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Posts posted by Metroid

  1. Well I got hacked for almost all of my gp, but I kept my rares (santa/green mask).


    I then decided to get it back, and made it all back (5.5m) in one day.




    I thought this was great, so I kept merchanting...




    At the moment:


    Taking a break from merchanting for now, raising some skills and doing clues.




    My Goal?:


    Purple Phat by merchanting/staking.


    That simple. I rarely make a lot from stakes.. but every now and then I'll find a sucker. ;)


    (aka - someone who lets me use range)




    My BEST Stakes: (recent)


    (Note:I don't stake for gp, I merchant for gp. )


    (I stake for fun as I can't make money staking as fast as I can merchant it.)




























    Comments on Latest Bank/Stats Pic:






    It's late, and I'm tired.. can't be bothered with commentary.. -.-;


    Except I made 16m merchanting yesterday, and 17m merchanting/staking today. :P








    Stats/Bank of 7/03/07


    Stats/Bank of 7/07/07


    Stats/Bank of 7/18/07




    Stats/Bank of 8/02/07



  2. I am trying to get back/recharge both of my seeds.




    I lost the teleport seed and I went to LLetya and the girl who gives you the crystal seed for teleporting never appears. (I've waited 10-15 minutes, suppose to be 5 mins max)




    As for recharging my crystal seed into a bow, I cannot find where to go to get it recharged.. been 6 months since I've played and apparently jagex has changed some things. -.-




    Can anyone mark on the map where I can go to recharge my crystal seed?

  3. With so many people smarting off at me.. I am not sure if that is sarcasm or not.








    People don't believe I made those sigs, but why would I lie about making them when 1. I'm leaving and couldn't care less, and 2. I admitted to ripping in the first place.








    This is my last post.. flame me or w/e I don't care.

  4. He says he quits but I'm pretty sure he'll be back under a new account soon. He's done it at just about every other forum he was banned from.








    Like I said before, you simply can't make peace with him.




    No matter what you say it's not good enough, I grow tired of this.








    I can't be bothered to post anymore at a non-graphics forum. I was planning on quitting anyway. But this made it a definite.

  5. Metroid admit it that you ripped, there is more than enough evidence to prove that you did. Phazon already got you banned from NextGFX, seriously, quit lying and just tell the truth. You've already lost the respect of the NextGFX community, maybe you can save yourself some humiliation here if you just bite the bullet. Phazon proved you wrong multiple times, and you obviously don't care. Quit being a fake and make your own art work.








    Metroid is the same kid that was on the 2XGU forum and got banned for bad behavior. Before he left he said that "no one on the forum had any artistic talent," (paraphrased of course). Who's the one lacking talent now? At least our work is legit.








    I quit. I just want everyone to know I DID rip two sigs from TMM, and one from PhazonEater.








    And on Fantasy 1 (not 2) I took a terragen render that wasn't for free use to help make it. (the one in the far background). That is it, I feel I should be honest about this and not keep everyone thinking so highly of me when some of this isn't my work.








    Everything else you see is mine and you can go wherever, but you won't find anything simular.








    Bye everyone, sorry for my actions.

  6. If you think someone is ripping artwork in Tipit, PM a Tipit Moderator clearly explaining it so it can be looked into. If you want to talk to an artist about their art reguarding possible ripping issues, do it through PM's.








    Yeah.. go for it PE.. have a ball. =/




    Because I could honestly care less. This isn't a graphics forum.

  7. Dude, if it was jealousy why would I go out of my way and pick on him at some random forum? Open your eyes and read the topic I just posted a link to. The members of a forum I've never been to until today found him guilty and banned him. To continue thinking the way you are now is just stupid.








    In all honesty, I don't really care about the opinion of this forum anymore though. This isn't a graphics forum so it doesn't matter. He was punished where he needed it and now some blind followers are backing him up here. :roll:








    You're like a fly that just doesn't go away. =/








    And SHE'S not a DUDE. -.-








    I'm getting sick of your overuse of the word 'followers'.

  8. Untrue, I made the nova sigs. I also posted them on your forum under the name HeLiOs








    Don't go lying, and yes those two sigs were concept rips, but I have PSDs to back up I made them myself.








    edit: And where do you get off saying almost all these sigs are ripped?




    Prove it to me, and don't go showing me sigs HeLiOs made, because I AM helios. I am sick of everywhere I go, you follow me and go accusing me of ripping. I simply can't make peace with you, you always accuse me of ripping when it's always at MOST a concept rip. Which I DO admit to, I ripped TWO of TMM's sigs' concept. But I still made those sigs from scratch.








    another edit: lol.. yeah, forgot about that banner. I'll remove the site later, sorry about that, it's a old site.

  9. We were originally going with a light-Based skin, but we also wanted a tech skin. And tech doesn't look good on light backgrounds/surroundings.








    Thanks for the C/C. :)

  10. If you post C/C - PLEASE BE BRUTAL - It helps us alot!








    Finished this entire template in about 6 hours, with the help of a friend. Smileys, UBBC Images, Posting Buttons, coding, everything completed! No, this isn't the entire forum either, there's alot more categorys/areas. =P








    Also, please no suggestions about changing the layout etc. There's certain limits to what I can do with script manipulating. I'd prefer rates on the graphics alone.








    Main Page:








































    Thread Listing:
















    C/C Appreciated. =)

  11. ughh.. it's not meant to be anything, it's pure abstract.








    If everyone got exactly what it was then it wouldn't be as much of a abstract sig, now would it?

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