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Everything posted by hendrikahn

  1. Sounds like a plan :D Add me, and as soon as I do Swan Song IÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôll join ya.
  2. Awesome, thanks a lot for the help
  3. at 68 monks are faster than lobs??!! are you sure?
  4. At what lvl should I switch out catching lobbies for monkfish? Im 68 currently, trying to get to 76.
  5. it could take longer, depending on if you mine or buy ess. if you buy ess, you will only make a profit of 200 gp per nat.
  6. If you had a life, you'd probably answer the same thing ;) Are your moments on RS that sheduled? Do YOU note down the time you spend playing? Doesn't it ever happen to you that a friend calls? That you get a lot of homework at school? That anything else comes up? The guy knows this game for what? five years or so? off course he can have high lvls by now, no need to play 10 hours a day then :lol: No, I admit that I don't sit here with a stop watch and see how long I'm on from start to finish, but I try to limit myself to an hour a day to leave room for other things. RuneScape is a past-time, a hobby, whatever you want to call it, and it should remain at that. I admit, there have been times when I have exceeded 1 hour, and had my priorities mixed up. Real life always has priority for me. If friends call to go out, I don't think twice about whether or not I go, RuneScape is just pixels, a past-time. If someone were to ask me how long I played RuneScape every day, I would say 1 hour, even though sometimes I play less because of interuptions or I play more because I have nothing else to do. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way trying to flame Zezima. What he did took a lot of time and effort, even though it was just clicking a mouse over and over again. I've been playing Runescape since July 2002, and I'm 87 combat with a total lvl of 1300 because I try to not exceed 1 hour of RuneScape a day. Once again, I admire Zezima for what he has done, and especially while being in college, juggling this and his classes plus a girlfriend, by no means an easy feat. Though I am willing to bet that his RuneScape playing has taken some effect on his grades and on his social life, and this is not meant in a mean or cruel way, but just stating my opinion. Since he is what he is, the 4th god of RuneScape, he shouldn't have to dodge the question of how long he plays RuneScape per day. I would like to see good response to this, not some noob who talks in internet jargon, for I will ignore you. Zezima, if I'm wrong, please correct me.
  7. Very nice. One thing I would like to point out, however, is how he eluded the question of how many hours he plays RuneScape. No doubt he is embarrased by the amount. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to flame him at all. What he has accomplished is outstanding, all though it is, and always will remain pixels.
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