for the facility, electronics on the enterence of the first room, body armour, a map, and a compass.




    We are allowed to try escape, so first I bust the wall to show the electronics for the door, and use said book to find the right way to rewire it so it opens. Using the clone to distract the scientists.




    When I am out of room A, I'd search for how they got me in the damn room in the first place.




    Out of the starting room, I sneak through the facility with the clone, resorting to disabling all who get in mine, and the clone's way, if needed that is. If all else fails I have the AKs to fall back on. I will, of course, destroy all records of my being there. Which also means I will have to kill everyone there.




    Outside the facility, I find my way back to society, living off the land until I reach a city, where I destroy the guns, can't have the evidence, and order the clone to destroy itself, completely destroying all proof I was ever there.




    Well, you have to find a way around the rules, and it works.


    They'll only give you an item if the decide that you can't kill yourself with it. Though I'm sure they'd give you pencils and stuff like that even though you can attempt suicide with it, I think you'd be hard pressed to achieve a gun. Obtaining a gun in room A would defeat the purpose of having a room B in the first place.

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