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Posts posted by ukegbluebird

  1. I am hoping to be able to do dust devils in the next couple of weeks but i need to do this quest, but i just want to know how strong you have to be to do it at the moment my combat stats are these.




    attack = 72


    strength = 70


    defence = 70


    hitpoints = 71


    mage = 70


    range = 56 :(


    prayer = 49




    Would i be able to do it at them lvls, i have heard different stroies about DT some say its not that hard and others say wait till you get high, i really dont know what i should do cause i really think i would benefit from doing this quest.

  2. Hi rangers, i could do with some help on lvling range.


    At the moment i am lvl 56 range but i need to get it to 70 as quickly as possible cause i am trying to train slayer, i have got slayer to almost 55 but i am now getting to the popint where it is impossible without good dhide defence so i need to get black.


    At the moment i am just linvinh in pest control and using that, is this time efficient or would i be better off going elsewhere to train, any advice would be greatfully appreciated.




    P.S. preferably something that drops something half decent.

  3. the only thing you need for demon is protect magic prayer and prayer pots, along with bow and arrows.




    It is so easy its unreal, put your prayer on before you tele in, soon as you get there go through chat then run east ( around the centre peice ) and go over the bridge, then just stand there and range him for as long as it takes, he can only hit you with mage if you stay over bridge, keep an eye on your prayer because he will hit you for 32 and quickly.




    I was quite dissapointed with this demon after the quest being what i found one of the hardest ive done.

  4. Shouldnt take any longer than 1.5 hours, i was on world 9 last night and its the fastest i have ever got tickets, i got 58 tickets in not much more then 30 mins, it was insane, i think i was lowest lvl there at 87 and i felt like i a right noob to the point that i had to fight monsters and not attack portals if i wanted to make 50 zeal cause the rounds were lasting about a minute, this would probably have something to do with zezima and all his fanboys being on there though probably, ( poor guy so many people chasing him round i would have quit by now ), and then again you could jump on a server and its full of lvl 50/60 and you know straight away that you could spend the next 12 hrs at pc and not get a ticket.




    I generally walk to the end of the pier and count the lvl 100+ and if theres less than 3 100+ and 5, 90+ i just go to another world and continue to do so untill i find a decent world.

  5. lol 16 too old to play, that is insane.




    I am 30, married with 2 children and i play rs and im loving it, i am part of multi-gaming clan UKEG and we have been around since early 2001 and each of our members are over 21 years old with the oldest being odge at 54. We will not even accept new members unless they are over 18 as most are immature ( i did say most and not all ).


    End of the day what the kids have to realise is that the older people have more time on thier hands, we do not have exams to study for etc etc.


    I am also glad i play the game because i see what is siad on servers and its this reason i do not even allow my youngest child to play online games, due to the foul language and inuendo used my some without regard for younger players, i do let my oldest lad play the game who is 12 but even then i make him turn off all chat, which means he cant have friends, harsh i know but i have been gaming long enough to know that kids find a way around filters so untill jagex fix that things remain as they are.


    So maybe the question should actually be.




    Not are you too old to be playing but are you too YOUNG, in my opinion any child under the age of say 14/15 playing an online game and interacting with other people that could be anyone for all they know, should not be playing unless supervised at all times by a parent/adult.


    And if you are then either your parents are naive or irresponsible.

  6. yeah blades right the sockets have changed enormously since early pentiums up to present date.




    To be honest mate for the hassle and cost you are going to incur in upgrading this machine, my advice to you would be to scrap it and get a new machine.




    This may sound silly to you but if you browse through ebay you can pick up very decent machines for the cost that you would have incured for an upgrade anyway so why not get a whole new machine.


    You will only need the box as i assume you already have a keyboard and mouse or you wouldnt have been able to post here, ;)




    Have a look at http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/INTEL-PENTIUM-DUAL-CORE-5-3GHZ-DVDRW-80GB-512MB_W0QQitemZ8832113683QQihZ005QQcategoryZ179QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem its not the best video card option but it will eat what you want it for.


    And at ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã240 its going to probably work out cheaper than an upgrade.

  7. judging by the spec in the original post in this thread, please be very carefull of what components you put into this machine, i have noticed a few suggestions here that will certainly not work in your machine.


    I am assuming this is quite an old machine due to the processor video card and ram you have, in which case the motherboard will almost certainly be quite old.


    New modern video cards (fx series and xt) will need a minimum of 450w psu`s and i also doubt you have this, and you really need to check your ram before you buy any, and also regarding the processor, i have seen some here advising you to get an amd processor, man these people should think first.


    You have an intel cpu at present and intel and amd use different slot designs yeah, meaning an amd will not fit on a pentium based board.


    Be very carefull what you are doing mate before you start going to buy things.

  8. I started giving out any stuff i didnt need to newer players to the point of giving away full addys, addy picks and hatchets, basically anything under rune.


    But i have had to stop this due to the amount of constant spam i get in my private, saying "hey remember me, you got any more free stuff" yada yada yada, the minority will always spoil it for the majority.


    I now only tend to speak to the people that i met at the start of my time in rs, and generally to higher lvl players than me that i have asked to help me with something.

  9. In all honesty, i would look for a mod and talk to him about it privatley,i know this may sound boring but that is what i would probably do.


    After i done that i would probably just go and hit a couple of people just the one time to freak them out a bit but there is no way i would intentionally kill anyone or take any of thier stuff.

  10. I'd say around 1k if you are lucky to find someone that sells. Howver, I'll make you one for free if you wanted. Just Pm me in game to take it. (A lamber)


    Nah, thank you. I wanted to make my own and sell them to make money. But i see this won't bring me the money i need.. Thank you anyway! :P




    If your a low lvl mate then my advice to you is to go and do bow strings.

  11. Nah i dont really need the money mate and i never try and sell stuff anyway unless im desperate for cash, its just that i was told that when rs2 came about that in the beginning they were hard to get hold of so people paid over the odds for them, i was just wondering if that was still the case, i didnt think it would be but no harm in asking.


    I will just leave them sit in my bank i guess.

  12. 168 iron dragon from her was bad enough to lose faith in her for me for a while :P




    just keep at a slayer master, if you can get by burthorping 10 assignments, you have the patience for slayer now




    ouch, that would be it for me i would have to give up.




    On that note, what can i do if i get a slayer task that i just cannot do,is tere a w3ay i can dump the task and get another.

  13. Ok cheers mate i guess i wll just stay there for a while then, and count yourself lucky you havent got killers yet mate, they are a terrible pain to kill they hit fast and hard for something of such a low lvl.


    I was with a lvl 94 yesterday that had the same quest and he was getting annoyed at them too,unless you can wear good d range armour your going to use soo much food its unreal.


    Its not even like i dont hit hard enough, im hitting 23s with d baxe which imo should be sufficiant but they just hit so fast with both range and melle.






    aaaaarrrrrrrggggggg im losing the will to live. :cry:

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