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Posts posted by Adr1an

  1. I was thinking the other day. Why not instead of points system make it like a knock out rank. I don't know how its called but for example:


    Rank #4 declares Rank #1. Rank #4 wins and they get rank #1 while Rank #1 is down to Rank #4. To me it seems to be more competition :S

    That is somewhat how RAW used to be and it wouldnt work. That only works for 1 style of fighting (back then it was full outs). The thing is there are so many different kinds of fights (CWA/PVP, matched/fullout, returning fights, and p2p/f2p) that system would not really work out well.


    By giving bonus points for certain things you add more those aspects. Activity will still be key but you can pick and choose.

  2. When the system is more of a hybrid to allow for both small and large clans to participate I will surely be asking multiple clan officials to come give it a try.


    It is about allowing for PVP and CWA however making pvp options better. About making sure the points system FITS the fight that is going on. There are already bonuses to having pvp fights and full outs.


    20v20 can not possibly be house rules but matched opts would be better.


    All styles being the norm will only benefit all clans because people will get used to it. Push clans to be better and more organized and not worse. Can any clan say they have become far worse for adding styles to fights?


    Rank system based on a hybrid of activity and ranking..... Make it more flowing than RAW but not to the point that its pure activity like it is now. Have it so that of course stronger clans will be higher but if they slack in fighting they can not keep it or rise. Make it so point farming bottom feeders just doesnt get you far ahead and stepping out of your comfort zone and aiming high gets you higher up!


    Take the best of all the worlds and combine it into 1.


    Clans that I would hope to come would be Solace, CR (active), TR, Forsaken, etc. Adding simply 5-10 more clans that arent necessarily at the top but are stronger can help bridge the gap to possibly asking top clans to give this a try.

  3. Crest went out looking for a quick 2 day prep. He scavenged clans who had similar memberlists to us but was getting declined. It seemed we had waited a little too long to try and get a war this week.... He then went to AK Latin and they accepted matched opts all styles. Thanks for stepping up by the way knowing we outleveled you.


    First round


    THE - 21(We cut from 24)

    AK Latin 21





    THE - 19


    All styles

    Dung off

    No sniping




    Second round was brought up because the 1st round was kinda short. Quickly set up MBR with dung on. I want to apologize for our trial member that went out of bounds. We saw that all of a sudden white dots went off the screen and immediately started to say to get back in bounds. Also we saw that AK latin were saying no sniping so if there were any members that were sniping continuously please pm me so I can make sure it doesnt happen. I know I personally went at the beginning but when it was spammed I got off.



    THE - 22 (We cut from 26)

    AK Latin - 22





    THE - 15


  4. Yeah I know that catering to just the top will not help this. It is why RAW failed.


    I believe with all the ideas that I have set forth for the changes in TWR that if all implemented it can cater to anyone. Yes the small clan could get farther ahead by warring more but also at the same time the stronger clans can as well. With a mixture of these as well as the change in how pkri points are done TWR would cover every possible aspect of warring. Heck you could even add in a bonus for p2p fights if you really want.


    It is about making TWR possible for any clan, big or small, able to prosper in TWR. Activity will still play a major part.

  5. Fasty as of right now the idea I wish to set forth is such.


    Changing reward points for PKRIs/CWRIs

    I was also suggested that we change the way points are awarded for these kind of fights.

    here is the suggestion: since PKRI wins are based on Ending Ops, thats what should be considered when giving points. Since CWRI wins are based on kills, thats what points should be based on.


    So the point addition is based on the difference.

    If in a CWRI two clans get 150 and 110 kills, the difference is 40. So the winner would get 100 points + 40, which would be the difference. The loser gets 50 - basic losing points.

    Since PvP wins are based on ops, the ops difference counts here. A difference of 30 ops would mean the winner would get 100+30, loser gets 50. Since this war is based on numbers, points could be rewarded accordingly.


    Of course the full out/matched aspect would be ending opts both pvp or cwa.


    There is already a bonus for fighting fullouts/pkri's over matched.


    There is also a bonus for fighting in pvp over cwa.

