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    Probably Slaying for Pker Dude Jr
  1. Ugly Kids< Pretty kids Beauty is a curse on the world. It creates social rifts between those that are not ascetically pleasing.
  2. Is that like.... Government-created nano robot mind controlling device?
  3. I am applying for a distinct program in my High School and it requires a two page essay. It is due tomorrow and I need ideas for the topic. "The effect of technology on our lives in the next ten years" I really need help with ideas on what I could write this on, please help.
  4. They tlaked about Dvd Shrink but i checked out dvd shrink and it shrinks but you need another program to copy, am i right?
  5. I have some DVD movies: Gladiator, Godfather, Scarface, and many others that are not in very good condition. I paid for these movies straight up and I have a Panasonic DVD Ram/R on my computer and I want to know.... The exact program I need to be able to shrink my Dvd so it wil fit on Dvd-R and then copy it onto a DVD-R. I want to backup my movies....no piracy. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -Tetris
  6. Go to the actually Lavasoft site. Download it from Lavasoft itself.
  7. Lol, why do your parents care if you see the occasional bad ad on Runescape. Or do you play it too much? Just turn the proxy off.
  8. Umm can any of you like send me them? Or something.... I dunno what to do
  9. This is really odd, I downloaded SP2 and I don't have calculator or paint on my computer lol.... I thought those came with windows lol? How do I get them back?
  10. Someone posted on TR boards I think it was the exact steps to speeding up Firefox and people were saying it doubled the speeds.... I just got it downloaded and am extremely discouraged due its slow moving. ...I have a 3.8 ghz processer ith 2 gig of ram and when I use Firefox the speeds are equal to my odl 1,8 ghz processor... PLEASE POST THAT STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS.
  11. Ok, you have to use this guide. 1. Turn on your Xbox 2. Access Xbox Live 3. Run around your house thrice 4. Pinch your nipples 5. Lick the TV screen 6. Go to "Account Management" 7. Delete Membership 8. Repeat Steps 3-5
  12. You'll find that having to rebuild your PC due to exploits utilising the vulnerabilities in SP1 will slow you own considerably more ;) Grr, Grin King broke me down and made me get SP2. Gring King> Tetrisgod Owned :P Big Huge Thanks to: Grin King and Cameron
  13. I built the computer and I have misplaced the CD (funny how it is the only one i misplaced and it is the only one not working). Anyway, I used the autodetecter from the Creative site, so they shoul dbe the right ones. And these speakers were working 2 hour sago (before the reformat).
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