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Posts posted by wild_goat_14

  1. At the local basketball court today, and a bunch of little kids were setting up a dodgeball game, so the staff asked us to shoot on a goal on the side of the court. We said sure, and as we were walking to the goal, I decided to randomly attempt this 45-foot shot. Nothing but net, it was almost all luck, but still was pretty insane.

  2. Could anyone offer advice choosing a highschool? These are my two choices:


    #1: This is a newer, larger school. However, it's also overcrowded (Roughly 2000 students). Each class is huge, and the teachers often can't address every single student's needs. They do offer more courses, however it's a catholic school, so I'd have to take religon once a year, every year. From what my brother (who goes to this school) tells me, the teachers all hate him. I can get a bus to this school. Oh, about 2/3 of my friends are going here.


    #2: This is a older, slightly smaller school. It has about 400 students. The classes have less people, so teachers have more time to offer with each student. They offer less courses then #1, but religon is not manatory. The most important part, however, is that it's extended french. Right now, (In grade 8), I take french as a second language, so I take gym, art, history, geography all in french, and my french grammer work is equilivent to that of a grade 10 or 11, or possibly 12. If I chose this school, I'd take 2 subjects a year in french (choosing from the list I said earlier), except in grade 12, where I only take one. Upon graduating from the extended french program, I'd recieve a bi-lingual certificate on my diploma, and a scholarship (Not exactly sure how much). I'm not able to get a bus ride there, however. About 1/4 of my friends are going there, but theres alot of people I know in that school.


    It's a really hard decision for me, so I'd appreciate any advice.

    (I didn't this would belong in the real-life help and advice thread, as this seemed more fitting)


    You are obviously wanting to go to school #2, but you don't want to leave your friends.

  3. Hey guys, I'm getting a PS3 for Christmas, but I have a question about connecting to the internet.


    I'm not sure about my PS3 connecting to my internet so I can play online.


    If my Wii connects to my internet, will the PS3 connect to it as well?


    If anybody could answer, that'd be great.


    I have had a Wii for a while and bought a PS3 today. The answer is yes.

  4. That's saying there is a 100% chance they win, which isn't the case. And Ganandorf is just terrible. Rob is one of the best characters. And ICs/Oli don't win nearly every single matchup.

    You said that 80:20 matchups shouldn't happen, so I pointed out the 0:100 matchups. I dunno why they just had to put 0:100, it's more like 15:85 or even 10:90. Perhaps the guy who created those matchups really thought Ganondorf was that bad?




    Nintendo should release patches like xbox360 and ps3 do....


    It is impossible with the way Wii internet is set up unless the game has a patch/DLC mode already set up. Then it is only optional.

  5. That's saying there is a 100% chance they win, which isn't the case. And Ganandorf is just terrible. Rob is one of the best characters. And ICs/Oli don't win nearly every single matchup.

  6. MK has an 80-20 advantage over ROB. Things this swayed should never happen.


    Fyi, MK is not universally banned, hes banned at tournaments that make him banned.

    He is restricted almost everywhere.


    I know, but thanks for telling me anyways? If he was banned, we wouldn't be discussing this.

  7. Q1:What is something you write down to remember?

    A: Appointments


    Q2:What is something you hear on the radio besides music?

    A: Talk Shows


    Q3:Why might a taxi driver say he had a bad day?

    A: Person didn't pay.


    Q4:What is something you're likely to forget in your car?

    A: Wallet/Purse


    Q5:Name an item you would find in a 3-day survival kit.

    A: Match/Flint


    Q6:What is something you may find on top of a mountain?

    A: Rocks


    Q7:What is something you would hate to find in the food your eating?

    A: Hair

  8. Diabetes, some different forms of cancer, and although they're technically not diseases, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

    Diabetes is hereditery!!!

    *invites friends around for a "White stuff" partaaaay! You gotta love that sugar*

    I'll bet you do love the white stuff.


    Heart disease sort of runs in my dad's side, but I don't know if that's for reasons of genetics or big Midwestern salt-and-cholesterol filled diets. Also baldness and color-blindedness, but those seem to "skiP' generations and my dad has both. So I'm clean there at least for now, I suppose.


    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you can only get color-blindness from your mother if you are male.(it is on the X chromosome, and you by default get the Y from your father.) Funny thing is, male-patterned baldness works the same way.

  9. Wow, it would suck to have AIDS. You're going to die and you'll never find love :|


    You could find someone else with AIDs. That would be romantic.

    She/he's standing right in front of you wearing a white dress/tux. :wink:


    Not if the dress/tux is white. :wink:


    Oh, and this topic is turning into "would you kill somebody if..."

  10. This fails everywhere except America.


    You put the month before the day, so here it would be 23/10 instead of the required 10/23.


    Also, mol conversions is kinda hard in imperial. Even though you dont use it in the calculations. Having that in your head still messes you up.


    You suckers and your imperial system. Metrics' where it's at, [bleep]es.


    Actually 19/20 of the time we use metric. (haha fraction)

  11. Well I'll just be happy that I'm not gay then...


    And discriminate against those who were born that way? It is kind of like being born black, or a woman, or left-handed. You can't really help it, it is who you are.


    Oh, also think that you are practicing a religion thought up by some guy well over 1000 years after the guy it is about died.

  12. This'll give you a look to what extent my parents "interfere" with my life.


    We were watching the Lion King, [nay' 3 hourse ago] and during the "Be Prepared" song with Scar talking all verbose and looking nasty, my dad said --


    "Dont cross over. Dont become like him" [sic]


    I [cabbage] you not. And he was not joking. He does this whenever we interact. Generally with everything.


    He'll repeat corny movie lines to try and motivate me. I remember in Rambo 4 - the "live for nothing, die for something" - he somehow related that back to my studies. :wall:


    I sincerely feel sorry for you.

  13. Title is wrong, it has been 8 years.


    The first post is from a year ago.




    Why did we bump a year old topic?


    Why did you just bump it again?




    It's ok now, someone already bumped it. Sometimes it is better to make a new thread.

  14. Title is wrong, it has been 8 years.


    The first post is from a year ago.




    Why did we bump a year old topic?


    Why did you just bump it again?




    It's ok now, someone already bumped it. Sometimes it is better to make a new thread.

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