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Posts posted by Freesia





    Until Ret pallys get nurfed, they are byfar the best pvp class right now. Locks are getting nurfed yes, but catch a rogue out of stealth and he's an easy target...if you know what youre doing.




    Any other mage in here loving the new arcane tree?


    I do like the new arcane tree, not for PvP, but it is still awesome in PvE (though DPS is fairly low compared to other trees), I liked:




    -97 Resist to all schools (Magic absorption + the talent that increases resisitances by Mage armour): This one owns, I went to a few places that hit fairly high on magic, I had once got a Netherbreath off Netherspite and saw stuff like "Netherbreath hits for 2k something (2k ish resisted), and MurMur's Sonicboom (H SLabs) hitted me for 4k out of 7.5k.


    - Arcane Meditation + Mage Armour glyph: 200mp5 anyone?


    - Slow + ABr kite: Makes a lot of elites soloable compared to r1 FB kiting pre 3.0


    - Instant Invis: Saves quite a lot of gold repairing when it saves you where you could have otherwise died for some reasons. Also a useful tool to assist in wipe recovery.





    Don't even bother attempting to max out your gear right now. You have less then two weeks till WotLK, and most gear will probably be replaced at 80. And as Nadril said, they are making it so you can do all raids in 10 or 25 man (and i am pretty sure there is no gear difference between the two), so you will be able to do the 10 mans.


    Well TBC gear will still help you in levelling, so they are not entirely useless, I think T5+ gear should be able to last you till 75+ or later before it gets replaced by greens/blues at that level. 25 man raids give "significantly" better loot than 10 man raids in WotLK btw.

  2. Ambassador titles are somewhat easier to get now one of the minimap functions allow you to detect low level quest givers on the map (the same dropdown list containing track humanoids abilities etc), making questing for rep in starting areas (mulgore, echo isles) made MUCH more easier. I still feel that low level questing is faster for rep compared to farming/buying runecloth for the repeatable Cloth quartermaster quest. Good luck for one though.




    Anyway I hope that Blizz better not nerf mages because of stupid pvp reasons again. Arcane mages seems pretty behind frost and fire for PvE, it's likely a nerf to ABr is going to push dps down even more.






    People keep saying "Slayer is great, you get drops, exp and you get slayer lvls!". You will get exp and drop from just about any monster, nothing special in that. And slayer lvls aren't useful anymore with the low price of whips/dbows/dboots.


    Sure prices are fairly low, but still I accumulated a decent amount of such drops worth about 30m+ total when I did 83-99 Slayer plus around few m worth of coins and alchs.





    Any skill in runescape can be afk'd. Remember how I got 99 runecrafting and how I did 95-99 rc through the abyss? Well I managed to watch ... Done ... while fishing for sharks. I watched 2 seasons of Ikkitousen while alching yew longs. Finally, I watched ... whilst I worked on slayer. That's right, slayer is afk-able as well and if you ask me, it's pretty damn easy to afk.




    Honestly I don't think it's a bad thing for a skill to be afk-able. It shows you can multitask (just like girls ::' ) and in many cases it can be pretty impressive if you're doing a skill like rcing.


    Not meant to criticise or anything, but I don't find the point of playing a game if you just want to.. well afk it.

  4. It doesn't look like this argument is going to get anywhere, but I'm just gonna post my own opinion here.




    Exp: I won't try to argue that slayer is going to beat zombie monkeys in exp for the fact the combat boost results from black mask and salve amulet evens to be the same, the only difference being the time to run to task spot results in zombie monkeys obviously winning in melee exp rate.




    Charms: I'm not exactly sure why people have this mentality that only crims should be used for summoning. No doubt it's the most abundant charm is terms of exp/h, but greens and blues aren't that bad either, same with gold (which has low gp/exp rates).




    Efficiency: To find an approximate profit/hr for slayer is going to be incredibly hard, in addition to those money worthy drops like whips, d boots and the variety of tasks, you can reap in a lot of small money from coin drops, herbs, alching small drops, all those not so significant money can still accumulate to a high value of profit.