  6. Take a look at this - http://forum.tip.it/topic/270471-tipit-war-rankings/


    Currently my own clan is #1. Weird thing is we dont feel like #1.


    Tip.it needs a change. TWR needs a change. Rules should be implemented so that ranks matter. TWR should be made attractive so that more experienced clans want to join. With the return of the old wilderness on the horizon (I believe that it will happen) the CWA - era may very well come to an end.


    Many of the clans that are against the change were developed within the CWA era. They were not around for old pvp (the clans not the members). The lack of wanting to change will only put TWR into more inactivity. The War list has to be attractive so that ANY clan big or small can join. It also has to be accurate based on warring power AND activity.


    THE is not the strongest warring clan on the list. Why then are we #1. Why dont more clans fight?


    Now I have tried my hardest to actually care about TWR and help it grow. I have even done write ups on the possibilities that TWR could do what RAW never was able to do. Adjust and change based on what the majority of the clan world wants. RSC sucks ass. The mods suck. The people on it suck. Why doesnt TIP.IT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS.


    Adjust TWR rules. Ask other clans to join in. Do better than RSC. Tip.it used to be the place to go and it could be that way again.


    Over the last couple months the excuses of the CET, Winter break, etc. could be used..... what I want to know is what is the excuse now?


    Adaptation is the key to success. If tip.it and TWR do not adapt soon they will flounder and sink. Can not even deny that one.


    So for any top clans that frequent these boards what would it take for your clan to become active on tip.it?
    What would it take for your clan to join TWR?

  7. TWR stuff


    Link to the declaration: http://forum.tip.it/topic/284073-twrthe-declares-on-wg/

    Winning clan (both name + initials): THE T

    Winning clan's member-list: http://rly.cc/ml/theclan


    Losing clan (both name + initials): Wilderness Guardians WG

    Losing clan's member-list: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=wildguard


    Starting/ending ops of both clans (screenshot is valid proof): First Round

    Start - 110105163842.png

    End - 110105165002.png

    Second round

    Start - 20v20 Missed initial pic 110105165724.png

    End - 110105172410.png





    THE undead were hungry. Their appetite could only be satisfied by one thing. A nice helping of BRAINS.




    Knowing we only had a short amount of time before our hunger would consume us we set up a 24 hour prep with Wilderness Guardians. As the time got closer we assembled our warriors of the dead.




    Pulling almost equal to WG we knew this would be a good 2 rounds of matches. After both rounds had settled it was clear who the victors were.



    THE undead were stuffed after their meal and it would only be a matter of time before they feast again!




    Serious stuff


    First round started 19v19 with WG only having to cut 1




    This round's rules were as follows

    -WG Attacks

    -All Styles


    -Rings allowed

    -No corrupt

    -Classic Clan wars

    -2 man sniper cap


    End of the first round




    2nd round both sides managed to get another one on each side. So it started off 20v20 (sorry didnt get an initial starting pic)




    The rules were as follows


    -THE attacks

    -Melee+Binds Only

    -Dung ALLOWED

    -Rings allowed

    -No corrupt

    -Classic Clan wars

    -2 man sniper cap


    Ending for this





    I want to thank every THE member that made it today. I also want to thank WG for giving us an extremely clean fight. There were a couple slight bounds issues from both sides I believe but both sides gave immediate apologies. Was one of the smoothest fights in a while and WG is ALWAYS a respectable opponent. We are more than willing to fight you guys in the future should you want to both f2p or p2p as we have done with you. Once again thanks and good luck in future encounters.

  8. First I want to wish you luck in finding a clan. I am Adr1an and I am from THE clan. I actually remember warring Mori back in the day which brings back some memories haha. Anyways if you are looking for a clan that gives you a little bit of everything then THE is for you. Bossing, fun events, and a focus on warring we try to do what we can to have fun. I also see you are in college and the majority of our members are probably in the same boat as you. Being around for 11 years now we have quite a few members that have actually grown up with THE. I really think that we could be a nice fit for you so if you are interested I will post our information below. Also due to the fact we constantly have members who come out of retirement and have missed many years of the game we are pretty experienced at catching people up who haven't played the game for a while.


