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Posts posted by XdomX


    If I'm a legal representative of Coke, and I pay Jagex 1 million dollars a month, to sell coke potions in all of their general stores (heals 12 hp, heals 6 prayer, costs 30 gp) ... that is perfectly legal.








    If, as a player, I go online and spam the words: "Drink Coke. It's yummy!", that is not legal, and I could be banned.
















    theoretically, you could be banned, but it's a little rediculous... :-k








    but good description, that and adverts is what it is talking about.












    aGex.com/corprate/index.ws wrote:




    Jagex will also consider proposals that go beyond-the-banner for larger organisations looking to establish high recognition rates with our audience profile. Sponsorship and in game advertising offer exciting and cost effective ways to reach our audience with positive association of the RuneScape brand.












    That advert is a banner...



    Animals that are getting killed for food legaly you might aswel use ther fur or skin, but you cant kill animals just for there fur or skin.








    ~Dark~ :twisted:








    Well why not?








    They may be a lower rank than humans but there stil living things and most clothing is made out of cotton and fabrics why cant we wear clothing made out of this.








    ~Dark~ :twisted:








    This thread makes me want to go out and kill multiple tigers just for the hell of it. Not just kill, painfully torture. I would first cut off all the limbs, then beat the tiger to death with them, just because of this thread.


    Legends Of Overall Stats


    Tiwi, L6vi, Zaptone Z, Ashley, Alchemon, G Bub, M Oldfield, Bluerose13x, Tks, Pugxsi, Lightning, Hiana, Doublebubble, Dirtydevil, Sandytrain, Sunjon, Phillip, Stud690, Numb22, Gugge, Thereturnofx, Haxx0r Maxx, Mj, Wapiti, Viikate, Arsenes, Arsefrommars, Sir Beachy, Rush Wind, Mysticsmagic, Joe1002




    Legends Of Combat


    Alchemon, Sandytrain, Hurkules, Zonghui, Muhahahahaha, Washi Rfd, Darkprince, Phillip, Dirtydevil, Who Da Best, Lady Lynda, Robin Hood2, Almedin3, Ashley, Azot, Dmxkobe8, Gregechidna6, Equalizer T, The Great E, Eva 02, S A X, Gearshifter, Galaxyg, Lightning, Mooncricket, Sir Beachy, Terminator, Wickedwayz, Erixson, Fist Of God, Sir Elliott, Pycckuu Bouh, Ladykilljoy, Datrupimp, Trupimp, L6vi, Tiwi, Ericd16, Mj, Babyluv, Buffyslayer, Lando, Zaptone Z, Roaddogg, Haxx0r Maxx, Sunjon, Magna, Stud690, Jb, Yedija, Polomeros, Red1010, Nock, Trixstar, N15n, Swan Love, Oppai, Doublebubble, Russ An, Needamaid, Thedealer, Yrret 5, Bigkingsfan, Dakiller, The Good 1, Thesimpsons, Spockrock, Max333, Daniel Ruels, Bdvo89, Xzzibit, Crovax, Methattron2, Ssj4, ***edyomomm, Drakkus, Sexy Razor, D E A D L Y, Gugge, Coolerkiller, Pink Lady, Undrtakr1, Zarium, Xxpr0xx, Steveat711sd, Mysticsmagic, Joe1002




    Legends Of Range


    Kobiianardo, Robin Hood2, Phillip, Flat, Theboss123, Thedealer, Dirtydevil, Stinger X12, Travis23, Autokill, Graffixetet, Fightin Dog, Archer Might, Freestone, Aynard, Bttrflii, Dravenstormn, Kngpin, Ichi, Dw Marco, Dw Buddha, Archer Speed, Killa Priest, Littletn, Judist, N15n, Ethyrial, Theboss, Crushed, Matt49, Moss Johnsun, 6shooter, Blix666, Broken646, Jayded Eyes, Alchemon, Thehate, Sue Me, Buffyslayer, G Bub, Haxx0r Maxx




    Legends Of Wizardry


    Fist Of God, Bluerose13x, Gormis, Iampenguin, Mystic Kila, Zaptone Z, Sunjon, Ashley, Mysticsmagic, Tiwi, Lady Lynda, Lando, Zonghui, Muhahahahaha, Azot, Pycckuu Bouh, Tks, Viikate, Oppai, L6vi, Tram, Steveat711sd, Swan Love, Destroy U, Mtw700, Ezarc, Skone751, Chris Boyd3, Kunibert, Lotta Might, Puffffin, G Bub, M Oldfield, Ganelon2, Stud690, The Good 1, Alchemon, Moonmage, Sandytrain, Aguilaus22, Dmxkobe8, Simskiller, Lightning, Almedin3




    Legends Of Prayer


    Yedija, Gearshifter, Muhahahahaha, Lady Lynda, Gogeta, Sandytrain, Wickedwayz, Eminem2001, Talamarimage, Queendemoni, Dirtydevil, Bytesmee, Pink Lady, Zaptone Z, Ashley, L6vi, Azot, Dakiller, Haxx0r Maxx




    Legends Of Cooking


    Arsefrommars, Archstanton, Zonghui, Shaolincook, Bl Nd3d, Red1010, Tks, Wapiti, Kitsu Joe, Akraen, Pizza B0y, Unknown Boy, Sander, S1acker, 2 X Treme, G Bub, Pycckuu Bouh, Muhahaha, Lightning, Vii Edea, 0wn3d, Matthieu, L6vi, Babym39, Dirtydevil, S O B Bspace, Who Da Best, Zezima, Sandytrain, Sir Elliott, Wethebest