    Same thing with the exp/hr. You can get a few combat exp in not just melee, range and summoning exp here and there with slayer (cannon, melee, charm drops in summoning) and it always varies, then you have to count the cashflow in and out from all that, which adds up to be a very complicated process, hence makes your figures hardly ever convincing to the arguing party on the other side. I doubt even the number 1 slayer can give you a nice figure on the average exp/hr for combat/range/summoning exp seperately per hour.




    [hide=]I am a Fan of slayer, I'm not going to judge whether it rocks or blows, but I set my reasons for training it clear from the start and stuck to it:




    -I was aiming for 2376 total eventually.


    -I needed money to train money-draining skills (construction/prayer/crafting etc).


    -I feel that summoning training through rocks lobs is too expensive and troublesome for my playing habits as well as considering 2nd point.


    -I needed a way to train range for max combat (for reasons see point below).


    -I hate repetitive monster killing (which rules out camping as my preference for combat training)


    -I hate semi-afking playing RS (no point playing a game if you play it to afk?)


    -I was sick of being a burden to my high slayer friends in getting kc for sara gwd.


    -I wanted a way to train combat that conviniently lets me do herb runs for farming without too much trouble.


    -Slayer is one of the 24 99s for 2376.




    All those reasons point me to training slayer, though I wasn't too concerned about profit, I underestimated it based from numbers because I left out the small drops over the months which then accumulated to large pool of gp in addition to my slayer drops.




    I won't deny it took such a long time, but I fulfilled all my goals/reasons in point form above on the day I got 99 slayer and summ at the same time, also providing me the most fun I've had in my rs career before I retired.[/hide]




    If you read the hide tab, the point I was trying to get across is that many people can train skills for many different reasons, including even personal preferences. There is no exact "best" way to train a skill, and there is so many ways to train. I chose slayer for my reasons, you chose zombie monkeys for your reasons, both sides don't really have a right to point out "Hey, you doing it the wrong way".. "my way is better than yours because of xxx!".

  5. Looks quite good, but the low requirement is kinda dissapointing :-#


    I suppose 91 runecrafting could then make a better requirement. Just kidding.




    What really disappointed me was that after so long (years) they have FINALLY added to payable option to calquat, crippling a critical use of the nature amulet (use it on vine/last herb visited instead), but at the same time it is awesome beyond description.

  6. I'll have to disagree with some of your points.



    melee: the maximum hit of normal equipment with salve (e), sup str, piety and AGS spec is 83


    Using void melee, your max hit is 80. There is an obvious dip in damage for selecting, what, +10%? I'm not sacrificing 250 defense just for +10% accuracy...



    Use of salve(e) is quite limited it should not be presented as a argument at all. For sure Black masks and Salve overpower void knight melee, you can't use it for every single monster. Many people wear void knight melee for the accuracy it gives (normal armour does not provide any) which can make quite a difference even its just "10%", and when they are barely taking any damage at all or magic damage.





    magic: possibly the most useful of the three. It gives a +30% in magic accuracy (I believe it outperforms ahrim's in this department). But because of the defense, it is still not a viable option when compared to Ahrims.



    It is not very tactical to mage WITHOUT a safespot, so if you do use a safespot, maging with 0 or 322 def makes no difference. I have no knowledge about the increase of magic accuracy, so I wouldn't talk about that.





    range: +10% ranged accuracy and damage. Except for high damage special attacks, like dark bow spec and rune bolts (and for anti mage with the seercull spec), there is no point in using this armor over blk dragonhide. Hitting an 80 + 10% is one thing, but hitting a 12 + 10% is another...And the accuracy only barely makes up for the massive drop in ranged attack. And since blk dhdie is easy to obtain and gives much better ranged and melee defenses, it is better for pvp (unless you're using ice barrage, but then they could range too...)



    Ah yes, the misleading 10%, yet not true. At a base hit of 14 normally, I could hit 17 with void, that's at least 25% increase. The main range bonus comes from the weapon, which is why people still can range effective in tank, even full torags. Also, it has been proven time and again that void range exceeds armadyl in terms of exp/hr for some training methods (even chinning). Comparison of stats between both is insignificant since the difference is only single digit bonuses. In PvM defence is not important since you will be safespot ranging.