    Forums = www.theclanrs.com

    IRC = Seersirc.net #theclan

    Clan chat = theclan cc


    Our actual requirements to apply are as follows


    1 Reference from a FULL Member

    5 Rune sets upon application

    105+ Combat for 'Knight' (F2P)


    100+ F2P Combat with 95+ Range/Mage, 43+ Prayer and 90+ Defence



    Also in the end when it comes to being staff it will really determine on how you go about things. You will get out of THE what you put in. If you show yourself to have a knack for hosting fun events maybe Events team will be the path you decide. If you turn out to love getting people to join and be a part of the application process then it might be Recruitment team. In the end it will be on you.

    If you have any questions feel free to pm me in game or find an official within our cc or irc. Once again I wish you luck in finding a clan.

  9. Hey Hold,

    I am Adr1an leader of THE Clan. Based on what you have posted I will respond on that.


    Below are our requirements to apply which you seem to meet.

    1 Reference from a FULL Member

    5 Rune sets upon application

    105+ Combat for 'Knight' (F2P)


    100+ F2P Combat with 95+ Range/Mage, 43+ Prayer and 90+ Defence


    Our memberlist - http://rly.cc/ml/theclan


    You mention that you havent logged on in a while. Well being an older clan we have quite a few retireds that come in and out of activity based on schedules and such. Due to this we are pretty experienced in helping people get back into the swing of things when coming back to the game. We use teamspeak quite frequently and you did state you would be willing to get it so that will be great. We primarily focus on f2p but we do try to p2p pk whenever we can. Trying to also have a decent mixture of fun events and bossing, as a clan we try to provide a little bit of everything.


    Most of our events are hosted predominantly in a GMT-PST timezone but we do occasionally host events late at night. We also do not expect our members to be on 24/7 but we do expect some runescape to be played of course. We usually require around 6 events a month (its a % based system so that is the average).


    If you are interested please check out our forums at www.theclanrs.com


    Our cc = "theclan cc" and tends to stay pretty active if you want to check us out a bit.


    Anyways good luck finding a clan.

  10. Kansas+City+Chiefs+v+Oakland+Raiders+sisucBvGa3Ul.jpg

    Knights of Order gave it their all, but they couldn't knock us down. B-)




    First Round:

    -All Styles


    -Rings allowed

    -No corrupt

    -Classic Clan wars

    -2 man sniper cap

    -World will be discussed before war


    Second Round:

    -Melee+Binds Only

    -Dung ALLOWED

    -Rings allowed

    -No corrupt

    -Classic Clan wars

    -2 man sniper cap



    First round started 19 to 19.


    'THE' won with 15 remaining.





    Round two started 19 to 19 again.


    'THE' won with 11 remaining





    Well done today 'The', was a good pull and an excellent performance in both rounds. Very proud of each and every one of you, keep up the activity.


    Was a good and clean fight KO, hope to have another sometime soon.

  11. TWR is getting out of date. I tried to help by suggesting ways in which to promote activity and more medium/large clans to possibly join. However officials from clans that grew up within TWR and CWA are against these changes apparently. Old school clans will rise and probably make a smoother transition to this change as opposed to the newer clans that made their mark in the CWA era.


    If things do not change activity within tip.it will only get worse especially with old wildy coming back. The rules and the system twr has set up right now will destroy itself unless it is changed.

  12. The hitsplats can cover your lifebar. Can increase lag in p2p due to so many splats being around.


    Having looked at the gear thats effected and such this will really only have big impacts on bossing and p2p pking. Most regular npc's dont hit above a 200 nor does it really happen in f2p warring aside from cwa wars with dung. Even then thats only melee really.


    This actually makes it better to get a gravite rapier over a g2h since g2h is more likely to be soaked and rapier can hit lower but more often (being faster)

  13. Been crashed before and by reacting it makes it worse. Tbh it actually stopped when we didnt even respond in any way.


    I have yet to see ANY clan get into a crash war and come out stronger from it. In most instances pulls get worse, people leave, and then the clan has to work back up to where they were before the whole thing started. If you like doing that oh well.... you will keep doing it over and over.


