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That is awsome, i love the squirrel!
















Maybe change the quiver and have it hold nuts, and change the bow into a catapult with nuts being flung in it maybe :lol: , add a bit of humour to it, and in one of the other trees an owl poking its head out watching maybe:p + add grass etc. lol

Hacked, gaining none buy-able skills.

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The squirrel is ok, the fingers and legs look pretty strange though :? I love the fur detail and shading on most of it :) As Lowgravity said, shading might help it, but it also might make it look too clustered :?












-The arrow feathers look too bright, its kinda distracting and doesn't really look like it does in real life.




-The tree looks pretty silly next to the uber-detailed squirrel. :?




-Nice walls. I like the brick manipulation.




-Too busy in the background for my tastes...








I kinda think the background ruins it. Maybe its just me, but the people and trees in the back look really plain. I know its hard to put detail on such small things, but maybe you could have gotten them a little closer.. Right now he looks a really far way away.

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