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Posts posted by beanonator



    I had a 97 palladin. 15k per hammer :\ AMAZING PALLY








    Got hacked and lost him :( I got him to 90 in a day :P ( its possible ) took around 5 hours.




    Yes, i you play on non-ladder and cheat.








    Its not cheating, its called grush/hell sanctuary all day :P








    UBER boring :P

  2. That they overrate themself 'Omfg save the animals'. Good for you if you only eat vegetables, but I wouldn't survive a day without meat. I'd rather commit suicide than not eating delicious fat juicy meat. *No offence*




    + Only eating vegetables isn't healthy. There are some things that are in meat only.


    I'm usually a combantant on CCQ, M4 ftw?




    Altough i'll stick to wolfenstein:et. Great game for the starters+ it has vehicles. The sniping is bad Imho and medics are underpowered.








    wolfenstein ftw :D








    I kick [wagon] with both medics and snipers :shock:




    You vague person!




    Which weapon do you use on medic?




    Imho the basic for medic owns pretty much everything you can buy from it.




    Sniper is pretty obvious :P.












    Play wolfenstein :'(

  4. Im wondering what crazy and wacky responses you guys have to these simple boring questions. Feel free to discuss your answers. (a re-assuring nod.)








    1. Do you make your bed in the morning? If not, why not?




    I don't, lazy








    2. At what age did you stop letting your mother make your lunches?




    6, her lunches suck.








    3. What came first, the chicken or the egg, or the yolk?




    some sort of starting dna (bactery)








    4. Have you watched 'March of the Penguins' ? Were you enthralled?
















    5. Does it really take two to tango? are there other ways to preform such a dance?




    You can solo every dance.








    6. When was the last time you hugged a stranger? .. Really, hugged. a stranger.




    Never hugged a stranger before.








    7. Do you condition your hair? If so elaborate..




    I don't.








    8. Do you trust your neighbour? at all?












    9. Do you leave your phone on in cinemas?












    10. Do you conserve energy by switching lights of when you have left a room?












    11. When is the right time to ask, 'are we there yet' ?




    When we leave.








    And most importantly..








    12. What do you think is the meaning of life?




    Study, work, die




    If you like, answer whichever questions you like, in any order.








    Vague questions imho, sorry for the short answers.

  5. we have the full wolfenstein game but...we havent even opening the wrapping for it in around 2 years..Maybe i will soon :oops:








    YOU FOOL *Slap*




    You know how much Rtcw is respected these days under the Et community? I'd die if I could play it once <3: .

  6. This thread should be turned into 'why America should change to the Metric system'.








    ... just throwin' it out there.








    So if America changed to the Metric system, all problem would be solved? Why ain't I smart then, I'm a pretty average student (6-8's) but I really can't understand why the Metric system is so special.








    OT: Ignore them, laugh at them later, spend your money on hamburgers where they work, drive away in your chique car, etc, etc




    Get my point? The stupid poeple will work for you.

  7. Ah, thats a question i can't answer, sorry. I still can give you advice tough;




    -Rent some Ff games




    -Hire them








    Altough the best solution is just Googling Ff now :P .

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