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Posts posted by xKing_Natex

  1. right... would you mind, you know, suggesting something, 'cause i really want my account back, and I only have 1 appeal...




    ... and what does my main have to do with this?

  2. i need help.. mad help. I come home from school today, and BLAM! i find out I'm perm banned. Apparently, i was password scamming... here's the conversation:




    guy who reported me:[edit] is a noob




    me:no hes not




    [edit]:yeah he is




    me:ur just jealous




    [edit]: lol




    [edit]:hahahah of what blue myjestic?




    [edit]:its onyl 200k




    [edit]:if hes so rich why dos*t he have gold




    me:no, 86 mage pwnz0rz




    [edit]:eh bri




    [edit]:so? lol




    me:he gave me 5 mil to say that




    gwrm:hes still a nub




    [edit]: hahah yeah right












    [at this point, a guy logs on and says he's the guy who we were talking about]




    me:then wuts its pass?




    the sad part is, Jagex didn't get my next line, which was "lol, jk" or something along those lines.




    First, I really need help on how i should appeal. This perm ban was for no good reason, i had no blackmarks, and just one offence. I know i can't appeal "it wasn't me", cause they'll check my IP address. Can anyone suggest what type of query i should send in and how i should word it?








    No naming names. ~RAHK

  3. I have an easy question.




    What do you get from the seed packs? The herb packs? The mineral packs?




    are these rewards random? b/c i think the mineral pack gives you 25 iron and 50 coal.




    thx in advance.

  4. yew longs + high alch = 700+ GP, Its nearly impossible to sell 25k yew bows unless your supplying much of rnescape lvl 70 and lower fletchers, It would be more worth it for you to spend money getting 55 mage (if it isnt yet) and buying yew logs 200-250ea bowstrings or flax 100ea and nats 250ea than when you level up you can make better bows i beleive mage longs gibe 3k per alch, not to mention tooons of mage lvls high-alching that mnay bows.








    This is just my opinion, hope it helps

  5. I'd advise doing airs, i got my rcing to 55 that way and that's how i made my first mill, body's are a little faster but not by much, plus there kinda worthless for the exp. since there are way faster ways to gain mage lvls (depending on your current magic lvl)




    hope this helps

  6. I have two simple questions that anyone with a higher lvl construction would know the anwser most likely first hand,




    1) When you create a dungeon do the monsters drop items? Or merely respawn and give exp.?




    2) How do you light the insence burners on the alters?








    Thanks for your help!

  7. interesting, hmm... never really thought too deeply bout that one, not mention ill b able to start makeing some green dhide stuff in a couple more crafting lvls (58 crafting)... hmm... ill probably try that one out...

  8. Hope ya feel better, now that ya mention it i had a similar type thing on the left side of my jaw, got it removed on thanksgiving... it was horrible... couldn't eat the truky cause it hury so bad... ah well it's coming out nice ::'

  9. Here's the story, I was skipping along reading this nice post about a pretty cool zombie pic that remind people of voldemort, (its a nice zombie, a different style than it seems like the people here like, but nice)




    than suddenly out of nowhere I see this yucky pic of voldemort




    :uhh: :ohnoes: :-X




    Oh yeah... I kinda like the zombie, its not too gory, yet still very zombie like

  10. ROFL GIVA, btw ya hear about the new element that was made recently, i think it lasted like .5 milliseconds before it went poof


    Wait I think when I was in science class runitebagalum was an element or was that in computer class... :-w

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