  7. I found range a pretty slow method of doing the task as maxed out cb, so I'm only going to talk about melee.




    The breath hits like KBD's, which magic defence does nothing does nothing to mitigate the hit, which means it does nothing at all, so don't wear karils to wyverns or KBD at all. Your next best setup is just plain best melee/range def tanking all their attacks, with a DFS. Otherwise would be proselyte v skirt melee pray without.




    There are actually two kinds of skeletal wyverns, the lvl 158 with 210hp, and lvl 140s with 200hp which are deeper in the lair. I can't seem to spot any difference in max hits, but due to level differences I prefer to do the lvl 140s. It's hard to notice these until you are about 133 cmb. :lol:

  8. Disconnecting 20+ times a day which is happening at the moment (no it's not my computer #-o ) as a last resort i'm getting my bro to defrag the computer when he has time, if that doesn't work then i'm quitting :cry:




    I don't see how defragmenting is gonna solve your problem, unless you have some lag issues.


    I'll doubt defragmenting even does anything to help RS, since RS doesn't involve your harddisk at all.




    OT: When a better game interests me more than RS, in terms of game mechanics complexity, all those stuff, hehe.

  9. The only reason I would only use a godsword is just a hit which is the spec, otherwise whip beats it in almost every aspect which Full V makes up for whip inability to hit extreme high def monsters.




    Surely SGS spec would fit the criteria best because most of the combat is done against low lvl monsters, hence inevitably making SGS the best in most of the time you do combat. Yet sometimes I don't really need the heal from SGS spec so AGS spec might be better in certain situations. Every GS spec serves a different purpose, for different environment, different advantages in different circumstances. Since I'm not restricted to only having to choose a GS spec (you didn't specify that!), I would choose all. :mrgreen:

  10. but I'm here to be exposed to different ideas and to also return the favor. What's the point of coming here at all if you are closed-minded - to show everyone else that you are right? Why?


    I'm with this one, just that TIF *can't* accept new ideas from old ideas. When you post a thread about doing x better/more efficiently, you can get mixed responses of "oh didn't know that", [insert suggestion here] or they will continue to post their opinions on how the old way is better, which clearly isn't (if it is you wouldn't suggest a better) while ignoring all counter arguments you made to prove your point. From there usually escalates to a flame war by the original poster(OP) to the "must-stick-to-old-way" TIF because the OP is simply tired to keep posting his point to get ignored.




    At least that's my opinion and my experience, which simply makes me give up TIF. Something is just wrong with TIF I can't simply put into words, I don't think what highlanders said fits my thoughts exact;y, but he pointed out part of it. The above example was kind of like a way to point out another bad thing of TIF.

  11. Wow, left for days and this happens. This is the reason why I disliked all public clan chats now, and quitted bsc weeks ago. I hope you have a better time outside of RS. Of course, I'll take this chance to warn all clan chat users that saying things in a public clan chat is no different from saying it to the public chat.




    Sorry for your loss, Lep.

  12. Not competing with hohto anyway, but just posted because I felt it was worth a thread.




    Long ago, I developed interest in the row 7 skills of rc slayer and farm. I raised them each seperately and farm together till a stage which I decided I wanted 99 rc slay and farm at about 91 rc and 60+ slayer. Subsequently I achieved 99 rc, shortly before 99 farm and went on till today which I got 99 slay:






    Of course the very benefit of slayer allowing you to train multiple skills with it also contributed to this very 99:






    [hide=proving that slayer is a great source of summoning exp (you may disregard this section if you have 99 slayer and not 99 summ)]While I have this thread up, I'll just like to address my concerns of how almost everyone thinks waterfiends/lobs are the only way to train summoning, which is very wrong. This will be quite a long read so try to keep to it. Many of my friends or the community left me disappointed when they do not believe that slayer is awesome way to train before you have 99 slayer. Slayer isn't a skill everyone uses combat training for, but I'm just gonna say my piece.




