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Posts posted by Kalliel

  1. But what if you were to trade through another of your friends accounts, owned by them, saw i gave my cousins account ful rune to trade over to a pure account that i owned, i trade the rune from my account, then log out of that and log in my other account, and get the rune from my cousin, is that allowed

  2. i dunno if your allowed weaponms or armour, i think it's a fist fight with no armour though, if not bring best weapon(DDS most likely) or best armour(rune for you i'm guessing) you only have to make it till the last round of the fight, which is pretty hard, bring a ack full of the best food you can, and maybe a few prayer pots

  3. I remember when i found like 200 of each rune, and 300 minds, boy i sure was pleased, and i didn't even know who the hell they belonged to, but thank you random dieing at wizard tower 1 and a half years ago on a free world, you set me up for a while with that money and runes you dropped






    I also remember when santas were around 50k or so i think... a long time ago. and Haloween masks were around 100k... those were the days...

  4. What say you have a veterans quest, with combat level requirement, certain tests to complete for people, and things that really test your metal... level 80+ combat versus several level 300 combat monsters, one after the other after the other... that would seperate the noobs from the highly skilled Pwning machines surely... in the end you get access to a mini-game... don't care what just as long as it's a decent mini-game that can't be ruined by lower level's fleeing from demons or any of that rubbish

  5. nonauto Ess miners deserve the earning rise.




    Non Auto P2P ess miners might i add, i think that's highly unfair, non Auto F2P lose there income totally, which was some of my friends, who may undoubtedly quit now, they've lost their income that they were working on, and so high leveled miners as well

  6. Hang on a minute here, i just thought, what about elemental runes, will there prices fall or rise???, because there may be some money to be made in F2P RCing if there is a drop in ess but a continuous rune price, i mean c'mon people, surely if you buy ess low, and make airs at even X2, you get double your money back

  7. Hmmm, maybe i ought to set myself some rules to this task then, any ideas what to set myself as tasks, and i'll see what i can do, only going to be a part time activity, as i only normally play weekends, and i've got stuff to do normally

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