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Posts posted by Buckeyemange

  1. Hint: Scife


    To get a scife in Runescape you must go to Varrock. Go to the place with a bunch of logs. Get your magic high enough to use weaken. Use weaken on the log pile. A level 22 Tree Spirit will appear. If you kill it it will drop a scife and nature runes.





    For those of you who didn't see it, there's the "Scife" one...

  2. Did anyone add it up? I tried, and the numbers just kind off blurred together...




    Maybe it's a glitch, like he logged out while potted or something, or maybe he used the skill cape effect of being level 100.

  3. I'm sorry. Why are we talking about this now? I mean, come on, they're the 2008 elections. ItÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s 2007. Now, I realize people care about this, but we've heard the debates (what, 3, 4 for the Republicans alone?), seen everyone's views, we're out of stuff to talk about. I mean, we've got what, enough candidates to fill two baseball teams, and we're still talking about people who havenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t said they're running? I could care less what Al Gore does...




    But to the actual topic, as bad as this sounds, Obama will lose votes because of his skin color and Clinton will lose votes because she's a woman, and her last name is the same as the famous Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" Clinton. And IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m starting to hate these people that say stuff about a ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅDream ticketÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

  4. I'm the only one who noticed this!










    Look at the blue circle. A button? Interactive stuff! See a dragon melt stuff in the comfort of a nice building, and without the threat of becomming dinner! Maybe it'll be something to be interested in. I hope. Either way, can't wait to see it.

  5. Here's a bit of math...




    OK so there are a million members, so that equals $1,000,000 a month.




    let's assume that there are about 500 adverts paying runescape. lets assume that adverts change once every 5 minutes. Lets say that each advert gets Jagex a penny. I know this isn't very accurate, but it is a rough estimate.




    a penny * 12 (per hour) * 24 (per day) * 30 (per moth) * 100,000 (estimated number of f2p at one given time) = 864000000 cents, or $8,640,000 a month just from adverts. WOW.




    Please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong. As you can see, I'm not basing this on how many f2pers are in the game cause that doesn't make sense. jus think, that would mean that every f2p account, whether online of offline, are each seeing ONE advert.








    A note to members: why should you even care if f2p gets updates? you get them too, and it's not like a couple of updates will cover all the benifits membership gives you.




    Redo your math, my friend. Jagex makes $5,000,000 a month. It's 5 per player...




    EDIT: I re did my math, to account for the total of 1,000,000 members. Can someone check it for me?

  6. Why not Monkey Madness 2?




    Or maybe a sequel to sheep shearer? :XD:




    Omg, will we finally uncover the mystery of the penguin spies?




    We did, do cold war....




    I think Jagex will live up to the hype. No, not summoning, but good spells. What? I don't know. It's not like I'm Andrew Grower or anything... :anxious:




    Uh, uh, send me more money!

  7. And Americans tell me that the right to bear arms is fine? You make cannabis and cocaine illegal to 'protect society', but you sell guns in Walmart.




    It's sick, it makes me sick. And now 21 people have paid the price for your hypocrosy in democracy. Twenty smegging one people dead. The future gone, by something you sell next to donuts and hardware.




    God [bleep] dammit it makes me sick! I'm so sick I can't even concentrate on sympathy for family and friends, just anger, which I sincerely don't want to do. I'd want my thoughts to be with them, but it just can't lie while this fatal hypocrosy still exists.




    Because it's the government's fault that an emotionally unstable/insane person bought a gun? It is perfectly fine that people can buy guns, to protect themselves, but one case of insanity is no reason to get all up in arms about the right to bear arms.




    There's plenty wrong with how other countries run things. Handle your own problems before you slander our laws and rights.

  8. That's, uh, interesting...




    $10 says it was peer pressure for the girls, I mean, an entire class urging them on? May be hard to say "No", no matter what those stupid videos that teachers show us say.




    Oh, and Nadril, thanks for the quote!

  9. jagex told you the flap emote has been improved




    and the chochlate kebbits will prolly melt like the snowballs anyway




    *stashes choc kebbits in icey bucket* muhaha new rares for the economy ::'




    You have a deal with the Choc-Ice guy in Narda?


    As for being too close to aim properly, how is it even possible to miss something point blank?




    I find it difficult to string an arrow in real life when someone is slashing a battleaxe at me. Just me?




    And would it kill JAGeX to put the bow in the left hand? I mean it's fairly obvious that the characters are all depicted as right-handed, what with swinging melee weapons with their right hand. Why make them left-handed when using a bow?




    I thought right handers hold their bows in their left hand, I do anyway. That way you can hold the arrow steady on the back-pull.

  11. Blow Iran up! Nukes away! *Pushes big red button*




    Honestly, the only reason they did this is because they don't get the attention of North Korea... :roll:




    Jokes aside, I don't care how nice this gesture was, the UK should not tolerate it. And if you guys need American muscle, we're undefeated in wars that arn't in Iraq (or Vietnamn).

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