    I expect RSD to take a stronghold over #1 simply because no one else will fight them cleanly should they stay out of it. They will be fine simply doing their thing while the other clans tear eachother apart.


    Its never the fault of any clan when you ask sides so it will just be fingers pointed at one another.


    Anyone ever ask a kindergarten child who started it?

  14. THE Clan is Celebrating it's 11th Birthday!

    Help us celebrate with style!

    We have scheduled 3 events for Thursday (Dec. 16th), Friday (Dec. 17th), and Saturday (Dec. 18th)



    For anyone interested in contacting us feel free to proceed to our forums (www.theclanrs.com), irc (Seersirc, #theclan), or pm Adr1an.







    'THE' 11th Birthday

    Flower Festival and DROP PARTY




    Let's add a splash of 'THE' colour to the Runescape world planting flowers throughout the cities and finally making our way to the party room (hop to f2p) for the festivities.


    Meet in the southwest corner of the Grand Exchange

    World 2

    Thursday 16th December

    10 pm GMT ~ 5 pm EST ~ 2 pm PST ~ 6 am AUS WES

    Clan Chat ~ Theclan cc


    Dress to impress with your best outfits.

    We will make our way from the Grand Exchange -> Varrock -> Lumbridge -> Draynor -> Falador -> Drop party room -> Hop to w102. Along the way we will get as many people as we can to join up with us and flower bomb every major city. We will then attempt to share our generosity with the Runescape world and host a drop party.











    Date: December 17th 2010

    Time the fight starts: 4:30 pm EST, 9:30 pm GMT, 1:30 pm PST

    Full out All styles

    World 102


    'THE' + TF EVER cc = theclan cc

    Capes = Orange capes or Team 18


    World = theorangescc

    Cape = Whatever you wish except orange or team 18


    This clan has been around for over a decade now. We have seen highs and lows. Many will say we have died off and loyalists will say we have potential to rise up again due to a strong core foundation. What can be said though is that THE and TF both have influenced many in the clan world. For many reasons people have left whether it was just to try something different out, not agreeing with the direction of the clan, or just leaving runescape altogether. However, on one day we are asking all those who have been a part of THE or TF to join together for one day. A day for memories, a day for putting aside differences, a day to show influence. So for one day we are asking... if you have EVER been a part of TF or THE please come and wage war on the world.


    This fight will be knockout so please show up before the times posted.









    ¤ 'The' Clans 11th Birthday Lootshare Corporeal Beast ¤




    To celebrate our 11th Birthday we're finishing off the weekend in true PVM fashion with a lootshare Corp Beast. To participate in the fun we ask only a couple things. You need to meet our requirements, 105+ combat, and you need to be using super or extreme sets and actively be participating whilst being there to ensure the fairness of all drops. Anyone not participating will simply be removed from the CC. So get out your Zammy spears and stock up on some LSP and lets go bring home a sigil for our birthday present.



    You need to have completed the quests "Spirit Of Summer & Summers End" to go to Corp


    ¤ Where & When ¤


    World & Place

    44 @ Wilderness Volcano Bank


    Clan Chat




    Saturday 18th December 2010


    Mass Time

    7:45 PM (GMT) - 2:45 PM (EST) - 11:45 AM (PST)


    Start Time

    8:00 PM (GMT) - 3:00 PM (EST) - 12:00 PM (PST)











    We hope you all can attend to make this celebration a fun success.

    ~ THE Clan ~

  15. Not give those people the reaction they want.... Act like nothing happened?


    Didnt you make a video towards ph?




    Did I say we're perfect?


    Did you read when I said we've tried crashing and everything else?


    And it wasn't for us. Please stop taking 1 thing out of context, and read the post in its entirety next time you try to call me out for being a hypocrite.



    @Thehitman4nr: I am trying to be like Oatlad.


    There is a difference between admitting something and claiming something you dont even do. I read the post in its entirety and it doesnt make what you said any different. You still claim to just let stuff go when it comes to stuff but your actions show otherwise it seems.


    Calling it for what it is dont blame me for it but your own wording.

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