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Benn- Dragonlord


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Benn- Dragon lord








*Poof* the flames of the dragon burnt out only centimetres from his face, but nonetheless, they had no effect whatsoever. He was filled with excitement as the long Halberd He was wielding finally found a weak spot in the dragonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s blue scales. As He saw the dragon blood oozing down the neck of the gigantic beast, He saw pain in the eyes & as the dragon drew itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s last breath, she saw her baby -who hadnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t even learnt to breath fire- get slaughtered by a blood frenzied Zamorakian. Seeing her only child so mindlessly murdered she was filled with rage (the rage of a dragon is most probably the most terrible thing in the world of Runescape) with the rage that filled her blood, she fought on the wound on her neck magically closing. He knew from the tales IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢d heard in the local Tavern that if a rage filled dragon attacked you, you stood no chance whatsoever, He considered himself lucky that the pillars in front of him where holding the dragon at bay. But as soon as He thought it, He saw a hairline crack in the pillar grow until it was big enough to put his fist in! *Crash* the pillar couldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t stand the strength of a fully-grown Blue dragon in a rage such as this! Now that the dragon could attack me, He was fighting for his life- not for the legendry bones of the dragon, He fiercely parried as the dragon swiped at him with its claw. As it swung for the second time, his halberd was knocked out of his hands onto the dirt near the lava, He knew that one more swing & He was done for. He had no weapon, He was fighting a dragon filled with rage & there was no one else but the Zamorakian in the Cavern!! With all these odds stacked against me, He fought on; the dragon raised its claw & swung it in a horizontal arc, not downwards as they usually do. With all his possible effort, He jumped backwards, but the dragonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s claw struck his rune plated armour & sent him flying across the floor, reached to his chest to see the damage, only to find a slight scratch where the claw had struck. He glanced again- his amulet was gone! his amulet of glory! He saw it lying next to his halberd safely wrapped around it as if it had been put thereÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ suddenly it all made sense! The dragon wanted to kill the Zamorakian! Not him (yet).




He will never forget the look on his face as he saw the dragon thundering towards the Zamorakian, he dropped the red battle-axe he was holding & ran towards the gate, then he turned his head as the dragon unleashed a heat wave that was so powerful, that it melted the dragon helmet & even the chain mail he was wearing. When Benn turned back, He saw a crumpled figure that was burnt to a crisp, with a pile of cyan & red goo right next to himÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ the only thing still visible was the unholy symbol he wore around his neckÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ








He survived that & now am known as ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¹ÃâBenn- Dragon lordÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ and am seen killing everyone who has ever killed a dragon Zamorakians, Saradomists & followers of Guthix alike. The only dragon slayers He let live are the power hungry ones who have killed the immortal Elvarg in an attempt to prove themselves worthy to wear the rune plate armour He is thought not human, as He only ever reveal himself to His closest friends & family. Everyone else thinks IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m a shadow, but they realise He is real enough when they see a Rune clad Warrior riding a especially large blue dragon with a large war Wound on her neckÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ







If you see the blue shadow over the sun beware!




If you slaughter the dragons as if they werenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t there, beware!




If you wish to see the light of day, leave dragons alone & youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ll be ok!




The first verse of Benn-dragon lord a common tale among the Taverns of Runescape

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do u like it??








i mite add more wen i think about it-




the Benn in the story is a character i look up to- Lord benn215








neway... i mite rite more stories about bemm *thinks* hmm..... maybe "the Dragon chronicles"...

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hmm... good story...




Albeit the plot has been used a few times before the story is very descriptive...although there is a small bit of confusion with the friend the story flows very nicely and ultimately ends in a new and original way than many other short storys ive read...




Altogether 9/10








:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Benn- Dragonlord




(unlike the first story, this is written in 1st person, as will all the others from now on...)








The grey earth of the wilderness was being pelted by the torrents of rain, but this didn't stop the power hungry "PKers" slaying the innocent green dragons.




One "PKer" held up his anti-dragonfire shield to deflect the flames coming out of the Green dragon's open mouth and as the dragon reared up to strike again, a long, red blade was thrust up into the Dragon's soft belly.




Deciding it was time for a break, he sat down under a dead tree & ate some cold lobsters he was carrying in his bag. As new energy rushed through his body, He sheathed his sword, drew his battle axe & rose it above his head, shouting as he charged at the nearest dragon...








