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Posts posted by Buckeyemange


    First, make it slightly better than normal robes. What would be the point of hunting them if you can get normal ones, other than looks. Make them about level 30 magic or so.












    Second, why would you hunt them if you could just kill them? Sure, you don't get as many furs, but it's a lot faster than trapping them.








    Third, would they be non-member's as well? Sure, you couldn't hunt them, but you could still kill them. In fact, the robes could be the F2P robes that the free players have begged for.




    I support, just ponder the three things above.








    Oh, and Tyrrell9, what did you say? I didn't understand any of that!








    1. The furs and robes would be f2p. You would have to craft them in wizards tower(similar to splitbark) and would cost money to make.








    2. You can hunt imps and rabbits as well as kill them, so its not as confusing as you think.








    3. I'll work on some stats and get back to you. I haven't figured out the level requirements or stat bonuses. I will figure out some stats and place them in soon.








    1. Fair enough








    2. Sure, you can hunt and kill imps and rabbits, but you only get the hunting bennifits from hunting imps. You don't get the imp in a box after killing an imp. You also don't get a rabbit's foot from killing a rabbit, you can only get a foot from trapping a rabbit.








    3. As long as they're between normal and mystic, I really don't care.

  2. A few things I want to point out. The first post on this thread has horrible logic. Where does everyone get the idea that Jagex receives more money from Members then ads in total?








    Because it's good business sense! The goal of a business is to make money, and be sure you are making money. If you have the larger fraction of your money coming from a non-guarantied source, then you risk losing a large chunk of profits.








    I know, with members, that I am for sure making $5 dollars a month, regardless of plays or views. Now, according to you, I need to hope that there are as many views are you say, or I don't know if I have enough money to cover operating costs or my summer home in Florida.








    So, in conclusion, we can guess that member's profits must be more than non-member's, or Jagex runs the risk of going bankrupt.




    Arrowhead is not just a water bottle company, but also a city








    And a national park, and home to the American football team called the "Kansas City Cheifs."








    If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, it does make a sound. The waves just reach you late in their ripples, and you do not hear them.

  4. Sorry that I really can't answer, but these are my thoughts.








    Because I am only 14, I really can't get very violent video games. However, I can state my thoughts on the topic.








    Kids have issues. Trouble in school, punk kids who push them around, parents who are always (Pick one) drunk, smoking, doing drugs, gone, beating their kids, never helping their kids, or just plain don't care.








    There are signs that something is wrong, but bad parenting is the real issue. Bad parents don't pay attention, and the pain builds. Eventually, they have so much pain that the only way they can relieve their pain is with violence, which leads to the pain of others.








    Then, what's the scapegoat? It can't be the parents, could it? What a dumb idea! :roll:








    Parents, that's the cause. Not all parents, just the bad ones. The ones who don't take the 10 minutes a day to ask "How was school?" or "Is something wrong, dear?". If bad parents were better at their jobs, maybe there isn't a reason that Video Games are a topic in Washington D.C., other than, I don't know, SOMETHING THAT MATTERS!

  5. So you say....








    Member's benifits=about 4,500,000?




    Non-member's benifits=About 2,500,000Y?








    So 4,500,000>2,500,000Y




    And 1.8=Y








    So a month of ads would need to be at least $1.8 dollars to match the member's profits?








    So, 3 non-member's players are equal to $5.4 a month, compared to one member being 5. What's the lowest common denomonator of those numbers?








    Got it, 135. So it takes 75 Non-members to cover a price that 27 members cover.








    Ha! Take that stupid numbers!

  6. So by that logic you say that more than 7.5 million accounts are not being used?








    OK, we need to find a good ballpark number here. I need someone to tell me how many members accounts there are (roughly) and how many non-member's players there are, and if I should use that number other than the number of accounts.








    If the formula is 5M>XY, then is X accounts or players? So is it...




    5(900,000) for members profit, greater than players times the true varible Y?

  7. Well, if you want to get picky, it was really two ATOM bombs that the United States used on Japan, though I'm not sure of the differences...








    And second, what ever happend to the amazing idea "Star wars"? For those of you who don't know, it was going to be a series of lasers that could be used to make a kind of protective dome over the U.S.A, to protect from weapons from space or the USSR.

  8. So let's say that there are about 9.25 million free players now, (Sound right?) , which would mean that about 250,000 accounts were created in the past year. Now there are more than likely closer to 900,000 players that are members now. So, let's say that each time an account views an add, Jagex makes a set number. Jake reasoned that Jagex would make more out of members then Non, so...








    M=Member's profits




    F=Non member's profits




    A=Money per add




    So M>F




    We know that...




    $5(Members accounts)>A(F2P player viewing)
















    So does that mean that every month, add viewing a month is equal to $2.05 a month? If so...








    Member's profits (Month)=4,500,000




    Non-Member's profits (Month)=23,125,000








    But that can't be right, can it? I had to do something wrong... :-k








    I think it is incorrect, I belive that the formula would be 5M>XY, M being member's accounts, X being Non-Member's accounts, and Y being price per add.








    Quick, someone help!








    EDIT: I'm showing this to my math teacher soon, maybe he can get this to work...




    I had a thought about this. How about if you emailed the story to Jagex (a it like the Postbag from the Hadge) and the best ones will be immortalised as a book? That would work much better.








    I support if something like this would happen.












    yes but dont u think it would be easier if jagex has a sencor ON??








    They dont have to do more work and it is fun for us!!








    It's censor not sencor.








    I support. I would like to be able to read my friend's stories. :D








    How about some quest requirement? Like you can only get the blank book in the champ guild. This way newbies can't make useless and/or annoying books. :mrgreen:

    Legends would be better








    Put it in the middle, the Hero's guild.








    I like the idea, but it has the same drawbacks as making your own family crest or player made examines. One-third of the books would have profanity and be unreadable, much like your posts. Another third would be pointless, like what da guru 123 stated. Hopefully those in the Hero's guild have enough intelligence to write something, well, not stupid.








    Copy yout posts into Microsoft word, and spell check there. For the sake of God, PLEASE!

  10. Why do you say this is going to be a boring superbowl? The run and gun, armed to the teeth offence of the colts against the monsters of the midway. Great match up. The way that the colt's defence has played leads me to their side.








    Payton loses his "can't win the big one" Tag...
















    Vinatieri gets his third game winning field goal. Now that would be something!

  11. The crossbow that you suggested is known as a Ballista. My personal favorite is the polybolos (pa-rab-a-los), which fired like a modern machine gun. However, if you read here...








    ...you will find that it was hard to use.








    More on general Ballisti can be found at this link.












    But the ideas you have given ae great. I still don't understand why you cannot cut down climbing ropes. Possibly, mages chould shoot any attack spell at the mines and rangers just shoot them to deactivate them. Warriors would have to pick up "Throwing rocks" in the supply room, and use them on the mines to blow them up. If they are destroyed when someone is in the blast radius, then they are hurt.








    Just a thought. Great ideas!

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