    Legends Of Woodcutting


    Everdred, Eldgar, Magrathea, Zaptone Z, Brolli, M Oldfield, Arsefrommars, Rubbermaid, Chromex, Cowchicken, Thehate, Blitz Kreig, L6vi, Rattsabre, Rush Wind, Thereturnofx, Dragoon 707




    Legends Of Firemaking


    Magrathea, Zaptone Z, Arsefrommars, M Oldfield, Tiwi, Everdred, Thereturnofx, L6vi, Rush Wind, Doublebubble, G Bub, Sandytrain, Phillip, Ashley, Cowchicken, Dragoon 707




    Legends Of Fishing


    Tks, Wapiti, I Zepher I, Shaolincook, Akraen, L6vi, Red1010, Wethebest, Matthieu, 0wn3d, Bl Nd3d, Big Kuku, D Manil, Virx17, Kitsu Joe, Q Xoz, Arsefrommars, Thesimpsons, 2 X Treme, Couga, Sandokan, Babym39




    Legends Of Crafting


    Hiana, Lt Angel, Goneril, Zero Star, Xxcavalierxx, Bluerose13x, I Godddess I, Pink Lady, H Bar, Writh, Sunjon, Mysticsmagic, Avd, Ascherb, Lil Might, Polgara, Angelwrath, Rainbow247, Wedger, Slysteeler, Everdred




    Legends Of Smithing


    Bluerose13x, Krest, Gormis, Iampenguin, Lostwind, M Oldfield, Ezarc, D Rad, Red Lock, Musashi22, Fat Trader, Ghettomasta, Fogies11, Hiana, Arris, Cedog, Zweihander, Euklid, Zezima, Lotta Might, Tuntun1, Skon751, Twy, Cwc Zephir1, Sinai, Geliloth, Pocketfluff, Swordsmen




    Legends Of Mining


    Ezarc, Gormis, Kibble, Lotta Might, Iampenguin, Viikate, Writh, Cedog, S H A R K, Euklid, M Oldfield, Glove, Twy, Wes Dh, Fogies11, Waltteri, Fat Trader, Zweihander, Sinai, Ghettomasta, Lostwind, D Rad, Geliloth, Krest, Elmasmalo, Silencrx, Pocketfluff, Swordsmen, Hiana, Spockrock




    Legends Of Herblaw


    Moonmage, Bluerose13x, Toxa007, Wedger, Shacoya, Halw Gnun, Lord Cky




    Legends Of Thieving


    Swedemike, Thehate, Matthieu, Shadowbeast2, Duck Man, 280zx, Tazsteven, Shorty 2001, Lonekeeper, Teagirl5




    Legends Of Fletching


    Lightning, Blitz Kreig, Chilipeppers, Scarletstar, Moridin, Pker Dude Jr, King Orion 2, Ntucke99




    Legends Of Agility


    Thehate, Mad Max 87, Phoenixuk, Duece Winsor, Dakini Sword








    Legends Of RuneScape's Birth


    Caramon, Visolela, Hitman X, Silverion, Eternal Adam, Joe Jenninz, Salem, Blaze mace, Jerico, Oldmanschild, Dmonik, Starlude, Doc Iron 9, Rodrigo, Merlin/Ace2You, R2keen2, Great Vegeta, Esq, Militant, King Sabre, Uk Sabre, Sodevilish, Wasssupp, Rab, Ice Sabre, Sun Sabre, Messiah 10, Wolf, Ironbear09, Lyssa, Kristoffs, Da Sinner, Agassi, Mitchell, Jamk911, Slayer25, Adam4life, Poope, Lyte, Kewldewdm, Dmonik




    Legends Of PKing From 2001-2002


    **In no particular order!


    1. Russ An - First to PK Zonghui officially 1v1 in wild, Amazing PKing speed


    2. Danny1880 - One of the most deadliest PKers ever to exist. Considered the Pioneer of RS catching


    3. Angel2002/I Wicked I - The most controversial PKer during his time. Lifeless catching... lifeless luck


    4. Zar Family 2 - One of the scariest pkers during his time. Not good to be caught by him and his team.


    5. Robin Hood2 - The Legend of non-wild PKing.


    6. Bs Arkan - The 2nd highest lvl pure during his time and posessed 1337 catching skills.


    7. Max333 - One of the most skilful PKers of all time... since 2001 to 2003.


    8. Paki4ever/The Lapper/Kingpin - One of the earliest pioneer of pures.


    9. Polomeros - Insane high lvl PKer... crazy stats with crazy dmg


    10. Who Da Best - A Legendary PKer during his time.


    11. Dmxkobe8 - Considerably the pioneer of Magic-PK.. high lvl and extremely skilful.


    12. Gregechidna6 - 3rd person to reach 99hp legit. Super high lvl and not to be messed with.


    13. Masterlance - A controversial PKer during his time, 1337 PKing skills with mad *** stats.

  4. Ok, so my account was hacked and banned for using an auto program(which I never used, the hacker did).




    I have the char back, but The hacker used my appeal and now I just get an automatic No from jagex.




    What do I do?

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