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Posts posted by AznElliot518

  1. easy solution to the created lag: if you make the worlds with like 4k people, you could easily dumb down the gfx and engine. like lower then low detail. i dobut people would mind cause now u can actually get in there. also you could make the animations worse, and disable emotes and music. most people dont use emotes or like the music anyway.
    The server at United Layer prabably woulnt be able to support that many connections
  2. 2002- Started playing


    2003 - Quit


    2004 - Tried to come back but my level 70 something got banned


    2005 - Made a prayer beast. Quit.


    2006 - Came back using the prayer beast. Banned. Started using an account I made back in 2002. The weird thing was I clearly remember getting him levels, but I ended up at toutrial island saying I last logged in a bunch of days ago and my lasy recovery questions set in 2002. :?: :?:

  3. and two construction workers found behind the school were taken into custody on unrelated charges of illegal substance possession, Zylak said.


    LOL I thought that was extremely funny. Anyways thats pretty sweet dude I love guns.
  4. I've been mining a lot of Iron in the Wilderness for XP lately. Going from Lvl 78-79 Mining got me 3 more Frog Tokens. Now I have 53, not including the first 2 I had exchanged for an outfit which I later dropped for more bank room.








    Your bank is strangley related to mine. At first when I saw yours I thought it was mine!







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