As i was flying on the back of my Blue dragon, I heard the battle cry of a "PKer" coming from the green dragons. As I swooped down into the clouds towards the sound, I saw a body of a freshly killed Dragon with a sword wound in its soft underbelly. Even though it was a green- not blue- dragon i was filled with a rage as deep as the one that the dragon who had converted me was in.




All i saw was the blood hungry "PKer" & the dragon he was fighting, and as he raised his sword for the final blow, we (My Dragon & I) swooped down & I parried the blow- saving the green dragon. Although the "PKer" was almost as startled as the dragon i saved was, he recovered quickly & turned his attention towards me.




incase you don't know assulting a Warrior Mounted on a dragon is a potential was of commiting suicide- as well as giving up all the items you are currently wearing, But the "PKer" did it anyway. He swung his sword with expertise i'd never seen before & the strength behind his blows were enough to shatter all but the stoutest of shields- he was by far the most worthy opponent i had ever crossed swords with. Nonetheless we kept on fighting and strangely, he parried every blow, sucsessfully shielded himself from the fire my Dragon was breathing in his face & I kept him from hitting me at every blow. It seemed that the combat would never end as we struck & parried in perfect time. Only when i saw the Dragon I saved approaching My opponent from behind, did my hopes rise. The Dragon reared back, inhaled, & let out a superior burst of heat onto the back of my opponent. He kept on fighting me as if nothing had happened! No-one could withstand a burst of dragonfire & continue fighting as if nothing had happened!




I realised that if Dragonfire had no visible effect on my opponent, I couldn't do anything at all! I whispered in My Dragon's ear & we took off, out of reach of the "PKer".




When we where out of reach completely i knew something strange was going on- The "PKer" shrugged off the cloak that covered the red trimmed rune plate he wore underneath & leapt into the air right next to us and stsyed there, suspended in thin air. Before i knew it, our battle was over Camelot, then miles above the Karamja volcano, in amongst the gnomes on thier battlefield, swirling around the great tree, at the base of the lighthouse, above the rooftops of varrock, then to the final sea at the edge of the wilderness. I was Begining to get tired & starting to make mistakes, as i was nearing the end of my energy, a white light appeared & a figure wearing white plated rune stepped inbetween us & took ofer the fight.




the two unknown warriors spun effortlessly around each other, striking and parrying as fast as the eye could follow, apparently niether of them fatiguing at all.




the battle went all around the runescape world & even to place that hadn't been explored by the runescape public. I saw a galexy inside a small room, a village occupied by small, talking rocks, a deep sea civilization & much more.




When they returned to the final sea, I saw a third figure step in from apperently empty space, he was clothed in green plated rune & halted the fight by pointing at the two ferociously battling people, when the green plated rune figure pointed at the battle, the figures stopped completly & the armour all three of them were wearing started to glow the colour of the trim.




Then I realized why i couldn't harm the "PKer" he was a god! I had been fighting the not-so-ledgendary Zamorak! as i was recovering from the shock, Saradomin (wearing the White plated rune) spoke "Young adventurer, you are lucky that I stepped in to stop Zamorak from destroying you," I was shocked dumb, but before i got my tongue back, Guthix (wearing green plated rune) said "I thought you said you would not enter this world physically! you upset the balance! Zamorak, you killed a dragon! that dragon could have been the only one that was wise enough to tame! Saradomin, you saved a life, i know it is your nature, but nonetheless you said you would not enter!"




I finally found my voice and spoke to Saradomin "I have made a pact- I will slay anyone or thing that ever has hurt a dragon, minus the immortal elvarg, if i don't kill Zamorak i will have broken that pact. I kno it is impossible to kill a god, but can you, or you guthix, make him physical, so i can at least kill him in this world?? this pact is the most important thing of my life so i beg you!"




It was Saradomin who answered "I can make Zamorak Mortal, but he CAN never step inside this world again if you kill him- that "might upset the balance" so you have to ask Guthix permission..."




Guthix answered "since it was Zamorak who entered this world, he broke the pact & has already upset the balance, so killing him wouldn't upset it more, so Sardomin, yes you can make him Mortal"




Zamorak cut in "even if i am mortal, you still wouldnt have the power to kill me! Go ahead brother, make me mortal!"




Saradomin answered with a strange mumble of ridiculus words, and when he finished, the glow around zamorak faded & he became mortal.




Again we were locked in mortal combat, but this time, the green dragon's dragonfire had the desired effect on the almighty Zamorak...








after that day, i was never the same (who would be- meeting the gods and all...) now whenever i see "PKers" in the wilderness near the green dragons a certain green dragon takes care of them...with a little help of course....

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