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Everything posted by kiksta0

  1. THANKYOU! I stopped playing runescape for a long time and I just came back on and couldnt remember a thing about it appart from i am quite good and crafting:D you made my day!
  2. please will somebody tell me how to enchant a dragonstone ring!?!?!?!?!
  3. NOW ITS GOT PLET LEGS MWA HAHAHAHAAAAAAAA, they give the same bonuses as the plate so im not gonna write it again... :|
  4. Now i have added a sheild which is the thing i am most happy about in the whole set..I think it looks AWSOME!!!Once again post what you think of it...And the sheilds stats are Attk:_ Def:_ Bounus:_ stab:9 Stab:9 Prayer:13 Slash:6 Slash:13 Crush:13 Crush:29 Mage:-3 Mage:-3 when you first weild this sheld a very bright flash Range:-3 Range:13 appears and disappears fairly quickly whilst you hear the sound that would be made if you were to tap a crystal wine glass gvery lightly with a spoon.
  5. I should have done this first, But thankyou very much to my good friend scyther1989 because he originaly sent me the image of his char wearing some erm lets just say aremour that wasnt that greatly edited but out of that it made a spark in my mind and i thought or thw colour scheme and bzasicly re-did the whole set, edited avery colour trimmed every corner ect. THANKS DUDE!!!
  6. This Is what i think the sword should be like, but obviously i need to mess with those stats a bit...The new stats are listed below: Attk:_ Def:_ Bonuses:_ Stab:24 Stab:9 Prayer:6 Slash:32 Slash:9 Str:8 Crush:13 Crush:13 Mage:-1 Mage:-1 Range:-1 Range:-1
  7. I had never actually thought about what jagex would like to do with the whip intill not and i think yuor right about them wanting to keep it an original item so i may begin to creat a sword for the set.. and i was also thinking of making a sheild, but i need your help to decide what type of sheild and sword to base it on... Please post your ideas, thankyou BTW because i know i have asked a lot from the viewers of this thread so 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) Cool smiles all round!!!
  8. TYVM for all posts regarding the armour, But i would quite like to ask what you though about the plan of the quest do you think its reasonable or a bit harsh? please post you answers... 8-)
  9. I have also created a way in which to obtaine this armour i now call Kazhar's, it is simple really just do frmmy trials and fremmy isles quests to gain access to this quest which can be started on the very south east point of Lunar isle in a temple made purley of mirrors and ice like the armour its self. All you have to do in this quest is run around the caves under Kazhar's castle trhough mazes which gradually get harder to beat (kind of like the security center thingy in the barb village, but without the annoying doors that ask you the same question 100 times over) there are 5 levles to complete and in each one you will have to collect a peice of A shattered mirror which kazhars values very much(you will later find out he values it because it keeps him from dieing just as long as he looks in it every day) he will award you with kazhar's helmet for free once you have completed the quest but you will have to collect mirrors and plates of ice from all around Lunar isles for him to make the rest of the set for you. But you don't need too many and their not hard to come by. :mrgreen:
  10. helm: Attk:_ Def:_ Bonus:_ stab:27 stab:15 Prayer:5 slash:15 slash:39 str:6 crush:21 crush:30 mage:-3 range:15 range:2 mage:-3 Ammy: Attk:_ Def:_ Bounus:_ stab:0 Stab:6 Prayer:7 slash:0 Slash:9 crush:39 crush:39 mage:-3 mage:0 range:2 range:12 Plate Body: Attk:_ Def:_ Bonuses: stab:15 stab:39 Prayer:13 slash:21 slash:39 crush:24 crush:39 mage:-3 mage:-3 range:0 range:39 Whip: Attk:_ Def:_ Bonuses: stab:18 stab:6 Prayer:3 slash:18 slash:6 crush:24 crush:18 mage:-3 mage:-1 Special: range:0 range:0 extends to coil around enemy and squeezes to drain life and lower enemies attk,str and def by 10% of their total...Uses full special Ring: Attk:_ Def:_ Bonuses: stab:3 stab:9 Prayer:6 slash:3 slash:6 crush:3 crush:15 mage:0 mage:-1 range:2 range:0 gloves: Attk:_ Def:_ Bonuses: stab:3 stab:21 Prayer:5 slash:6 slash:3 crush:3 crush:18 mage:9 mage:3 range:6 range:18 plate skirt: Attk:_ Def:_ Bonuses: stab:9 stab:21 Prayer:8 slash:6 slash:21 crush:1 crush:24 mage:-5 mage:-1 range:0 range:18 boots Attk:_ Def:_ Bonuses: stab:9 stab:15 Prayer:3 slash:3 slash:24 crush:6 crush:3 mage:0 mage:-1 range:0 range:9 cape Attk:_ Def:_ Bonuses: stab:15 stab:9 Prayer:5 slash:9 slash:27 crush:21 crush:24 mage:0 mage:-6 range:2 range:24 Totals: Attk:_ Def:_ Bonuses: stab:99 stab:141 Prayer:55 slash:81 slash:171 str:6 crush:144 crush:210 mage:-11 mage:-15 range:14 range:135
  11. My new holy armour i designed , tell me what you think! 8-)
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