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  1. Yea Mozzy, I think you're right, but having said that I don't think it really affected people to begin with. But I mean a noob is someone that doesn't understand or know something in question right? ie if you sell something for too high you are called a noob, if you die pking, you're a noob. Yet its gotten to the stage where people that have played for a while, have matured and realised the fact that they were new to the game once too and hence are fairly considerate to new players. Therefore does that mean that whoever really calls someone else a "noob" does that mean by the same definition that then makes them a "noob"?
  2. Ok I have seen a couple topics regarding this subject. I'll start by saying The list still exists and it can be found here: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=Nonmembers The original f2pers in danesi's database have been entered in as a clan and it is regularly updated. Now after inspecting this site, you will notice that at the top-right it states that that if you need to discuss list additions and such, you must refer to the tip.it forum topic. However, this topic ceases to exist. I have noticed the player Harvsta (ranked 100 in the list) is a rs member. If you looked him up, you would notice he has only f2p stats in the rs hi-scores, but if u add these up they total only 1147, whilst his recorded total is 1212. So therefore he must be deleted from this list. Now I am not personally attacking Harvsta in anyway, but I am using him merely as an example of why I must find contact with whoever currently maintains the list. If anyone knows who or how to conatact this person plz post. I know this may sound trivial to several of you, but to a f2per like myself.. its all i've got :wink:
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