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Posts posted by UnderOath13

  1. Untitled-1.jpg




    ^ this is me trying to help out Bootyhairyay to get his d wc axe... but secretly ... Jagex droping 1.7m randomly?!??!




    Unfortunatly, booty likes to look at other windows when he is wcin so the fellow in the sara blessed d'hide, ran all the way around the trees to get it before Bill, who was standing right next to it.




    Things happen I suppose :-k








    That could of bought me a Black Cav. :(

  2. [hide=Story of this Blog]


    Heres how it goes, when I was pretty new to members I decided to get lots of money by fishing lobsters. While reading these forums a random attacked me and I died. I lost everything and went back to see if any nice people would give me my stuff back. And you guessed it, no one did... Booty had picked up all my stuff and wouldn't give back for free, so I had to give him all of my lobsters for everything back. Wasn't happiest person in the world with him as you can guess. Well, I continued to fish and he was always there reminding me not to die to a random. -.- After a while of this we finally decided to add each other and became very good friends. We are separated by over 100 levels but we have very similar goals, so we decided to start this blog to see who could get these goals first. Hope you like it.[/hide]




    [hide=The Goals]


    The goals that we will be competing against each other for will take a lot of time but it will definitely keep us busy.




    99 Goals


    - Woodcutting


    - Fishing


    - Cooking


    I am sure there will be more when these are achieved.



    Other Goals


    All Non Combats to 70+






    Now that you know the story and goals lets get to the blogs shall we? I will be having my blog on this post and Booty will have his on the post just below. Enjoy! :mrgreen:






    Welcome to Under Oath13's Blog!




    About Me:


    Many of you may know me as I have been a part of these forums for a while and have had a few blogs you may have posted on. I am a 16 year old highschool student, I play varsity football for my school when I am not playing Runescape. I have a girlfriend that I have been with for over a year and I love her to death and talk to her almost all the time (Booty can tell you that). So yea, not too much more, if you want to know more you can add me, Private is always on.




    Beginning Stats:






    Current Stats:











    [hide=Current Goal]


    99 Woodcutting




    I will be doing this in two stages. During stage 1 I will cut willows to level 90. Stage 2 will be Yews to 99. Easy enough to get. When I get bored I will most likely go train a few random skills just so I dont die of boredom.














    September 7, 2007


    XP Started With: 2,314,393


    XP Ended With:














    [hide=Level Up Pics]


    81 Woodcutting






    82 Woodcutting






    83 Woodcutting






    84 Woodcutting






    85 Woodcutting








    [hide=Bank Pic]


    Not the greatest, but its something.


























    [hide=Nest Count]


    Number of Nests: Will check at next bank trip




    Seeds: Not opening nests for a while




    Check Back Soon!








    Thank you so much Bill!








    [hide=Special Thanks]


    I would like to thank




    Bootyhairyay ~ For being an amazing friend. My best friend in RS and just about a good a friend in RL. Can't tell you how grateful I am to have died that day and had this neeb take my stuffs. He is teh ownage! <3:



    Ice and Spec ~ For being a good friend and having the most support for this blog. Everytime this blog isnt on page one this guy always posts and has something to tell us to keep us going. Thanks!






    Thanks for reading everyone! I hope that this blog stays for a long time and keeps all you blogscapers entertained. It will be a long journey but with all your support all of our goals will be achievable! Thanks again!

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