    First of all, because 99 slayer does not gurantee you 99 summoning, I admit i bursted a total of about 2.5m summ exp. Discarding all other small summoning exp gains without, I'll have about 10.7m summoning exp gained solely just slaying. It's hard to prove with words, so I'll use exp instead.




    Lobs- I had 99 magic at way before summoning, before summoning came out [pic]:




    Noting the interface, it is a rather old picture. I went on to get 14.3m magic exp just normal monster hunting. Now i have 17.6m magic exp from barraging, did sole magic exp therefore about 3.3m magic exp from the whole thing alone. You get about 300 exp per barrage which equates to 11k barrages, yielding about 3850-4k crims in wolpertingers, about 2.3m summ exp total counting exp from other charms. the other 200k exp came from 500 crims in swamp titans.




    Waterfiends- Refering to the 99 magic level up picture, I had pretty low combat stats at 65 slayer (460k ish exp) or so, now at 99 slayer, I should have gained about 50.4m combat exp from the whole thing. I range and cannon tasks so I'll assume about 90% of the slayer is meleed, which is approximately 45.6m exp, distributed as 15.2m combat exp each in melees. Add those to the my melees at time of 99 magic plus a few balancing here and there, you get about the current melees i have atm: which is attack str def at 16.7, 17.1, 16.8, hence proving I couldn't have camped waterfiends majorly because I would have a lot more combat exp than from slaying alone.




    Ultimately proving more than 3/4 of 99 summ is acquired from 65-99 slayer alone. If you are in a similar situation like mine, the above should prove that camping waterfiends or bursting lobs are uneeded for most of 99 summ for you in the long term. All in all you are not spending any time getting charms because those can be counted as time you spent training slayer.[/hide]






    Myself for all the slaying


    All friends who supported me through the cause


    All the people who gave better info on slaying for better exp/hr.




    I'll prefer if you don't ask what 99 I will get next, thanks :P




    Erad out.

  13. Since this thread is already here, I might as well say about something about the fishing table and cooking table about the fish karambwan.




    It should be noted, the "styles" of cooking it result in different cooking exp gained, the 80 exp listed in the fishing table for cooking poorly, while you get 190 cooking exp for cooking nicely. Since anyone rarely cooks karambwan poorly if they knew how to cook it properly, I would suggest indicating the 2 different exp gains for the 2 different styles.












    [pokemama edit: you surprised me because I was sure this info is in the cooking guide. So I checked, and it is, in both the main guide and the 2nd page Cooking Table.




    However, you are correct that it does not appear in the Fishing Table, which shows it healing 18 but getting only 80 xp. It is EITHER level 1 or level 30 cooking, and it does either 5 damage or heals 18, and earns either 80xp or 190xp, depending on the method. I honestly have never seen anyone fishing karambwan for the xp nor cooking them for any reason other than making poison, but that's just me.




    I tried to put both into the Fishing Table, but the ways I tested just messed up the table without adding insight for the user. Maybe someone else on the Crew will get a better idea.]

  14. Eeeh... I wouldn't do that because a) I tend to hit a LOT of 50+ when I spec demons and dogs, and B) If you did get an unlucky fire hit, it would defeat the whole point of specing.




    Also, mage prayer doesn't work on metal dragon breath (or the kbd).


    Fair enough, almost half the time I got "fired" with antifire the breath hitted 0 anyway. Only once it was a coincidence I got hitted 44 by breath xD. Great guide, not applicable for me since I got yak. ::'

  15. Highlighting the hobgoblin mine wasn't bad but I'm just gonna comment about the KBD part. Considering how close kbd lair is to the lvl 44 obelisk, you are better off using a bob + healing for kbd instead of a familiar that saves you seconds-minutes of travelling convinience but actually doesn't really do anything in the lair.
    Take 2 pouches with you! one to tele and one to help you fighting the King black Dragon!


    What? BOB doesn't come full with sharks when you summoned it after lava titan :?

  16. Highlighting the hobgoblin mine wasn't bad but I'm just gonna comment about the KBD part. Considering how close kbd lair is to the lvl 44 obelisk, you are better off using a bob + healing for kbd instead of a familiar that saves you seconds-minutes of travelling convinience but actually doesn't really do anything in the lair.

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